People really need to stop being so sensitive and actually understand breeding. And realize that marijuana breeding is the most unregulated market there is and have sold people into some gimmick. The more people that understand this and start “breeding” actually strains. A “strain” or “breed” is something that has homogeneous offspring. Crossing 2 strains or breeds is considered a hybrid, mut, cross.... whatever you call it. The offspring will have mixed traits, differing characteristics, “pheno types” generally known as F1 genetics. At which point selective breeding must be done to stabilize one of these hybrids (which is done very lazily in marijuana breeding as a common practice via clones and feminizing seeds and parental inbreeding) so that it’s offspring actually become homogeneous and uniform. I always use 3 generation rule of thumb. After 3 generations of homogeneous offspring then the genes are stable and could be considered a breed or strain. That’s breeding and genetics take it or leave it. And in that respect $100 for F1 genetics is a complete rip off. That’s like paying $2000 dollars for a puppy that’s a mutt lol. You guys can keep your wookie piss, snow wookie, wookie lotus, blue wookie lotus #9, purple lotus wookie piss. On top of the fact whatever genetics these came from that actually shine, are drowned out in a plethora of idiotic names that shit all over the heritage of the actual genetics. Enjoy your over priced unstable F1 hybrids. Just a grow tip.... Bodhi does all his stuff organic.... or at least is suppose to. So if your getting “herms” and running chemical nutes try to switch over to organic. A lot of his strains could be sensitive to chemical nutes being that they are all grown and breed in organic environments. Simple breeding observation

lol This ain’t no bash on Bohdi specifically.... like I said from the start. Good genetics.... just not stabilized like the majority of said “breeders” And that’s not for me. From a breeding standpoint people need to understand F1s are not STRAINS or legitimate BREEDS and they absolutely flood the market. Takes a lot of work and time to actually stabilize a hybrid of any plant or animal form.