wonderin about a "good" way to dry my buds


nothing wrong with being poor,weed can fix that.
u have to put out moneys for lights and nut .
the rest can be diy with secound hand materials.just be sure to wash everything with
a weak bleach mix.


I have herd that you can hang for three days then place equal parts dry ice and mj in a Tupperware container mj on top with a cloth to separate. Poke a couple of holes in the container and place it in the freezer. Check every 12 to 24 hours until dry ice is gone mj should be dry or close I would still cure for a day to even out moisture. I am going to try this my self so if you try let me know. I also here that it increases potency and preserves the buds well.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
as far as cutting the leaves off or not, some people do and some dont. i prefer to take all fan leaves off, and trim all around the buds at harvest time. its just easier to do it when you chop instead of trying to do it when its dry.

if you cant get any good jars this year, just use anything you have around the house that is air tight. i have heard a lot of people say to use glass and not plastic containers, so i have always used glass. just make sure to dry, cure and store your product in a cool, dry, dark place.

the jars i have came from the christmastree shop for like 3 bucks a piece and i have 3 different sizes. when the jars are about 3/4 full, the smallest holds about an oz., the next about 1-1/2 oz. and the next about 2 oz or a little more.


Well-Known Member
Any container works it is just the fact that plastic is never really air tight micro holes go through it all.

My first season I dried by hanging, then I put it in brown bags for a few days, then I put it into plastic ziplocks and it cured fine. Glass is just a great reusable retainer that can take being cleaned and sterilized between uses.


Active Member
seems like everyone has there own way but its more or less the same process. drying and curing are different. trim your extra leaf off and hang to dry. keep out of direct light and make sure the air is circulating. air circulation is the most critical part cause if its not good enough your buds may mold. keep it at room temp and if you can dont let the humidity get too high. when the outsides are crispy and the stems break but are still slightly moist, they should be ready to smoke but not so fast, you want to cure them to get even better more flavorful smoke right? fill glass jars about 90% full and store out of direct light. i just throw mine in a box in a closet. 1-2 times a day open the jars to get new air inside. after 2-4 weeks you will have better smoke. what happens is the moisture still inside the buds slowly comes to the outside then dries out. also there is bacteria(good bacteria) that eats away at your buds, not the thc but at the other chemicals in your buds that you dont want. also when you first cut your plants down and cut the side leaf off and such, wear powder free gloves. anytime you go and do anything other than trimming buds, takes your gloves off then put on a new pair after. keep all gloves in a baggie and put in your freezer. after a while all the crystals on the gloves should harden and peel off. this is very potent, smoke it or put on top of your buds. remember, get powder free gloves, you dont want that shit in your crystals.
also remember do all of this in the dark, that is very important, lite distroys thc crystals, take a box and hang some string in it then hang the buds on there for the drying process, also have a large hole in each side for circulation, then definently cure it.... remberer dark, and like skiweeds says airculation is important.


ok I'll try I got a few jars at walmart today. do you leave the jars open for awhile or just open them up and close them after a minute or so?


Well-Known Member
Depends how long you wanna store for.

I left my buds that were only cured for like 2 weeks completely unattended for 3 and a half months cuz I was out of the country. I left them in their mason jars under my bed the whole time.

When I got back, they were danker than I can remember! as long as they're in a cool dark place in air-tight containers they can last for quite some time.


Fill glass jars about 3/4 with bud.

Open jars daily, dump out nugs, re-jar.

After 2-4 weeks your bud will smell and taste WAY better.

No self respecting dispensary would sell un-cured nugs.
Handling buds daily is just a good way to rupture the tricombs, or just have them break at the stem and fall off. When it comes to drying, curing or storing one should always handle the buds as little as possible. Though it is important to check daily for mold during the curing process. I'd recommend emptying the jar once a week, as gently as possible, then leaving them out for a few minutes to breath, after that you should put the buds back in and resume curing for as long as you like.

I've also known people who flavor their buds during the curing process, with varying degrees of success. Just adding a small piece of dried fruit to the jar can have a nice effect on the flavor. I personally don't do it, but the option is always there if you're up for experimenting with curing.