Thanks Mustang. These are fines which are small pieces of wood that are left over after the chipping process of the larger logs. There are no pine needles in this stuff, just straight fines. Some pieces are a bit bigger but I can pick those out if I had to.
any and all wood products that aren't composted will sequester nitrogen as they breakdown, then they also produce a lil heat as well.
You want to compost those in your pile first, and if I may make a suggestion, "charge" them with urine or a nitrogen heavy tea.
that will accelerate the process, and NO it won't smell.
just piss in a bucket, add 3 to 4 gallons on top, then soak the wood in that overnight
OR when you assemble your compost pile, layer a nitrogen heavy amendment right on top of the wood.
wet alfalfa, grass clippings, guanos, fish meal, all that will work