bud bootlegger
i dig those speed changers though..Relax Dirty Harry!
i dig those speed changers though..Relax Dirty Harry!
wtf?? you have a pet rattlesnake robert?? god damn, lol..those things are immune to rattlesnake venom , i put one in a cage with mine and had to let it go the snake couldn't kill it
pics or gtfowtf?? you have a pet rattlesnake robert?? god damn, lol..
Not speed changers - individual line-bored cylinders for .22LR and .22WMR. A small job calls for a right-sized tool. cni dig those speed changers though..
not a pet , just a dangerous reptile i took care of for a couple yearspics or gtfo
And rabies, also a doritos locos taco supremeyea, we call those possums. those fuckers can be mean as hell. they have sharp teeth and claws.