wondering how to use neem oil on my girl?

orded neem oil for my girl and it just arrived, so im wondering how to use it, i had a tear and 2 tiny holes on my leaves, so i want to treat her now before it does get worse. any advice/words of wisdom would be great. cheers :weed:


Well-Known Member
Mix it up and spray it on...I use it though out my grow cycle every week to ten days...also, make sure you spray the under side of the leaves for most effectiveness...it's a natural tool


Well-Known Member
Follow the directions on the label, different rates of application foliar vs. soil drench.


Well-Known Member
Mix 1/2 – 2 tsp. per quart of warm water with a couple drops of mild dishwashing soap (used as a surfactant) and apply as a foliar spray.