Wont be here for harvest, what if I cut it early?


New Member
I'm probably goin out the country in the final weeks of my plant, and I wonder if I see some bud can I just cut it off early or is that bad? I have no idea cause I've never grown before, im a first time grower.:leaf:


New Member
It's not ready yet, but im talkin about if I do leave and cut down the buds 2-3 weeks early will it kill potency? It's still in vegetation stage for now.

el tio

Active Member
o0o then sure if is an emergency u have to leave u could cut the whole plant cut them fan leaves trim some of the exes leaves and leave it drying in the dark and well ventilated place for 4 -7 days..


New Member
Thanks, but some people have told me that if I cut it down early then the weed would be crappy? Is this true.

el tio

Active Member
it depend if is very early yes.. if is only a week or something well i mean just a week could give it more strenght..but if it haves more than 70% brown hairs its not ready but its smokeable..but remember the drying ts very important to


New Member
Ok thanks man, i'm planning on drying it out for like 2 months cause im not gonna be here for a while so that might make up for a little time.


Active Member
but if your going to be gone for a couple months or something you dont want to let them go too long either. im not sure what the best advise is for this, but if your still in veg maybe you should start flowering earlier than you planed so they will be done sooner.

el tio

Active Member
2 month for drying...???????? what u have like a pine of weed or something cristmas tree!.. lol.. how long are u going to be out...???


New Member
Im gonna be gone for 3 months, to half a year ):
And I was planning on leaving the buds out to dry before I left but I have no clue cause this is my first grow.


i use a misting system from home depot 49.00USD and a .99USD timer from radio shark and it works great in my green house.


maybe you should leave her in veg. 20 hours or so with some kind of drip system or mister. let her get huge man.


New Member
I'll try to do my best at everything but I might have to cut down veg. time and start flowering a bit early ):