Wonder Woman from seed


Well-Known Member
I've heard wonderful things from people all over forums about this strain.... A buddy of mine also grew it and it tasted wonderful! Awesome yield potential! :weed:


Well-Known Member
yeah.. not a whole lot around the internet about wonder women.. ive tried to find other threads on wonder women grows and haven't found a whole lot... ill be sure to keep this updated.. its yield potential is why i chose it... since im pretty much doing a micro grow.. i might build another "ghetto" box and try and take a few clones.. haven't decided yet.. so keep checking back ill update with pics soon.. just waiting for more growth.. the taller one is really taking off.. nice little bud spot on top and the other nodes down the stem are starting to get hairy =)... its grows pretty fast.. when i woke up this morning the thing grew like an inch over night.. cause one of the top fan leaves grew up into one of the cfls and burnt itself a little.. the other plants a little slower growing.. im gunna try and figure out whats wrong with it over this weekend


Well-Known Member
You got some nice looking ladies growing, fuck that ghetto shit, thats ingenuity right there my friends. I'm subscribed, your about a week ahead of mine and your right you cant find anything on growing wonder woman, it sucks. Cant wait till shes done tho heard nothing but good thing about the smoke, the yield, etc.:weed:


Well-Known Member
ive added epsom salt into my water cycle and it really helped my weaker plant get its green color back and has taken off in growth... for me it always seems the weakest plant in the bunch comes back to be the strongest.. ill post pics tomorrow when i take em out to water... wait til you see the new growth on her.


Well-Known Member
here we go.. the one in the first pics is on 2 weeks of flowering.. the other one is just getting healthy again so shes a little behind at a week and a half flowering... look at how bushy she got tho.. the other one is no where near as bushy... my camera sucks so the pics arent that good but check out all the new growth at the bottom of the stem.. they also were thirsty in these pics as you can probably see.. still battling heat problem.. they are growing so fast that they grow to close to the lights so theres a little heat burn here and there..



Well-Known Member
Looks good, I know once mine hit that 12/12 cycle she just explode with growth. Mine has some of the biggest, fattest leafs I've ever seen. I'm going to some pics of mine in a day or two.


Active Member

This is a pic of one of my wonder woman at 32days old

This is the same plant a week before. It had a week in a bigger pot and exploded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!000


Well-Known Member
How about a friendly comp. between the 3 of us, most bud yielded wins?

Sylvania12 and I are pretty much at the same flowering point, 2 weeks in.

So what do ya say?


Active Member
well gents im putting mine on to flower in 24hrs so im willing to throw my hat in if your all willing to wait the 2 weeks extra!000


Active Member
just out of interest how many of your pretty ladies do you have there? wot method are you using? 000


Well-Known Member
I have 1 Wonder Woman & 1 PPP. I'm using the LST method, I topped them in week 3 of veg, & topped them again after the 1st week of flower. Total veg time was 5 weeks. Also cut away the under growth, it uses to much of the plants energy. I want her to focus on the colas not popcorn buds.

O btw, that pic is just the Wonder Woman, my PPP is to the left out of the shot.


Well-Known Member
dont worry about it.. im in although i will lose cause im doing a mini grow.. vegged only 2 and half weeks and never translated from 2 liter bottle pots that i made.. but we'll see how it goes.. feel free to keep chatting on here about the wonder women, i dont mind.. im posting pics tomorrow wait until you see the plant that was sick.. shes amazing, just wont stop growing! she way over my predicted height..


Well-Known Member
my internet was out for a few days thats why it took me a bit to reaspond.. anything wonder women is welcome on this thread.

im excited to show guys my new pics tomorrow.. i have one thats nearly 3 weeks in and one thats 2 weeks in.. the 3 week one has pretty much stopped growing and is focusing its energy on the bud sites which are looking nice.. leaves are getting crystaly and everything... the other one was sick as we went into flowering and i got her healthy like a week in and has just grown like crazy but really not much bud formation.. im not really worried about her just wondering when its gunna decided to start forming those buds up.. shes got pistils from top to bottom just no formation.. but shes beautiful.. i cant believe how big it is growing in such a small pot.. almost having to water her every day and the other one every other day.. so anyways.. check it out tomorrow guys!