Women wtf do you want?

lol why didnt anyone ever tell me?

It's something all men find out between the age of 15-25..... :lol:

When you stop caring, and start being kind of mean... and they LOVE it and your like... "hey, wait a minute!"


Okay here it is. I been trying to get with this girl for months now being all nice and shit. And I get no response from here not even tryin to hangout.

But when i give up and start being a dick to her, she is interested all of a sudden?

Whats the deal with being a straight dick and acting like I could do w/o her, she wants it now?

Confidence and being a douchebag are the same thing?lol

I've always been the nice guy, but that shit gets u no where.
Dude if yur wearin that mask on dates then this could be yur prob lol the train robber look is out


Thats fucked up....i been thru a few girls in the last 2 years and sofar no go. One day some girl will jus come along.
all women are different, i think the best thing you can do is not give a fuck. bitches love it when your not givin a fuck. alcohol works well for this,
what do women want?

well, the same thing men want....to procreate. yes, women want sex. but her time is more valuable than a man's, on a reproductive level. A man can ejaculate hundreds of thousands of sperm a day...for a woman, however, your one-night stand is a 9-month pregnancy followed by huge responsibility. this is why women are 20x more selective than a male....her instincts guide her toward the alpha male. what makes a male alpha? well i'm glad you asked....

an "alpha male" exhibits 2 very important characteristics: STATURE and STATUS
1. strong social value (influence/charisma) women are very aware of social "hierarchy" ...if you don't portray dominance & demand respect among your peers (men) she's first to acknowledge that you're not at the top of the social ladder. also....an important man with strong social value stays busy. he's not at home burning a J on the couch jerkin off. his time, therefore, is valuable....more so than hers. don't spend too much time pursuing her. Also- your stature and how you carry yourself can either portray status or weak nerdy loser. a girl once told me that my walk is what turned her on to me
2. masculine characteristics that symbolize strength, reproductive capability (presence of SEX hormones)

there you have it
i don't think it is so much that women are attracted to men that treat them like shit, i think it has more to do with confidence.

but you can't make anything a blanket statement. some of us, man or woman, can make self-destructive decisions.
Okay here it is. I been trying to get with this girl for months now being all nice and shit. And I get no response from here not even tryin to hangout.

But when i give up and start being a dick to her, she is interested all of a sudden?

Whats the deal with being a straight dick and acting like I could do w/o her, she wants it now?

Confidence and being a douchebag are the same thing?lol

I've always been the nice guy, but that shit gets u no where.
sounds like you just entered the friend zone! you will either never get with her, or end up married to her, one or the other
I've never liked a man who treated me like shit. i've also never been into games. I've had some guys that just annoyed me that i deleted their numbers and never spoke to again in my life, i've done this with some women too. if you're an asshole or i get sick of your shit, GOODBYE! I never look back and regret it either, lke oooh, i shouldn't have cut off that guy, who are you again? I don't need to play games with people, life is too short. you want to play games, how about i delete your number and never speak to you again??? how's that for playing the game...

get some balls, say what you want and if you're not on the same page, take off and forget she exists. too many fish in the sea to waste time wrapped up in one confused person.

all that alpha male shit is a LOAD of the most rotten shit i've ever heard LOL. I laugh when men go around preaching that shit. keep believing that, you won't get any pussy at all. EVER.
you wanna know what's funny?

i just saw the current boyfriend (thanks, facebook!) of a girl i pined after for years back when i was 17/18.

he quit his day job of scrubbing shit and cleaning carpets to dedicate himself to being the full time lead singer of his band, which he calls "the best in arizona". yeah buddy, your band will certainly hit it big!

he also misspelled the name of his business on his work truck (it is property, not properety. might want to check that before crudely spray painting it on the side of your 1994 nissan pickup).

the father of her child (which she conceived shortly after i stopped pining after her) is nowhere to be found after the divorce.

now, my wife can enumerate my various shortcomings, but they would be no match for this d-bag.

some women just like to make self-destructive decisions. men too.

i look back with zero regrets and a lot of thankfulness that i gave up the chase when i did.

plus, my wife has MUCH nicer titties, as she actually has titties. or, as you may call them, 'the squish'. i love that.
This is the best movie scene ever (well the real one from that movie, shit sorry i've been drinking again lol) but i can only wish to find a man gutsy enough to bend me over in public and make me scream his name *panties getting damp*

wow, you freak!

i mean that in the most admirable way possible.
This is the best movie scene ever (well the real one from that movie, shit sorry i've been drinking again lol) but i can only wish to find a man gutsy enough to bend me over in public and make me scream his name *panties getting damp*
Haha public sex is great! French women are greater tho LOL