Wonder Woman and PPP Grow


Active Member
Day 27 of Flowering: things are still looking real good I feed them yesterday with 1050ppms. 550ppms AN connisoiur, 400ppms of AN big Bud, 50ppms of superthrive,Carboload,Hydrozym and 50ppms in the water.

Im pleased with all the plants there starting to thickin up fairly well.:leaf:

the 4th pic is of the plant i fimmed.



Active Member
Im a Happy man today i just receved 6 clones of the best smoke that i have ever had the fortune to smoke.

These thing already stink so nice and there freshly rooted clones!!!:hump:

I got 2 different pheno of the same breed, There called Killerskunk from Underground Originals in the UK, these guys did it right.
The last pic is a personal Killerskunk grow.(not my Pic)

Here is a run down on the Genetics.

Type: Sativa/Indica Hybrid
Parentage: Blues x SmellyBerry(BluesxBlueberry)
Harvest Indoors: 7 – 9 weeks after starting 12/12 light-cycle
Harvest Outdoors: End of September – beginning/mid October
Cerebral Hit: Joyful, an uplifting mood enhancer; also gives good audio visual enhancements. “Killer Skunk” is sociable too, good for parties or more intimate occasions. Yet, for those who prefer it, the hit can be spiritual and illuminating, inviting meditation and contemplation.
Physical Hit: A feeling of bodily lightness, leaving the user comfortable with muscular relaxation and ease predominates.
Medicinal Value: “Killer Skunk” may well prove to be a possible medicinal keeper for someone with pain/spasm problems, or spasticity. The strong yet comfortable cerebral impact may help anyone with depressive illness. The mood is lifted considerably, yet without any accompanying paranoia or racey “edge”.
Smell: Dense, strong and sweet. Hashy, with some pine and lemon hints but essentially the smell is of highest grade Cannabis. Very aromatic, Carbon filters essential!
Taste: Sublime, more-ish. Sweet, hashy and delicious!
Yield Indoors: Depending on grow skills and environment, a big yield is hard to avoid. A gram per watt of light is not so hard with Killer Skunk.
Yield outdoors: Dependant on climate and seasonal variations; but expect higher than average yields.

A growers critique..
Tired of the usual suspects in your grow-room? Looking for something fresh and new, or maybe in need of a move away from the tired old Indica couch-locks so prevalent in the European Seedbanks? Then it’s time to move on and discover the hottest little seedbank this side of Andromeda! And in particular, to enjoy the sensual loveliness that is their first release. “Killer Skunk” comes from the hands of “Underground Originals”, a seedbank that will become a household name amongst UK Cannabis growers soon enough.

For many, “The Blues” is a strain of legend, and rightly so. A survivor from the Eighties this plant has enraptured growers all over the country. Same goes for “Blueberry”, but not the current Euro-Blueberry – rather think of DJ Short’s old original, gifted to an acclaimed grower and held in skillful hands for decades. Now combine the two, and what do you get?

“Killer Skunk” - a plant that revels in its extreme hybrid vigour. Hybrid vigour that is evident from germination onwards. Far from being a hard to grow curiosity suited only to the experienced green-thumb, “Killer Skunk” all but grows itself. Nor does it require extreme flowering times to produce an uplifting and energetic high, instead it does so in 56 – 63 12 hour days. And far from sacrificing yield on the altar of potency, Killer Skunk graces the harvest chamber with serous yields of dense, crystal laden buds that fill to atmosphere with an aromatic delight.

In an age when Cannabis seed has become largely dominated by endless re-hacks of various old couch-locks, “Killer Skunk” stands up and shouts. Underground Originals have done well to make this their first release, it will no doubt give them many regular and loyal customers. They have set the bar high – it will be interesting to see how they go on from here. When you start with a sensation, where do you go next?



Well-Known Member
Oh man, nothing like fresh clones, feel like sharing, jk! That middle cola looks intimidating! I'm happy for ya man! good luck with this, how exciting!


Active Member
Oh man, nothing like fresh clones, feel like sharing, jk! That middle cola looks intimidating! I'm happy for ya man! good luck with this, how exciting!

If i could share them with ya i would bro.
Ya, the colas are starting to look yummy! Pretty good trich density on the PPP's.:weed:


Well-Known Member
is superthirve chill for flower, i heard it's no good? appreciate your input, obviously it works for you. Do you also add it in your veg nutes, Foliar feed?


Active Member
is superthirve chill for flower, i heard it's no good? appreciate your input, obviously it works for you. Do you also add it in your veg nutes, Foliar feed?
I cant imagin why you shouldnt use it in flower, i use it almost every time i feed and water. i havent seen any draw backs to using it in flower.Maybe it causes some nute lock out or maybe it has to do with the taste of the buds at cropping time. But that is why we flush for so long,hmmm.

Also i dont just put a drop of this stuff per gallon, i use 1/4 tsp for every gallon lol!
yes i use in veg also. but not in foliar feed. im going to use liquified seaweed on this next batch for foliar feed,probaly 300ppms of it. my friend has had great sucsess with it.

If you find out anymore info i why it shouldnt be used in flower let me know. I would be interested to here why.:bigjoint:
till next time bro!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah it has a vitamin, b or c, that does something to it. Ill hit up my buddy so we could do a little research! how do people pour perfect tsp doses! i pour and it goes everywhere, the dropper takes forever. Maybe get a bigger dropper!


Active Member
yeah it has a vitamin, b or c, that does something to it. Ill hit up my buddy so we could do a little research! how do people pour perfect tsp doses! i pour and it goes everywhere, the dropper takes forever. Maybe get a bigger dropper!

Yep vitamin B is the main ingrediant, i use a children medicine dose cup to measure my nutes works damn good!


Well-Known Member
ha, that's what im talking about. i knew you'd have a sick method! stealing it by the way! yeah the b vitamin stunts it or something, but it seems like it's working for you, pretty sure it says on the bottle it's good anytime. Let you know when my buddy gets back to me!


Active Member
Day 31: things are still looking good.not much to report just watching them put on weight. Trimed the fans off the colas today.:hump:


Well-Known Member
looking great, nugs fatting up nicely! and a new batch of babies to keep the growing going! really nice man!


Active Member
Day34: All the buds are really starting to dense up, expecially on the wonder woman. The PPP's are ultra sensitve to nute burn on there leaves at this point i dont care, Im going to still keep giving them the same doses for another week or so. then ill start my rippening formula. But all in all im pleased with this crop. First 2 pics are the Wonder Woman.:weed:

