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[FONT=&quot]Etiology and epidemiology of Pythium root rot in hydroponic crops: current knowledge and perspectives[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]John Clifford SuttonI, [/FONT][FONT=&quot]*[/FONT][FONT=&quot]; Coralie Rachelle SopherI; Tony Nathaniel Owen-GoingI; Weizhong LiuI; Bernard GrodzinskiI; John Christopher HallI; Ruth Linda BenchimolII[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Department of Environmental Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, N1G 2W1
IIEmbrapa Amazônia Oriental, Caixa Postal 48, 66017-970, Belém, PA, Brasil[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The etiology and epidemiology of Pythium root rot in hydroponically-grown crops are reviewed with emphasis on knowledge and concepts considered important for managing the disease in commercial greenhouses. Pythium root rot continually threatens the productivity of numerous kinds of crops in hydroponic systems around the world including cucumber, tomato, sweet pepper, spinach, lettuce, nasturtium, arugula, rose, and chrysanthemum. Principal causal agents include Pythium aphanidermatum, Pythium dissotocum, members of Pythium group F, and Pythium ultimum var. ultimum. Perspectives are given of sources of initial inoculum of Pythium spp. in hydroponic systems, of infection and colonization of roots by the pathogens, symptom development and inoculum production in host roots, and inoculum dispersal in nutrient solutions. Recent findings that a specific elicitor produced by P. aphanidermatum may trigger necrosis (browning) of the roots and the transition from biotrophic to necrotrophic infection are considered. Effects on root rot epidemics of host factors (disease susceptibility, phenological growth stage, root exudates and phenolic substances), the root environment (rooting media, concentrations of dissolved oxygen and phenolic substances in the nutrient solution, microbial communities and temperature) and human interferences (cropping practices and control measures) are reviewed. Recent findings on predisposition of roots to Pythium attack by environmental stress factors are highlighted. The commonly minor impact on epidemics of measures to disinfest nutrient solution as it recirculates outside the crop is contrasted with the impact of treatments that suppress Pythium in the roots and root zone of the crop. New discoveries that infection of roots by P. aphanidermatum markedly slows the increase in leaf area and whole-plant carbon gain without significant effect on the efficiency of photosynthesis per unit area of leaf are noted. The platform of knowledge and understanding of the etiology and epidemiology of root rot, and its effects on the physiology of the whole plant, are discussed in relation to new research directions and development of better practices to manage the disease in hydroponic crops. Focus is on methods and technologies for tracking Pythium and root rot, and on developing, integrating, and optimizing treatments to suppress the pathogen in the root zone and progress of root rot.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Pythium root rot is ubiquitous and frequently destructive in almost all kinds of plants produced in hydroponic systems, including cucumber, tomato, sweet pepper, spinach, lettuce, arugula, and roses. In Canada, root rot epidemics continually threaten the productivity of greenhouse vegetables and flowers such as chrysanthemums in hydroponic troughs on mobile benches which, compared to ground beds, would have allowed substantial increases in production efficiencies. Pythium root rot is also considered a potential threat to plant biomass production in manned space vehicles and at extraterrestrial installations in projected space missions (41, 70, 92). Indeed Pythium has already been encountered on plant materials in space vehicles operated in earth orbit. In greenhouse and growth room studies, Pythium root rot became severe in hydroponic tobacco, Arabidopsis and antirrhinum, which are key plants employed for genetic, molecular and physiological studies (N. Ortiz, W. Liu, & J.C. Sutton, 2003 unpublished observations). Thus, the problem of Pythium root rot needs to be resolved in diverse commercial and research situations. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Management of Pythium root rot in the production of hydroponic crops is generally a difficult challenge. Extraordinary sanitation measures do not necessarily exclude or destroy the causal pathogens, and once initiated, epidemics are difficult to contain. Recent advances in knowledge and understanding of the etiology and epidemiology of root rot, and in methods and approaches to control the disease, are providing a framework for major improvements in root rot management and in the overall health and productivity of hydroponic crops. This review considers recent findings in small-scale and commercial hydroponic systems in relation to methods and technologies to optimize root rot management.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Hydroponic systems and the root environment[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]In cool temperate climates such as in southern Canada, hydroponic crops normally are grown in greenhouses with sophisticated systems for controlling conditions of the microclimate (temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, light) and nutrient solution composition (pH, and dissolved oxygen concentration). On the other hand, in warm or tropical climates such as in São Paulo and Belém, Brazil, hydroponic crops are grown without sophisticated climate control, but with at least partial protection against harsh weather conditions, and with standardized nutrient solution. In such climates, hydroponic crops generally are produced in greenhouses constructed with wooden or concrete frames and covered on top with clear plastic film to exclude rain, and, in some instances, with screening against intense sunlight. Wooden lattice or plastic film may be used on one or more sides for protection against wind and rain. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Roots of hydroponic plants either grow in the nutrient solution only, or in rockwool (stone wool), coconut fiber, sawdust, sand or other medium that is irrigated with nutrient solution. No soil is employed. Some crops, especially flowers and other ornamentals, are grown in single- or multi-plant containers with a rooting medium that is irrigated via tubing from above or by means of a trough below the container. Hydroponic vegetables often are grown in slabs or blocks of rockwool, coconut fiber or other medium enclosed in plastic film and fed with nutrient solution via plastic capillary tubes ([/FONT][FONT=&quot]Fig. 1[/FONT][FONT=&quot]). Others are grown in troughs formed from black-on-white plastic on the greenhouse floor, or in troughs of rigid plastic positioned at ground level or on benches. Nutrient solution is circulated through the troughs, which may or may not contain a rooting medium. Troughs usually are arranged in parallel and interconnected into large systems that accommodate thousands or tens of thousands of plants ([/FONT][FONT=&quot]Fig. 2[/FONT][FONT=&quot]). Lettuce, arugula (Eruca sativa Mill. or Eruca versicaria subsp. sativa Shallot), Nasturtium officinalis R.BR., and other small-sized plants are sometimes grown on gently sloping sheets of corrugated plastic or other material, and nutrient solution is allowed to flow down channels in the sheets and through the root zone of the plants. Nutrient solution in the various systems is either circulated once or is continuously recirculated. In Canada, the hydroponics crops industry is in transition from continuous or frequent discharge of used nutrient solutions into the environment to continuous recirculation through root zones of crops. Hydroponic systems are being adapted for continuous recirculation over concerns about pollution of water resources with greenhouse effluents and to conform with new environmental legislation. [/FONT]



[FONT=&quot]Causal agents of pythium root rot[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The main species of Pythium reported to cause root rot in hydroponic crops are P. aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitzp., P. dissotocum Drechsler, P. ultimum Trow var. ultimum, and members of Pythium group F (4, 14, 23, 28, 39, 61, 68, 73, 82, 86, 106). Pythium aphanidermatum, P. dissotocum, and Pythium F produce abundant zoospores, while P. ultimum var. ultimum produces zoospores only rarely. Zoospores are produced asexually in sporangia and associated vesicles. The sporangia of P. aphanidermatum are filamentous and lobed (or inflated), while those of P. dissotocum are filamentous, dendroidly branched and not inflated or slightly inflated (112). Pythium group F is characterized by filamentous non-inflated sporangia (82, 100). Each of the species is able to produce oospores (thick-walled sexual spores) in infected roots and in the rhizosphere. These Pythium spp. each attack a wide range of host plants. A few other species, such as P. intermedium and P. irregulare (82, 101), have also been reported in hydroponically-grown plants. The genus Pythium belongs in the family Pythiaceae of the class Oomycetes, members of which were regarded as fungi for over a century and a half. However, Oomycetes are now commonly described as fungal-like and assigned to the Kingdom Straminipila (16).[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Sources of pythium inoculum in hydroponic crops[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The principal species of Pythium that attack hydroponic crops frequently occur in soils and plant residues in greenhouses and outdoors (61, 73, 86). Inoculum of Pythium spp. can be introduced into greenhouses and hydroponic systems in many ways including airborne dust, in soil and plant fragments on greenhouse tools and equipment, on people's footwear, and in water used to prepare nutrient solution (39, 59, 75, 78, 95, 99). Pythium spp. were reported also in peat brought into greenhouses for use in rooting media (23, 87). [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]In Canada, transplants are a common source of Pythium in hydroponic vegetable crops. Some hydroponic vegetable growers produce their own transplants, but a majority obtain them from specialist producers who supply the plants in rockwool cubes. Growers who produce their own transplants often do so on benches in greenhouses that are not otherwise used for crop production. In several instances P. aphanidermatum and P. dissotocum were easily recovered from soil trapped in benches used for growing transplants, and the pathogens were frequent in roots of cucumber, pepper, and tomato transplants (W. Liu & J.C. Sutton, 2000-2003, unpublished). Specialists generally begin production of transplants in rockwool plugs (about 2.5 x 2.5 x 4.0 cm) contained in plastic trays, and subsequently transfer them to rockwool cubes (about 10.0 x 10.0 x 6.5 cm) positioned in rows on laser-levelled concrete floors. Every few hours the floors are flooded with nutrient solution and allowed to drain so as to keep the cubes moistened. In this type of ebb and flood system, the nutrient solution is pumped from tanks below ground level, through pipes beneath the floors, and out onto the floors before draining back into the tanks. Despite extraordinary sanitation measures, some plants produced in these systems were found to be infected with P. aphanidermatum and P. dissotocum (Sutton, J.C. & W. Liu, 2002, unpublished). The presumed inoculum source was the underground plumbing, which possibly harbored oospores and mycelium. In many instances, infected transplants from various production systems were symptomless when ready for shipping to growers. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]It is possible that transplants of hydroponic salad crops such as lettuce, arugula, and Nasturtium officinalis also become infected by Pythium prior to being set out in hydroponic systems. In Pará State, Brazil, transplants are often produced in cells of seedling flats containing various rooting media, and positioned on benches sheltered from rain, wind, and direct sunlight. Some growers utilize styrofoam trays floating on water in tanks. Infection of transplants by Pythium seems possible in these systems, however we are not aware of any reports to confirm or refute this. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Hydroponic materials used previously for crop production may frequently harbor Pythium. Some growers re-use rooting media such as slabs of rockwool or coconut fiber, without sterilization or other measures to destroy pathogens in the media. This practice allows carry-over of inoculum of various pathogens, including Pythium spp., to the subsequent crop. Pipes, tubing, tanks and other plumbing components of hydroponic systems are often potential sources of Pythium in successive crops, even when the systems are treated with disinfectants. In studies in small-scale hydroponic systems, the chemical sterilants Virkon (potassium monopersulfate; Pace Chemicals, Burnaby, Canada) and Chemprocide (didecyldimethyl ammonium chloride; Dispar Inc., Joliette, Canada) were only partially effective in destroying P. aphanidermatum (C.R. Sopher and J.C. Sutton, 2003, unpublished). Sodium hypochlorite was completely effective, but can corrode some components of hydroponic systems. Oospores of Pythium spp. can frequently be found in biofilms, mucilaginous materials and root tissue fragments in hydroponic plumbing (C.R. Sopher and J.C. Sutton, 2003, unpublished) and are undoubtedly a principal form of inoculum. Oospores are also resistant to chemical sterilants. Oospore populations are also known to survive for months or years in field soils (2, 61, 108). [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Insect vectors are considered important means by which Pythium and other pathogens are introduced and dispersed in hydroponic crops. In North America, fungus gnats (Bradysia spp.) and shore flies (Scatella stagnalis Fallen.) were reported to acquire Pythium by external contamination or ingestion (27, 29, 40). Pythium oospores were found in the digestive tracts of larvae and adults of each of these insects. In fungus gnats, oospores acquired during the larval stage remain in the digestive tract during pupation, and can be aerially transmitted generally in a viable state by the adults and eventually excreted in the frass (40). In Canada, fungus gnats are found wherever greenhouse crops are grown, and readily enter greenhouses through doors and ventilators (37). Their larvae feed on fungal mycelia and organic residues in soils, soilless mixes, hydroponic media, and nutrient solutions. The larvae are also known to feed on roots and root hairs of cucumbers and other plants, thereby making wounds through which pathogens may invade. It is likely that similar or different insects are factors in epidemics of root rot in hydroponic crops produced in warm temperate and tropical climates, but we have not encountered any reports on this possibility. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Infection of roots by Pythium[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Pythium aphanidermatum, P. dissotocum[/FONT][FONT=&quot], and Pythium group F infect roots of hydroponic plants by means of zoospores and mycelia (21, 73, 82, 86, 99, 122). The initial (primary) inoculum in root rot epidemics (that is, the inoculum which initiates the epidemics) is chiefly zoospores produced from sporangia formed by germinating oospores, or perhaps by mycelium (31), in plant residues, soil, hydroponic pipes and tubing, and other inoculum sources in the crop environment. Generations of zoospores arising from sporangia formed on infected roots of the hydroponic crop are a principal form of subsequent (or secondary) inoculum in root rot epidemics. Mycelia are the principal units of inoculum of P. ultimum var. ultimum, which produces few or no zoospores and is better adapted to conditions of greenhouse soils and soilless mixes than to systems with circulating nutrient solution (43). The reader is referred to Martin & Loper (61) for details of P. ultimum var. ultimum. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Consistent with general acceptance by plant disease epidemiologists, the term infection is used here to refer to the process of establishment of a parasitic relationship of the pathogen in the host (9). In Pythium zoospores this process includes zoospore encystment at the root surface, synthesis of a thick cell wall, adhesion to the root surface, germination and germ tube growth, penetration of the root surface, and sufficient post-penetration development to allow the newly-formed colony to function independently of the germinated spore (33). Zoospores of P. aphanidermatum and other Pythium spp. were reported to penetrate non-wounded surfaces of all portions of young roots, including root cap cells, root hairs, and regions of meristematic activity, cell elongation, and cell maturation (21, 48, 56, 118). In general, however, root tips, elongation zones, and young root hairs are frequently penetrated. Pythium aphanidermatum and other Pythium spp. have been reported to penetrate roots directly by means of penetration pegs, fine hyphae, and enzymatic action (21, 28). Formal descriptions of P. aphanidermatum and P. dissotocum include appressoria (112), and indeed some authors observed appressoria or appressoria-like structures on roots by means of transmission or scanning electron microscopy (15, 21, 86). In other studies, however, scanning electron microscopy did not reveal appressoria (28) or appressoria were not mentioned (21). Production of appressoria is known to vary with temperature and pH (21), and it is possible that incidence and density of appressoria during epidemics of Pythium root rot in hydroponic crops is highly variable. Besides direct penetration of roots, P. aphanidermatum and other Pythium spp. are able to infect wounded tissues, such as sites of emergence of lateral roots and sites of attack by larvae of fungus gnats. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Findings in several studies indicate that root mucilage on surfaces of roots and in surrounding nutrient solution is an important factor influencing infection of roots by Pythium hyphae, and in promoting Pythium populations in the root zone. Pythium group F, P. ultimum var. ultimum, and other Pythium spp. penetrate roots in zones of increased mucilage production such as junctions of cortical cells, zones of elongation, and at the base of lateral roots and root hairs (43, 67, 86, 118). Cucumber plants often produce abundant root mucilage that accumulates in the nutrient solution. Zheng et al. (122) reported on the role of this mucilage in epidemics of root rot caused by P. aphanidermatum. They found that the pathogen was more frequent in roots with associated mucilage than in those lacking mucilage, and that the amounts of mucilage correlated positively with root browning. These findings, combined with microscopic observations of Pythium hyphae in mucilage and roots, indicated that the mucilage supported prolific growth of P. aphanidermatum and served as a food base from which hyphae of the pathogen were able to invade the roots, including old roots which zoospores normally do not infect. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Colonization and symptom development[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Colonization of plants by P. aphanidermatum and P. dissotocum in hydroponic plants is normally biotrophic in initial stages and subsequently necrotrophic (73). In the biotrophic phase the roots are colonized without development of overt symptoms, a condition sometimes referred to as subclinical (98). In the necrotrophic phase, the roots become discolored, generally as a hue of brown, grey-brown, reddish-brown, yellow-brown, or yellow, depending on the type of host and species or isolate of the pathogen. Pythium group F was found to colonize roots of hydroponic tomato plants without inducing visible symptoms under optimal conditions for plant growth, but some strains caused severe necrosis especially in stressed plants (14, 85, 86). [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Root colonization by P. aphanidermatum, P. dissotocum, and Pythium group F is both intercellular and intracellular (21, 71, 85, 98). Haustoria-like structures were reported in cells of spinach and pepper roots infected by P. dissotocum (71, 98). P. aphanidermatum normally colonizes the cortex of pepper roots (73), while P. dissotocum has been found in the stele of immature root tips of strawberry (69) and tends to colonize epidermal cells of roots (21). Each of these pathogens increased cytoplasmic granulation in cortical tissues of pepper (73). Pythium group F was found to colonize the epidermis and outer cortex of tomato roots, inducing marked disorganization of the host cells in a phase of pathogenesis interpreted as necrotrophy, and to subsequently ingress to the inner cortex and stele, where it induced various kinds of host defense reactions (85). [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The necrotrophic phase of Pythium root rot in hydroponic pepper plants is marked by root tip browning and expansive browning (P. aphanidermatum) or yellowing (P. dissotocum) of the roots (71, 73). All isolates of P. aphanidermatum and P. dissotocum also produced architectural changes in the root systems, chiefly stunting, stubbiness, and root proliferation (73). Some isolates of P. dissotocum produced swelling of roots and proliferation of callus cells. Similar kinds of symptoms were found in hydroponically-grown chrysanthemums (58), lettuce, antirrhinums, (J.C. Sutton, W. Liu, M. Johnstone, and N. Ortiz-Uribe, 2002-2003, unpublished observations). In all hosts, roots were colonized by the Pythium isolates well in advance of expansive root browning or yellowing, such that much more root was colonized than exhibited overt symptoms as illustrated for chrysanthemum ([/FONT][FONT=&quot]Fig. 3[/FONT][FONT=&quot]). Thus, in agreement with comments of Kamoun et al. (52), root necrosis did not represent a hypersensitive reaction or incompatible response in which the host cells are quickly killed and advance of the pathogen is blocked.[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]Root browning is a susceptible necrosis reaction that develops in root tissues after they are infected and colonized by P. aphanidermatum and other Pythium spp. Browning is associated with accumulation of phenolic polymers, which in part may become bound to cell walls of root tissues (20, 72). In recent studies, concentrations of bound phenolics, which include simple as well as polymerized forms, greatly increased in pepper roots inoculated with P. aphanidermatum, but remained low in noninoculated controls (72, 103). Concentrations of free phenolics, however, increased only slightly in inoculated roots and were similar to those in noninoculated roots. While it is possible that synthesis of free phenolics did not increase in inoculated roots, it is more likely that synthesis did increase but that concentrations in the roots remained low because of systemic transport to other parts of the host or release into the nutrient solution, as was found in hydroponic lettuce (11). Most phenolics in higher plants are derived at least in part from phenylalanine, a product of the shikimic acid pathway. Deamination (release of ammonia) from phenylalanine by phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) yields trans-cinnamic acid, derivatives of which are simple phenolic compounds called phenylpropanoids, important building blocks of more complex phenolic compounds (105). Elicitors of P. aphanidermatum and other pathogens are known to increase PAL in cultured plant cells and protoplasts (91). Collectively, the available evidence indicates that P. aphanidermatum and other Pythium spp. markedly activate the shikimic acid and phenylpropanoid pathways, and promote biosynthesis of phenolic compounds in infected roots. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Recent findings point to the exciting possibility that Pythium aphanidermatum triggers necrosis in host roots by means of a specific elicitor. Veit et al. (113) sequenced a secondary metabolite of the pathogen, and determined its ability to induce cell death in carrot, Arabidopsis, and tobacco. The metabolite, called the P. aphanidermatum necrosis-inducing elicitor or PaNie, has a high degree of sequence similarity with necrosis-inducing elicitors of Phytophthora spp. and Fusarium oxysporum (3, 24, 81). Evidence indicates that PaNie induces the phenylpropanoid pathway in the host (91). [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Symptoms on aerial portions of crops affected by Pythium root rot often include stunted shoots, wilted leaves, and smaller, fewer fruits (71, 122). The leaf canopy of sweet pepper, cucumber, and several other hosts normally remains green until root rot is extremely severe such that many roots are brown, decayed and fragmenting. Moreover, in our experience, leaves of pepper plants inoculated with P. aphanidermatum or P. dissotocum within a few days often appear darker green than those of noninoculated control plants. Foliage of commercial crops with severe root rot often appears in good health except that it is typically stunted. Canopy stunting may go unnoticed for a considerable time because all plants in the cohort are similarly affected (71, 98). Pythium root rot stunts shoot growth and reduces flowering and fruiting long before the foliage wilts or becomes chlorotic. Wilting is initially temporary, often in association with high daytime temperatures, but in many instances becomes permanent. Under some conditions, severely-affected peppers and certain other kinds of hydroponic crops are able to regenerate roots sufficiently to sustain green foliage for long periods, but growth and productivity normally are reduced or poor. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Inoculum production[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Pythium aphanidermatum, P. dissotocum[/FONT][FONT=&quot] and Pythium group F produce abundant sporangia, zoospores, and oospores in association with roots of hydroponic crops. Sporangia are generally formed on mycelium at or near the root surface (86). Sporangia of P. aphanidermatum have been encountered also in association with mycelia in cucumber root exudates floating in the plant nutrient solution (122). In field soils, lobate sporangia such as those of P. aphanidermatum may survive only a day or two, and are exogenously dormant on account of microbiostasis (61, 96, 97). The survival of sporangia and their ability to produce zoospores in root zones of hydroponic crops is not well-understood. However, zoospores can be found in nutrient solutions during most phases of root rot epidemics, though are sometimes difficult to detect (53, 66, 71, 100). The majority of zoospores probably arise from sporangia on mycelium while some may form from sporangia formed from germinated oospores (97). As in all Pythium spp., the zoospores are not formed in the sporangium itself but in a vesicle outside it (112). [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Oospores of P. aphanidermatum, P. dissotocum, and Pythium group F form in infected roots, especially in cortical tissues, and can be found on mycelia in nutrient solution surrounding the roots and rooting media, such as among slivers of rockwool. In investigations of hydroponic peppers inoculated with P. aphanidermatum or P. dissotocum, oospores were less numerous in discoloured (brown) portions of roots than in portions that were not discoloured (73). Density of oospores in the roots varied markedly with pathogen isolate. Oospores are the principal survival structures of Pythium spp. (61), but quantitative aspects of oospore survival in hydroponic systems remain to be explored. Based on observations of P. aphanidermatum and other Pythium species in soils and host residues (61), oospores may survive for at least several months in fragments of dead roots or in a free state in troughs, used rooting media, and plumbing components of hydroponic systems. Oospores exhibit constitutive dormancy, so that some of them do not germinate even under conditions conducive to the germination of mature oospores (61). Temperature, pH, age, and other variables influence the conversion of dormant to germinable oospores (1). Germination frequency of P. aphanidermatum oospores from culture was found to be initially low (27%) and progressively increased after 1 to 2 weeks (2), whereas only 10% of those produced in soil were capable of germination (108). [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Hyphae are a further form of Pythium inoculum of potential importance in root rot epidemics. Hyphal fragments of P. aphanidermatum and P. dissotocum recovered from nutrient solution in root zones of peppers grown in small-scale trough systems were, in most instances, associated with fragments of rotted roots (A. Khan, N. Owen-Going & J.C. Sutton, unpublished). However, dissociated hyphae are easily overlooked. Growth of hyphae of P. aphanidermatum from slimy masses of root exudates in the nutrient solution to roots of cucumbers was reported in trough systems (122). The role of hyphae in plant to plant spread of P. aphanidermatum was demonstrated in cucumbers grown in rockwool slabs with recirculating nutrient solution amended with a nonionic surfactant to inactivate zoospores (100).[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Inoculum dispersal[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Circulating nutrient solution is a principal means by which propagules of Pythium are dispersed in hydroponic crops. Patterns and rates of dispersal of Pythium propagules can be expected to vary in relation to the type of propagule, pattern and dynamics of flow of the nutrient solution, and impediments in flow paths such as roots, rooting media, and physical components and structure of the hydroponic system. Motion of nutrient solution through root zones in hydroponic troughs with no rooting medium (the so-called nutrient-film technique or NFT) include zones of rapid streaming between root masses and zones of slow movement or stagnation in areas occupied by roots (36). The latter increase proportionately as root systems grow. Roots, rooting media, and plumbing components in various kinds of hydroponic systems provide large surface areas on which propagules are potentially deposited or trapped. Movement of nutrient solution through collecting pipes and in mixing tanks is generally rapid and turbulent. The physical structure of the hydroponic system may markedly influence propagule dispersal. For example, when nutrient solution is fed to individual slabs of rockwool compartmentalized in plastic film and recirculated from the slabs through pipes and mixing tanks, propagules have the immediate possibility of dispersal only among the few plants, often two to six, growing in any particular slab ([/FONT][FONT=&quot]Fig. 1[/FONT][FONT=&quot]). This contrasts with troughs that each accommodate numerous, often hundreds, of plants, and which thus favor immediate downstream dispersal of propagules to many plants within the trough ([/FONT][FONT=&quot]Fig. 2[/FONT][FONT=&quot]). [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Zoospores of Pythium and other Pythiaceous microbes are dispersed by transport in nutrient solution (36, 77, 99, 100) and are also motile by means of two flagella (17, 33). Zoospores of Phytophthora spp. were found to be dispersed only short distances (<10 cm) in stagnant or standing water, but comparatively long distances in flowing water (36). In hydroponic troughs in which root systems are well-developed, zoospore populations tend to be high and aggregated in zones of slow movement of nutrient solution, and zoospore dispersal is largely localized among nearby roots (36, 84). These findings, and perhaps intuition, suggest that localized dispersal of Pythium and Phytophthora zoospores may predominate in roots grown in rockwool and other media where movement of nutrient solution is slow. However, there is abundant evidence, though largely circumstantial, that portions of zoospore populations are dispersed rapidly throughout major portions of small- and commercial-scale hydroponic systems (53, 65, 66, 71, 98). When flow of the nutrient solution is turbulent, zoospores abruptly shed their flagella and encyst, thereby losing the necessary ability for chemotaxis towards potential infection sites on roots. Even minor movement and vibration of zoospore suspensions, such as in glassware on a moving laboratory cart, can trigger shedding of flagella. Observations in commercial crops of sweet pepper grown in troughs without a rooting medium indicated that few zoospores or other Pythium propagules returned to the crop in nutrient solution that was recirculated through pipes and mixing tanks (71). About 10 to 55 zoospores mL-1 nutrient solution were found at outflows of the troughs, but d&quot;0.1 zoospores mL-1 solution were recovered, all encysted, before the nutrient solution flowed into the mixing tank, and none usually was found after the mixing tank. Zoospores probably were not recovered on account of deflagellation, lysis, encystment, sedimentation, adhesion to various surfaces, inactivation, and death. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dispersal of oospores and hyphal fragments of Pythium in hydroponic nutrient solutions has been reported only incidentally (39, 71, 100). It can be anticipated that these propagules are dispersed as free entities or in association with root fragments, especially during stages of epidemics when roots are rotting. Fragments of sloughed root cortices with oospores and hyphae of P. aphanidermatum were frequently observed in epidemics of root rot in small-scale trough systems (J.C. Sutton, A. Khan & N. Owen-Going, 2002; unpublished). In contrast to oospores, hyphal fragments of Pythium spp. are short-lived in many environments (61), yet there remains the possibility that they may survive long enough to make contact and possibly infect other roots. Based on apparent circumstantial evidence from cucumbers in small-scale hydroponic systems, Stanghellini et al. (100) concluded that hyphal fragments either do not occur or do not function as effective inoculum for dissemination in recirculating nutrient solution. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Pythium[/FONT][FONT=&quot] propagules may be dispersed between troughs, or among slabs of rockwool or other rooting media by fungus gnats and shore flies (discussed above), splashing water, greenhouse equipment, and workers (29, 39, 40, 59). Water dripping from the greenhouse roof can often splash onto exposed rooting media, nutrient solutions, plants, and the greenhouse floor, thus affording the possibility of splash dispersal of Pythium propagules. Transmission of only a few propagules from trough to trough or slab to slab may allow Pythium to establish effectively in previously uncontaminated root zones (66). Several investigators have reported trough to trough transmission (66, 98, 100, 116), though the mode of transmission was usually not known. While dispersed zoospores may encyst and so become immobilized, the cysts are more resistant to extremes of temperature, desiccation, or ionic environment than are zoospores (33). However, their ability to adhere to roots and other surfaces decreases over time. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Epidemiology of root rot[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]An understanding of root rot epidemics is fundamental to the development and refinement of methods and practices to manage the disease in hydroponic crops, but remains fragmentary. While root rot is almost universal in commercial hydroponic systems, and in many instances becomes sufficiently severe to cause serious crop losses, it is also true that in many other instances progress and spread of the disease is comparatively slow and losses are perceived as minor. From the literature, and an abundance of anecdotal evidence from greenhouse growers and crop advisory personnel, it is clear that a myriad of variables significantly influence Pythium species and root rot development in hydroponic systems. Important variables range from subtleties such as calcium in the root zone, which at millimolar levels strongly influence adhesion of zoospores to roots (33), to elevated temperature, which can bring about abrupt and explosive increases in root necrosis in large portions of crops (4, 28, 39, 54, 61, 83, 107). This portion of the present article will now focus on effects of factors associated with the host, the pathogen, the environment of the nutrient solution and plant canopy, and human interferences on disease severity and pathogen ecology. Excellent perspectives of the general principles of epidemiology are given in Zadoks & Schein (119) and Bergamin Filho & Amorim (7). For a critical review of the epidemiology of diseases caused by Pythium spp. in plants grown in soil, attention is drawn to Martin & Loper (61). [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Host Factors[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]To our knowledge, all cultivars of all vegetables and flowers produced in greenhouse hydroponic systems in Canada, the USA, Brazil, France, and other countries are susceptible to moderate or severe epidemics of Pythium root rot. These crops include cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, lettuce, spinach, arugula, nasturtium, and roses. Other crops such as chrysanthemum and antirrhinum have not yet been widely successful in hydroponic systems in part on account of severe root rot. In Canada, casual observations and anecdotal reports indicate that tomatoes generally are less severely affected than are cucumbers and sweet peppers. We are not aware of any published reports of quantitative differences in cultivar susceptibility to root rot in various hydroponic crops, but in some instances growers consider that some cultivars of hydroponic vegetable crops are less susceptible than others. Kamoun et al. (52) reported differences in host susceptibility to Pythium root rot based on plant age and tissue development. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Susceptibility to Pythium root rot is normally reported in terms of the severity of browning (or other discoloration) and fragmentation of the roots, or as root growth parameters such as volume, length, fresh mass and dry mass. Estimation of symptoms, however, focuses only on the necrotrophic phase of disease and neglects susceptibility to the biotrophic phase including the infection process and colonization. In our experience, root systems of peppers and chrysanthemums inoculated with P. aphanidermatum or P. dissotocum in small-scale hydroponic units under some conditions were symptomless yet heavily colonized by the pathogen. Other investigators reported similar findings with P. dissotocum and Pythium group F (86, 98). Further, we have frequently noted that a large proportion of colonized but symptomless roots (e.g. 30-70%) turn brown during a short interval (e.g. 12 to 24 h) between observations. Critical assessment of susceptibility requires estimation of infection frequency and colonization in inoculum dose-response studies, as well as estimation of symptoms. Environmental conditions need to be critically controlled in view of the sensitivity of colonized roots to the transition from biotrophy to necrotrophy. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Phenological growth stage and age of roots influence root rot severity in hydroponic crops but quantitative relationships of these variables and rates of disease increase are not well-understood. Root browning and rotting often progress for almost the entire life of the crop, which in Canada is about 4 months for cucumbers, 10 to 11 months for tomatoes, and 10 to 18 months for sweet peppers. Each of these hosts has an extraordinary ability to continually produce new roots, which frequently become attacked by Pythium. In general, zoospores of P. aphanidermatum, P. dissotocum, and Pythium group F, as well as other Pythium species, infect young roots regardless of the phenological growth stage of the host, but do not infect older roots (33, 61, 89). However, Zheng et al. (122) found that hyphae of P. aphanidermatum growing from root mucilage in the nutrient solution invaded young and old cucumber roots. In this study, root growth, quantities of root mucilage, and percent discolored roots oscillated in patterns that were similar and synchronous, which suggested that the dynamics of root growth and mucilage accumulation are fundamental factors contributing to patterns of root browning and rot associated with P. aphanidermatum. Root mucilage is readily utilized by rhizosphere bacteria (55), including microbial agents that, by destroying the mucilage, may restrict saprophytic development of P. aphanidermatum and its ability to attack roots via hyphae (122). In general, qualitative and quantitative shifts in mucilage and other exudates from roots at various stages of crop development appear to markedly affect root zone microbes including Pythium spp., which depend on exogenous nutrients for germination and infection (61).[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Recent studies in our laboratory have demonstrated for the first time that environmental stress factors can increase the susceptibility of hydroponically-grown plants to Pythium root rot. The studies were conducted using pepper plants in single-plant hydroponic units with aerated nutrient solution. When temperature of the nutrient solution was raised to 28ºC or 34ºC for a few hours or days and subsequently lowered to 22-24ºC prior to inoculation of the root systems with P. aphanidermatum, root browning progressed earlier and more rapidly than in control plants maintained at 22-24ºC before inoculation (C.R. Sopher & J.C. Sutton, unpublished). Similarly, when plants were kept in nutrient solution (pH 5.8) amended with certain simple phenolic compounds for 48 h and then placed in unamended solution for 24 h before inoculation with P. aphanidermatum, disease severity increased more rapidly than in untreated controls (103). This finding suggested that phenolics escaping from diseased roots might predispose downstream healthy plants to attack by Pythium. Collectively, the studies demonstrated that high temperature and phenolic compounds predisposed the plants to root rot. By definition, predisposition refers to increased susceptibility of plants to disease brought about by environmental factors acting prior to infection by the pathogen (39). It is likely that other environmental stressors or stress conditions, such as low intensity light and low concentration of dissolved oxygen in the nutrient solution also predispose plants to Pythium root rot. Chérif et al. (14) found that Pythium F colonized roots of hydroponically-grown tomatoes more extensively when concentration of dissolved oxygen was moderate (5.8-7.0%) or low (0.8-1.5%), than at high levels (11-14%), however, it was not determined whether the influence of reduced oxygen was through increasing susceptibility of the host, or through effects on the pathogen or the host-pathogen interaction.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Pathogen Factors[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Substantial intraspecific variation in pathogenicity and virulence exists in species of Pythium that attack hydroponic crops. Symptoms produced by isolates of P. dissotocum in pepper varied widely but generally overlapped with those caused by other isolates, and included zones of root-tip browning of different sizes and hues, different severity of expansive root yellowing, architectural changes, root swelling, and callus cell proliferation (73). Isolates of P. aphanidermatum usually are highly virulent in hydroponic crops, but variation in virulence was reported in tomato (32) and among twelve plant species grown in soil (63). Rafin & Tirilly (82) reported that isolates of Pythium group F variously caused localized necrosis at root apices and more severe and progressive root rot. In view of the intraspecific variation in P. aphanidermatum and P. dissotocum, the variation in Pythium spp. grouped as Pythium F, and the environmental sensitivity of symptom expression by various Pythium strains, it is probable that the composition of Pythium species and strains in a given crop can markedly influence patterns of root rot epidemics (71, 73). [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Environmental and Microbial Factors[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Development of severe root browning and root rot in hydroponic crops produced in greenhouses in Canada often coincides with hot weather when temperature of the nutrient solutions and of the greenhouse in general is high. Some growers have replenished the nutrient solution with fresh solution prepared with cool water from wells to help alleviate the problem. Pythium aphanidermatum is widely known to cause severe symptoms of root rot in various crops when root zone temperature is moderate or high (e&quot;23-27ºC) (4, 28, 61, 73, 107). In chrysanthemums grown in single-plant containers with controlled root-zone temperature, the pathogen caused progressively more severe root rot symptoms with increase in temperature from 20ºC to 32ºC ([/FONT][FONT=&quot]Fig. 3[/FONT][FONT=&quot]). In a parallel study, progress curves for root discoloration caused by P. dissotocum were similar at 24-32ºC, but lower at 20ºC. Root disease caused by P. dissotocum in spinach was reported to be severe at 21-27ºC but even more severe in winter months when nutrient solution temperatures were low (28). Fortnum et al. (26) found that root necrosis caused by P. myriotylum in tobacco seedlings in a greenhouse float system was lowest when the nutrient solution temperature was 15ºC and highest at 30ºC. It is important to recognize that effects of temperature on symptom development can differ markedly from those when the pathogen colonizes the tissues symptomlessly during the biotrophic phase. In our experience, roots of hydroponic peppers and chrysanthemums can be extensively colonized by P. aphanidermatum or P. dissotocum but remain almost symptomless at 16 to 18ºC, yet develop severe symptoms within minutes or hours when the temperature is raised to 24-28ºC (N. Owen-Going, W. Liu & J.C. Sutton, unpublished). Temperature also differentially affects other stages of Pythium infection cycles such as the production, dispersal and germination of zoospores, oospore germination, and infection processes (61). The progress curves of root browning represent integrated effects, both direct and indirect, of temperature on the pathogens and their interactions with the roots. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Concentration of dissolved oxygen in the nutrient solution is a critical factor influencing root rot and crop productivity (14, 38, 88, 120). In general, root rot increases when oxygen levels are low (14). Gases move to and from roots of plants in many types of hydroponic systems chiefly by mass flow of gas dissolved in moving solution, which contrasts with diffusion through gas-filled pores as occurs in soils. Oxygen concentration in the root zone of hydroponic crops is commonly 6 to 8% (123) and growers have been encouraged to maintain a minimum of 5 mg oxygen L-1 nutrient solution (36). Concentration of dissolved oxygen can quickly decline, however, especially when temperature of the nutrient solution is high. In the absence of biological factors, the level of dissolved oxygen in water declines, for example, from about 9 to 7 mgL-1 as temperature increases from 20 to 35ºC at 101.3 kPa and 100% relative humidity. Of greater importance, however, is greatly increased demand for oxygen by roots and root-zone microbes as temperature increases, factors that become particularly important when crops have produced dense masses of roots and when microbial populations are high. It has been further estimated that a crop that is environmentally stressed requires about ten times more oxygen than one not under stress (39, 94). While allowing the nutrient solution to free fall back into the nutrient recharge tank helps to maintain adequate oxygen levels, injection of oxygen directly into the solution may be needed, especially in continuously recirculating systems. Oxygenation is one of the few practical measures available to growers when root rot is well advanced, and helps to avoid further necrosis, disintegration, and sliminess of the roots (39). The observations of Chérif et al. (14) suggest that elevated levels (e.g. 11-14%) of oxygen would be advantageous in protecting roots and promoting crop productivity.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Recirculation of nutrient solution in greenhouse hydroponic systems increases the risk of accumulation of phenolic and other organic acids to phytotoxic levels in the root zone (49, 50, 51, 114). These organic compounds are excreted as root exudates and by rhizosphere microbes, and are also released by constituent devices in the growing system (114, 117). Concentrations of total phenolic compounds of 23-30 µg gallic acid equivalents per litre of nutrient solution were found in root zones of 6-month-old hydroponic pepper crops in Ontario (T.N. Owen-Going and J.C. Sutton, 2004, unpublished observations). Phenolic compounds commonly associated with roots and nutrient solution of tomatoes and peppers, for example, include benzoic, caffeic, chlorogenic, ferulic, p-hydroxybenzoic, salicylic, and vanillic acids, most of which produce phytotoxic effects at 200 to 400 µM in the nutrient solution (10, 49, 72). Rhizosphere microbes can utilize phenolic acids (8, 115), and the rate of utilization is substantially affected by oxygen concentration (74). Thus, microbes can potentially ameliorate the toxicity of phenolic compounds to hydroponic crops (11). Recent studies of hydroponic peppers in our laboratory demonstrated that several phenolic acids applied in the nutrient solution at a final concentration of 200 µM exhibited allelopathic effects, but concentrations of 2 to 200 µM also predisposed the plants to root rot caused by P. aphanidermatum (72, 103). In this system allelopathic phenolics rapidly increased in roots infected by P. aphanidermatum, promoted sporangia production by the pathogen, leaked into the nutrient solution, exhibited toxicity to pepper, and predisposed pepper to attack by the pathogen. Based on these findings, it was hypothesized that P. aphanidermatum, by increasing phenolics in roots, initiates autocatalytic cycles of events that accelerate root rot epidemics and health decline in peppers (103). [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Hydroponic systems are often extraordinarily conducive to root rot epidemics in part because the root zones lack communities of microbes that can effectively antagonize pathogenic species of Pythium associated with the roots, rooting media, and nutrient solution. In contrast to microbial communities in natural soils, microbial diversity and density in hydroponic systems are frequently low. A majority of hydroponic crops are germinated (or otherwise propagated), and subsequently transplanted, in hydroponic units with rooting media, nutrient solution, and components such as plastic containers, troughs, and tubes that contain comparatively few microbial propagules. It can be anticipated that, during crop development, further incidental microbes enter the root zone, and that the density and diversity of microbial communities increases as availability and diversity of food sources from rhizodeposition increase, but published data to support this are sparse. In cucumbers transplanted into small-scale hydroponic trough units with recirculating nutrient solution, estimated density of fungal propagules was initially about 102 colony forming units (cfu)/mL, increased to near 104 cfu/mL by day 53, and remained near this value until the study ended on day 102 (122). Bacterial density increased from slightly below 105 cfu/mL to peaks of 108 - 109 cfu/mL at 74 and 95 days. Propagule density of Pythium, Penicillium, Fusarium, other fungi, and bacteria was, in most cases, one hundred to one thousand times greater in the root mucilage than in adjacent nutrient solution. Patterns of increase in density of bacterial and fungal propagules in the nutrient solution were also reported for rockwool-grown tomatoes at about 4 to 6 months after transplanting (109). [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]While buildup of root-zone microflora during the life of a hydroponic crop can be substantial, sanitation practices and use of new plastic materials and rooting media preclude all but minor carry-over of microflora into the subsequent crop. Thus, the very practices that aim to eliminate pathogens also remove microbes that potentially antagonize pathogens, which again contrast with crops grown in natural soils. However, some hydroponic cucumber growers in Ontario, Canada, boldly reused rockwool slabs for up to four successive crops and found that root rot was always less severe in the used slabs than in crops where new slabs were used. These anecdotal reports were consistent with recent scientific findings that the microflora of used rockwool plays an important role in suppressing root and crown rot symptoms caused by P. aphanidermatum in cucumber (79). These investigators also found that suppressiveness was easily transferable between water-saturated rockwool slabs, and was associated with differences in structure of bacterial populations as visualized by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Despite the suppressiveness of used rockwool, it would be inappropriate to advise growers to reuse rockwool slabs on account of the potential presence of other pathogens and pests. Subsequent investigations of the rhizosphere microflora in cucumbers grown in used rockwool revealed that fast-growing bacteria predominated at the root tips, whereas slow growing bacteria were most abundant at root bases (25). Further, the proportion of fast-growing bacteria decreased as plants developed through vegetative and reproductive stages, even on root tips, which are young tissues regardless of plant phenological growth stage. DNA microarray technology, combined with PCR-DGGE and conventional colony counts on agar media, should allow critical characterization, profiling, and tracking of root zone microflora and their relationships to pathogen suppression. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]General experience in the greenhouse industry indicates that the type and structure of hydroponic systems greatly influence severity of root rot epidemics in hydroponic crops. In Canada, reports of severe epidemics are more frequent for crops grown in trough systems, in which the nutrient solution circulates among roots of scores, hundreds, or thousands of plants before returning to the mixing tank, than in highly compartmentalized systems such as rockwool slabs in which only a few plants share a common root zone. The industry findings are consistent with expected patterns of pathogen dispersal, especially zoospores, in relation to compartmentalization of root zones. Risk of severe root rot is also considered higher in systems with continuously recirculating nutrient solution (&quot;closed systems&quot;) compared to those where the solutions are allowed to run to waste (&quot;open systems&quot;) (42, 64). However, in a study of tomatoes grown in rockwool, incidence of colonization of roots by Pythium was higher in an open system than in a closed system (109). In container-grown crops, which generally are ornamentals such as gerberas and roses, root rot is normally more severe when the containers are positioned on the bottom of wide-based troughs through which nutrient solution is allowed to flow, as opposed to when the containers are elevated well above the troughs and the plants are fed entirely through capillary tubes positioned in the rooting medium. Effects of the presence and type of rooting medium on root rot epidemics in commercial hydroponic systems are not well-understood. In Ontario, Canada, root rot epidemics in pepper and tomato have tended to be severe when crops were grown in trough systems with rockwool or with no rooting medium. Some growers reported fewer root rot problems when they used coconut fiber or certain grades of peat as opposed to rockwool. When containers are used in hydroponic systems it would probably be advantageous to use pathogen-suppressive rooting media (34, 35). [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Human Interferences[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Numerous practices used to produce and protect hydroponic crops influence the incidence and patterns of increase and spread of root rot epidemics. It is outside the scope of this article to review what is known of these practices in relation to root rot, however principal measures that are used, or that have potential use against root rot in various kinds of hydroponic systems are summarized in [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Table 1[/FONT][FONT=&quot]. Further details are available in the following publications: Bélanger & Menzies (5); Bélanger et al. (6); Chatterton et al. (12); Chérif & Bélanger (13); Ehret et al. (18); Evans (22); Folman et al. (25); Jarvis (39); Jensen & Collins (42); Jung (49); Khan et al. (53); Lopes (59); Lopes et al. (60); Menzies & Bélanger (65); Paulitz (75); Paulitz & Bélanger (76); Punja & Yip (80); Runia (90); Schuerger (93); Sutton et al. (104); Utkhede et al. (110); Zheng et al. (122) [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]From the epidemiologic perspective, disease management practices can achieve two principal effects (7, 119). First, they can reduce the level of initial (or primary) inoculum of the pathogen in the crop environment. This is the inoculum that can initiate the epidemic, analogous to a match lighting a fire. Secondly, they can reduce the rate of increase in severity of the epidemic, analogous to the rate at which the fire burns and spreads. In [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Table 1[/FONT][FONT=&quot], practices that are thought to influence chiefly the initial inoculum of Pythium are distinguished from those that help to keep down the rate of increase of root rot after epidemics have begun (eg 19, 30). In Ontario, infected transplants, though often symptomless, frequently contribute to the initiation of root rot epidemics in crops. Thus root rot control should begin with the seed, cutting, and other propagative material. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Among the practices that aim to reduce rates of increase of root rot, it is important to distinguish the epidemic impact made by disinfesting the nutrient solution as it recirculates outside of the crop from that made by treatments that suppress Pythium in the roots and root zone of the crop ([/FONT][FONT=&quot]Table 1[/FONT][FONT=&quot]). In tomatoes (121) and in our investigations with lettuce and chrysanthemums in small-scale trough systems (18-20 plants per trough) with recirculating nutrient solution (44, 71) treatment of the solution with ultraviolet radiation (UV-C) at doses sufficient to kill Pythium propagules gave little or no suppression of root rot. Similar treatment in a commercial-scale pepper crop in hydroponic troughs (NFT) did not significantly suppress root rot increase (102). These findings are not surprising given that most Pythium zoospores are dispersed locally among roots in the crop, and of those in effluent from troughs few survive the turbulent ride in nutrient solution through pipes and mixing tanks to the UV apparatus. Emphasis is needed on treating the root zone, such as with microbial agents, to protect the roots.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Several strains of specific microbes have been identified that have strong potential for controlling root rot in various kinds of hydroponic crops. They include Pseudomonas chlororaphis Tx-1 (= Pseudomonas aureofaciens Tx-1) (12, 53). Pseudomonas fluorescens 63-28 (58, 76) Comamonas acidovorans C-4-7-28 (58), Bacillus cereus HYU06 (58), Bacillus subtilis BACT-O (111), Gliocladium catenulatum J1446 (80), Lysobacter enzymogenes 3.1T8 (25), and Clonostachys rosea (J.C. Sutton, 2003, unpublished observations). In our experience in commercial systems, biological control treatments should begin when plants are at the seedling or rooted-cutting stage, though good control is often possible in older plants in which disease has already begun to increase. Certain agents, such as P. chlororaphis, in some instances protect crops for several weeks or months without need for reapplication. Several of the microbes also appear to induce systemic resistance to powdery mildew and other foliage diseases (example: 122).[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Symptom development, growth of the shoots and crop productivity[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]A surprising aspect of hydroponic crops with Pythium root rot is that the foliage often appears green and healthy even when root rot has become severe. Foliar discoloration normally develops only when the root systems have become almost entirely rotted. Under controlled conditions, the leaf canopy of pepper plants inoculated with P. aphanidermatum or P. dissotocum often becomes darker green than that of the noninoculated controls, which may indicate an important role of growth regulators in development of foliage symptoms. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The relationship of root disease caused by the various Pythium species and plant growth is currently understood chiefly from investigations in small-scale hydroponic systems. Reduced mass of roots and shoots, and reduced yield and quality of fruits or flowers were noted for several crops (12, 45, 53, 54, 65, 66, 71, 110). In pepper, P. aphanidermatum reduced the volume, fresh and dry mass, total length, and surface area of the roots, as well as total leaf area, and height, fresh mass and dry mass of the shoots over two to three weeks following inoculation (53, 72). In other experiments, concentrations of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and total carotenoids expressed based on leaf area or fresh mass, were significantly higher in inoculated plants than in noninoculated controls (C.R. Sopher, 2003, unpublished). [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The first characterization of alterations in whole-plant photosynthetic rate and carbon assimilation associated with Pythium infection of the roots was recently described in hydroponic peppers (45, 46, 47). Inoculation of plants with P. aphanidermatum resulted in reduced whole-plant net carbon exchange rates (NCER), and a loss of 28% in cumulative carbon gain within 7 days. Leaf area, and dry weight of the shoots and roots, were significantly decreased, and the shoot:root ratio was higher in inoculated than in noninoculated plants. However, no differences were observed in NCER and evapotranspiration in inoculated compared to control plants when data were expressed based on leaf area and root dry mass, respectively. Thus Pythium infection did not appear to affect the photosynthetic apparatus directly, and the reductions in photosynthesis and growth were not caused by inefficient water transport by diseased roots. The main effect of root rot was to suppress the rate of increase in leaf area of the plants, as opposed to influencing the efficiency of photosynthesis per unit leaf area.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Implications and possibilities for root rot management[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The knowledge and understanding of the etiology and epidemiology of Pythium root rot provides a valuable platform for rationalizing new research directions and developing better technologies and practices for managing root rot in hydroponic crops. Epidemiological information suggests that focus is needed in direct protection of roots against Pythium through treatments applied in the root zone, and that protection is needed beginning at the seedling stage and throughout a major portion of the crop cycle. Collectively, available data suggest that treatments that kill or inactivate Pythium in nutrient solution as it recirculates outside the crop are at best marginally effective in reducing the progress of root rot in large- and small-scale hydroponic systems. Such treatments may be important, however, for reducing the introduction of Pythium into hydroponic crops, and for destroying other pathogens, including viruses and bacteria. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Technologies to facilitate tracking of Pythium spp. and root disease are an obvious step in optimizing effectiveness of root-zone treatments such as use of microbial agents and oxygenation of the nutrient solution, as well as other measures to control root rot. Roots of hydroponic crops are generally out of sight and not easy to examine with any thoroughness, so that severity of root browning is difficult to determine. Further, visual examination does not detect infected roots that happen to be symptomless. Antibody-based dipsticks, other immunoassay-based diagnostic kits, and DNA microarrays that allow tracking of Pythium have already been developed (57, 62, 77). Such assays have potential applications in standardizing the health of propagative materials, and to minimize the risk of introducing Pythium into hydroponic systems in, for example, the roots of transplants growing in rockwool cubes. They can also be used to detect or roughly quantify Pythium throughout later stages of crop development. Detection of Pythium does not necessarily imply that there is, or will be, a destructive epidemic of root rot. As summarized in previous sections of this article, development of severe root rot depends on numerous environmental and host factors, particularly high temperature and reduced levels of dissolved oxygen in the nutrient solution. A much better quantitative understanding of environmental variables in relation to root rot, and especially environmental stressors that predispose roots to Pythium attack, would open the doors for root rot prediction, and alerts for remedial action, driven by sensors in the canopy and nutrient solution. After decades of speculation, it is time to put some numbers on environmental stress conditions in relation to root rot. The recent findings that phenolic compounds accumulate in the nutrient solution, especially during root rot epidemics, and can threaten crop health directly and by predisposing plants to Pythium attack, signify a need for further investigations of phenolics, including any necessity for remediation of the solutions against phenolics. The new understanding of physiological responses of the plant canopy to root infection by Pythium (46) has paved the way for determining root disease severity by remote sensing in the canopy, and thereby avoiding the frustrations of examining roots directly. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Introduction of microbial agents, manipulation of the root zone microflora, oxygenation of the nutrient solution, and regulation of nutrient solution temperature are among the best available approaches to suppressing Pythium in the root zone, but each requires considerable investigation to provide practical and dependable know-how for growers. Much headway has been made in assessing effectiveness of microbes against Pythium in short-term experiments, but critical knowledge needed for long-term root protection throughout crop cycles, and in the face of shifts in the general microflora, chemical environment, and physical conditions in the root zone, is relatively sparse. Better understanding of the root-zone microflora in relation to Pythium, root rot, plant growth and disease resistance, root mucilages, allelopathic compounds of plant or microbial origin, and other key variables, should be possible with the aid of DNA microarray and other recent technologies to detect major microbial species and genes in the hydroponic system. Data banks of dissolved oxygen levels and temperature of the nutrient solution in relation to important variables such as Pythium, microbial agents, other microflora, root rot, and crop growth and productivity are needed to develop protocols for their rational use and to adequately understand the value of such use. Given the inadequate levels of host resistance to Pythium, new approaches to improve resistance such as through antibody-based mechanisms justify vigorous exploration. Fundamentally, new levels of integration of management practices against Pythium root rot and other diseases are needed that are appropriate to the kind of hydroponic system, whether sophisticated as in many greenhouses in Canada, the USA and some European countries, or simple yet functional like many of those in Brazil and other countries with warm climates.[/FONT]

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[FONT=&quot]103. Sutton, J.C.; Owen-Going, N.; Sopher, C.R.; Hall, J.C. Interactive effects of Pythium aphanidermatum and allelopathic phenolics accelerate root rot epidemics in hydroponic peppers (Capsicum annuum L.). Fitopatologia Brasileira, Brasilia, v.28, (Suplemento), S363, 2003. (Abstract 747). [/FONT][FONT=&quot] [ [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Links[/FONT][FONT=&quot] ][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]104. Sutton, J.C.; Yu, H.; Grodzinski, B.; Johnstone, B. Relationships of ultraviolet radiation dose and inactivation of pathogen propagules in water and hydroponic nutrient solutions. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, Ottawa, v.22, n.3, p.300-309, 2000. [/FONT][FONT=&quot] [ [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Links[/FONT][FONT=&quot] ][/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]122. Zheng, J.; Sutton, J.C.; Yu, H. Interactions among Pythium aphanidermatum, roots, root mucilage, and microbial agents in hydroponic cucumbers. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, Ottawa, v.22, n.4, p.368-379, 2000. [/FONT][FONT=&quot] [ [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Links[/FONT][FONT=&quot] ][/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Data de chegada: 10/05/2005. Aceito para publicação em: 23/11/2005. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]* Autor para correspondência: [/FONT][FONT=&quot]jcsutton@uoguelph.ca[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot]All the content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Creative Commons License[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Grupo Paulista de Fitopatologia[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]FCA/UNESP - Depto. De Produção Vegetal
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Well-Known Member

[FONT=&quot]Higher dissolved oxygen great for productivity, health and vigor[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Higher dissolved oxygen great for productivity, health and vigor [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]By Robert Fieldhouse
(Guelph, October 13, 2005)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Dissolving more oxygen into hydroponic solutions could boost greenhouse productivity and provide a whole host of other benefits too, say University of Guelph researchers.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Prof. Mike Dixon and Dr. Youbin Zheng, Department of Environmental Biology, are investigating the positive aspects of using an oxygen diffuser to increase oxygen levels in greenhouse hydroponic solutions used to grow roses, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Dr. Youbin Zheng, Department of Environmental Biology, is studying if oxygen levels can be boosted in hydroponic solutions to help growers ward off harmful microbes and boost productivity. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Preliminary results suggest a higher dissolved oxygen level increase productivity, health and root vigor in greenhouse plants, and helps keep harmful microbes in check.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]“These findings are really beneficial to the industry,” says Zheng. “If we can use oxygen to boost plant health, making them stronger and more resistant to disease, we've discovered a very helpful tool.”[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Oxygen isn't as prevalent in warm water as in cool water, so oxygen levels tend to be low -- about two to four parts per million (ppm) -- at high greenhouse temperatures, compared to eight to nine ppm in cool water. Under hot weather in the greenhouse, the root zone is especially short on oxygen, says Zheng, because root respiration depletes oxygen in hydroponic solutions. Excessive watering can further depress oxygen levels because it makes growth media, such as rockwool or coconut fibre, less porous, blocking air. These factors all weaken plant disease defense systems, making them more susceptible to disease-causing microbes such as Fusarium and Pythium which cause root decay.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]To prevent this problem, greenhouse growers typically bubble air into hydroponic solutions to bring oxygen levels up to about nine ppm. But sometimes this still isn't enough.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Two years ago, the BC Greenhouse Growers' Association asked Dixon to investigate using even higher oxygen levels in hydroponic solutions. His literature review revealed that very little work had been done in this area suggesting the problem was largely ignored – until now.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Dixon and Zheng are using an oxygen diffuser recently developed and manufactured by Seair Diffusion Systems Inc., an Edmonton-based company with an interest in the greenhouse sector. The diffuser concentrates atmospheric oxygen, and dissolves it into hydroponic solutions. With this technology, oxygen levels can reach as high as 60 ppm in hydroponic solutions.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]The research team is currently studying the effects of different oxygen levels, ranging from about nine ppm to 40 ppm.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]So far, preliminary results are promising. But creating optimal supersaturated oxygen solutions requires extreme precision. Oxygen can be damaging at very high levels, says Dixon , so it's important to establish application methods for using this technology for different crops.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]But if the methods can be worked out, Dixon says the oxygen diffusers are inexpensive and stand to emerge as an economical, environmentally friendly solution for growers looking to enhance their crops.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]“Greenhouse growers are voracious technical consumers – they'll try anything,” says Dixon . “But by the same token, they're also very shrewd business people, and they won't waste money unnecessarily.”[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Dixon and Zheng will continue their research and will further investigate oxygen's effect on plant growth, physiology and disease. For example, they will inoculate greenhouse plants with specific microbes to see how the plants cope with this challenge under different oxygen levels.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Other researchers involved in this project include technician Linping Wang, graduate student Johanna Valentine and undergraduate student Mark Mallany, Department of Environmental Biology.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]This research is being conducted at greenhouses in Guelph and Leamington , Ontario . It is sponsored by Seair Diffusion Systems Inc., Flowers Canada Ontario and the Fred Miller Rose Research Fund. [/FONT]


Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]The cation exchange capacity of the soil[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] When small quantities of inorganic salts, such as the soluble mineral matter of soil and commercial fertilizers, are added to water they dissociate into electrically charged units called ions. The positively charged ions (cations) such as hydrogen (H+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca++) magnesium (Mg++), ammonium (NH4+), iron (Fe++), manganese (Mn++), and zinc (Zn++) are absorbed mostly on the negatively charged surfaces of the soil colloids (microscopic clay and humus particles) and exist only in small quantities in the soil solution. Thus, the humus-clay colloids serve as a storehouse for certain essential ions (cations). The negatively charged ions (anions), such as nitrates (N03-) phosphates (HPO4--), sulfates (SO4--), and chlorides (Cl-), are found almost exclusively in the soil solution and can therefore be leached away easily with overwatering. The roots and root hairs are in intimate contact with the soil colloidal surfaces, which are bathed in the soil solution, and therefore nutrient uptake can take place either from the soil solution or directly from the colloidal surfaces (cation exchange). The soil solution is the most important source of nutrients, but since it is very dilute its nutrients are easily depleted and must be replenished from soil particles. The solid phase of the soil, acting as a reservoir of nutrients, slowly releases them into the soil solution by the solubilization of soil minerals and organics, by the solution of soluble salts, and by cation exchange. A more dramatic increase in the nutrient content of the soil solution takes place with the addition of commercial fertilizers. As plants absorb nutrients (ions) they exchange them for other ions. For example, for the uptake of one potassium (K+) ion or one ammonium (NH4+) ion, one hydrogen (H+) ion is released into the soil solution or directly into the soil colloids by the process of cation exchange. Similarly, for the uptake of one calcium (Ca++) or one magnesium (Mg++) ion, two hydrogen (H+) ions are released by the root. Thus, as the plant absorbs these essential cations, the soil solution and the colloidal particles contain more and more hydrogen (H+) ions, which explains why the removal of cations (ammonium (NH4+) nitrogen is a good example) by crops tends to make soils acidic, i.e., having a low pH. Also, as the plant (absorbs essential anions such as nitrates (NO3-) and phosphates (HPO4-), the soil solution is enriched with more and more hydroxyl groups (OH-) and bicarbonates (HCO3-), which explains why the removal of anions (nitrate (NO3-) nitrogen is a good example) by crops tends to make soils alkaline, i.e., having a high pH.[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]


Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]Cannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBN...)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The Active Ingredients Of Cannabis[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cannabis products include [/FONT]
marijuana[FONT=&quot], hashish, and hashish oil.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) gets a user high, a larger THC content will produce a stronger high. Without THC you don't get high.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]CBD (Cannabidiol) increases some of the effects of THC and decreases other effects of THC. High levels of THC and low levels of CBD contribute to a strong, clear headed, more energetic high.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cannabis that has a high level of both THC and CBD will produce a strong head-stone that feels almost dreamlike. Cannabis that has low levels of THC and high levels of CBD produces more of a stoned feeling. The mind feels dull and the body feels tired.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]CBN (Cannabinol) is produced as THC ages and breaks down, this process is known as oxidization. High levels of CBN tend to make the user feel messed up rather than high.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]CBN levels can be kept to a minimum by storing cannabis products in a dark, cool, airtight environment. [/FONT]
marijuana[FONT=&quot] should be dry prior to storage, and may have to be dried again after being stored somewhere that is humid.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin) is found primarily in strains of African and Asian cannabis. THCV increases the speed and intensity of THC effects, but also causes the high to end sooner. Weed that smells strong (prior to smoking) might indicate a high level of THCV.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]CBC (Cannabichromene) is probably not psychoactive in pure form but is thought to interact with THC to enhance the high.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]CBL (Cannabicyclol) is a degradative product like CBN. Light converts CBC to CBL.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]If you are a grower, you can experiment with different strains of cannabis to produce the various qualities you seek. A medical user looking for something with sleep inducing properties might want to produce a crop that has high levels of CBD.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Another user looking for a more energetic high will want to grow a strain that has high levels of THC and low levels of CBD. In general, Cannabis sativa has lower levels of CBD and higher levels of THC. Cannabis indica has higher amounts of CBD and lower amounts of THC than sativa. See [/FONT]
marijuana[FONT=&quot] strains.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]For a more scientific description, see below for an excerpt from [/FONT]
marijuana[FONT=&quot] growers guide by Mel Frank.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cannabis is unique in many ways. Of all plants, it is the only genus known to produce chemical substances known as herbal cannabinoids. These cannabinoids are the psychoactive ingredients of [/FONT]
marijuana[FONT=&quot]; they are what get you high, buzzed, or stoned. By 1974, there were 37 naturally occurring cannabinoids that had been discovered.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]There are 3 types of cannabinoids:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]--- Herbal: occur naturally only in the cannabis plant[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]--- Endogenous: occur naturally in humans and other animals[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]--- Synthetic: cannabinoids produced in a lab[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Most of the cannabinoids appear in very small amounts (less than .01 percent of total cannabinoids) and are not considered psychoactive, or else not important to the high. Many are simply homologues or analogues (similar structure or function) to the few major cannabinoids which are listed.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]There are several numbering systems used for cannabinoids. The system used here is based on formal chemical rules for numbering pyran compounds (any of a class of organic compounds of the heterocyclic series in which five carbon atoms and one oxygen atom are present in a ring structure). Another common system is used more by Europeans and is based on a monoterpenoid system which is more useful considering the biogenesis of the compound.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Tetrahydrocannabinol - THC[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Delta 9-trans-tetrahydrocannabinol - delta-9 THC is the main psychotomimetic (mindbending) ingredient of [/FONT]
marijuana[FONT=&quot]. Estimates state that 70 to 100 percent of the [/FONT]marijuana[FONT=&quot] high results from the delta-9 THC present. It occurs in almost all cannabis in concentrations that vary from traces to about 95 percent of all the cannabinoids in the sample.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]In very potent strains, carefully prepared [/FONT]
marijuana[FONT=&quot] can be 30 percent delta-9 THC by dry weight (seeds and stems removed from flowering buds). Buds are the popular name given to masses of female flowers that form distinct clusters.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Delta 8-trans-tetrahydrocannabinol - delta-8 THC is reported in low concentration, less than one percent of the delta-9 THC present. Its activity is slightly less than that of delta-9 THC. It may be an artefact of the extraction/analysis process. Almost everyone who uses the term THC, refers to delta-9 THC and delta-8 THC combined, as THC.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cannabidiol - CBD[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cannabidiol - CBD also occurs in almost all strains. Concentration range from none, to about 95 percent of the total cannabinoids present. THC and CBD are the two most abundant naturally occurring cannabinoids. CBD is not psychotomimetic in the pure form, although it does have sedative, analgesic, and antibiotic properties.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]In order for CBD to affect the high, THC must be present in quantities ordinarily psychoactive. CBD can contribute to the high by interacting with THC to potentiate (enhance) or antagonize (interfere or lessen) certain qualities of the high.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]CBD appears to potentiate the depressant effects of THC and antagonize is excitatory effects. CBD also delays the onset of the high but can make it last considerably longer (as much as twice as long). The kind of grass that takes a while to come on but keeps coming on.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Opinions are conflicting as to whether it increases or decreases the intensity of the high, intensity and high being difficult to define. Terms such as knock-out or sleepy, dreamlike, or melancholic are often used to describe the high from grass with sizeable proportions of CBD and THC.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]When only small amounts of THC are present with high proportions of CBD, the high is more of a buzz, and the mind feels dull and the body de-energized.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cannabinol - CBN[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cannabinol - CBN is not produced by the plant per se. It is the degradation (oxidative) product of THC. Fresh samples of [/FONT]
marijuana[FONT=&quot] contain very little CBN but curing, poor storage, or processing such as when making hashish, can cause much of the THC to be oxidized to CBN. Pure forms of CBN have at most 10 percent of the psychoactivity of THC.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Like CBD, it is suspected of potentiating certain aspects of the high, although so far these effects appear to be slight. CBN seems to potentiate THC's disorienting qualities. One may feel more dizzy or drugged or generally messed up but not necessarily higher.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]In fact, with a high proportion of CBN, the high may start well but feels as if it never quite reaches its peak, and when coming down one feels tired or sleepy. High CBN in homegrown grass is not desirable since it represents a loss of 90 percent of the psychoactivity of its precursor THC.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Tetrahydrocannabivarin - THCV[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Tetrahydrocannabivarin - THCV or THV is the propyl homologue of THC. In the aromatic ring the usual five-carbon pentyl is replaced by a short three-carbon propyl chain. The propyl cannabinoids have so far been found in some strains originating from Southeast and Central Asia and parts of Africa.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]In one study, THCV made up to 48.23 percent (Afghanistan strain) and 53.69 percent (South Africa) of the cannabinoids found. We've seen no reports on its activity in humans. From animal studies it appears to be much faster in onset and quicker to dissipate than THC. It may be the constituent of one or two toke grass, but its activity appears to be somewhat less than that of THC. Some people use the term THC to refer collectively to delta-9 THC, delta-8 THC, and THCV.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]An interesting note is that people who have a prescription for Marinol (synthetic medical THC) may be tested for THCV. Marinol contains no THCV, if a person tests positive it means they have been using [/FONT]
marijuana[FONT=&quot], or another cannabis product. This is usually sufficient grounds to terminate the prescription of a person who has signed a contract not to ingest any cannabis while taking Marinol.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cannabichromene - CBC[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cannabichromene - CBC is another major cannabinoid, although it is found in smaller concentrations than CBD and THC. It was previously believed that is was a minor constituent, but more exacting analysis showed that the compound often reported as CBD may actually be CBC.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Relative to THC and CBD, its concentration in the plants is low, probably not exceeding 20 percent of total cannabinoids. CBC is believed not to be psychotomimetic in humans; however, its presence in plants is purportedly very potent has led to the suspicion that it may be interacting with THC to enhance the high.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cannabicyclol - CBL[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cannabicyclol (CBL) is a degradative product like CBN. During extraction, light converts CBC to CBL. There are no reports on its activity in humans, and it is found in small amounts, if at all, in fresh plant material.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cannabinoids And The High[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The [/FONT]
marijuana[FONT=&quot] high is a complex experience. It involves a wide range of psychical, physical, and emotional responses. The high is a subjective experience based in the individual and one's personality, mood, disposition, and experience with the drug.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Given the person, the intensity of the high depends primarily on the amount of THC present in the [/FONT]
marijuana[FONT=&quot]. Delta-9 THC is the main ingredient of [/FONT]marijuana[FONT=&quot] and must be present in sufficient quantities for a good [/FONT]marijuana[FONT=&quot] high.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]People who smoke grass that has very little cannabinoids other than delta-9 THC usually report that the high is very intense. Most people that don't smoke daily will feel something from a joint having delta-9 THC of 3 percent concentration to material.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cannabis products having a THC concentration of 5-10 percent would be considered good, 10-25 percent would be considered very good, and over 25 percent would be excellent quality by daily users standards. In general, we use potency to mean the sum effects of the cannabinoids and the overall high induced.[/FONT]

marijuana[FONT=&quot] is sometimes rated more potent than the content of delta-9 THC alone would suggest. It also elicits qualitatively different highs. The reasons for this have not been sorted out. Few clinical studies with known combinations of several cannabinoids have been undertaken with human subjects.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]So far, different highs and possibly higher potency seem to be due to the interaction of delta-9 THC and other cannabinoids (THCV,CBD,CBN, and possibly CBC). Except for THCV, in the pure form, these other cannabinoids do not have much psychoactivity.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Another possibility for higher potency is that homologues of delta-9 THC with longer side chains at C-3 (and higher activity) might be found in certain [/FONT]
marijuana[FONT=&quot] strains.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Compounds with longer side chains have been made in laboratories and their activity is sometimes much higher, with estimates over 500 times that of natural delta-9 THC.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The possibility that there are non-cannabinoids that are psychoactive or interacting with the cannabinoids has not been investigated in detail. Non-cannabinoids with biological activity have been isolated from the plants, but only in very small quantities.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]None are known to be psychotomimetic. However, they may contribute to the overall experience in non-mental ways, such as the stimulation of the appetite.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Different blends of cannabinoids account for the different qualities of intoxication produced by different strains of cannabis. The intensity of the high depends primarily on the amount of delta-9 THC present and on the method of ingestion.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]A complex drug such as [/FONT]
marijuana[FONT=&quot] affects the mind and body in many ways. Sorting out what accounts for what response can become quite complex.[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
I put the summery first, It is also backed up by science links attached.


Pre-harvest flushing puts the plant(s) under serious stress.
The plant has to deal with nutrient deficiencies in a very important part of its cycle. Strong changes in the amount of dissolved substances in the root-zone stress the roots, possibly to the point of direct physical damage to them. Many immobile elements are no more available for further metabolic processes. We are losing the fan leaves and damage will show likely on new growth as well.

The grower should react in an educated way to the plant needs. Excessive, deficient or unbalanced levels should be avoided regardless the nutrient source. Nutrient levels should be gradually adjusted to the lesser needs in later flowering. Stress factors should be limited as far as possible. If that is accomplished throughout the entire life cycle, there shouldn’t be any excessive nutrient compounds in the plants tissue. It doesn’t sound likely to the author that you can correct growing errors (significant lower mobile nutrient compound levels) with pre-harvest flushing.

For one thing, the most common way that growers flush their crops is by giving their crops water that has no nutrients in it. But this doesn't fully cleanse your crops. It only starves your plants so they lose vigorous floral growth and resin percentages just before harvest. Other growers use flushing formulas that generally consist of a few chemicals that sometimes have the ability to pull a limited amount of residues out of your plants.

Nutrient fundamentals and uptake:

Until recently it was common thought that all nutrients are absorbed by plant roots as ions of mineral elements. However in newer studies more and more evidence emerged that additionally plant roots are capable of taking up complex organic molecules like amino acids directly thus bypassing the mineralization process.

The major nutrient uptake processes are:

1) Active transport mechanism into root hairs (the plant has to put energy in it, ATP driven) which is selective to some degree. This is one way the plant (being immobile) can adjust to the environment.

2) Passive transport (diffusion) through symplast to endodermis.


The claim only ‘chemical’ ferted plants need to be flushed should be taken with a grain of salt. Organic and synthetic
ferted plants take up mineral ions alike, probably to a different degree though. Many influences play key roles in the taste and flavour of the final bud, like the nutrition balance and strength throughout the entire life cycle of the plant, the drying and curing process and other environmental conditions.

3) Active transport mechanism of organic molecules into root hairs via endocytosis.

Here is a simplified overview of nutrient functions:

Nitrogen is needed to build chlorophyll, amino acids, and proteins. Phosphorus is necessary for photosynthesis and other growth processes. Potassium is utilized to form sugar and starch and to activate enzymes. Magnesium also plays a role in activating enzymes and is part of chlorophyll. Calcium is used during cell growth and division and is part of the cell wall. Sulphur is part of amino acids and proteins.

Plants also require trace elements, which include boron, chlorine, copper, iron, manganese, sodium, zinc, molybdenum, nickel, cobalt, and silicon.

Copper, iron, and manganese are used in photosynthesis. Molybdenum, nickel, and cobalt are necessary for the movement of nitrogen in the plant. Boron is important for reproduction, while chlorine stimulates root growth and development. Sodium benefits the movement of water within the plant and zinc is needed for enzymes and used in auxins (organic plant hormones). Finally, silicon helps to build tough cell walls for better heat and drought tolerance.


You can get an idea from this how closely all the essential elements are involved in the many metabolic processes within the plant, often relying on each other.

Nutrient movement and mobility inside the plant:

Besides endocytosis, there are two major pathways inside the plant, the xylem and the phloem. When water and minerals are absorbed by plant roots, these substances must be transported up to the plant's stems and leaves for photosynthesis and further metabolic processes. This upward transport happens in the xylem. While the xylem is able to transport organic compounds, the phloem is much more adapted to do so.

The organic compounds thus originating in the leaves have to be moved throughout the plant, upwards and downwards, to where they are needed. This transport happens in the phloem. Compounds that are moving through the phloem are mostly:

Sugars as sugary saps, organic nitrogen compounds (amino acids and amides, ureides and legumes), hormones and proteins.


Not all nutrient compounds are movable within the plant.

1) N, P, K, Mg and S are considered mobile: they can move up and down the plant in both xylem and phloem.

Deficiency appears on old leaves first.

2) Ca, Fe, Zn, Mo, B, Cu, Mn are considered immobile: they only move up the plant in the xylem.

Deficiency appears on new leaves first.


Storage organelles:

Salts and organic metabolites can be stored in storage organelles. The most important storage organelle is the vacuole, which can contribute up to 90% of the cell volume. The majority of compounds found in the vacuole are sugars, polysaccharides, organic acids and proteins though.



Now that the basics are explained, we can take a look at the trans-location process. It should be already clear that only mobile elements can be trans located through the phloem. Immobile elements can’t be trans located and are not more available to the plant for further metabolic processes and new plant growth.

Since flushing (in theory) induces a nutrient deficiency in the root-zone, the translocation process aids in the plants survival. Trans-location is transportation of assimilates through the phloem from source (a net exporter of assimilate) to sink (a net importer of assimilate). Sources are mostly mature fan leaves and sinks are mostly apical meristems, lateral meristem, fruit, seed and developing leaves etc.

You can see this by the yellowing and later dying of the mature fan leaves from the second day on after flushing started. Developing leaves, bud leaves and calyxes don’t serve as sources, they are sinks. Changes in those plant parts are due to the deficient immobile elements which start to indicate on new growth first.

Unfortunately, several metabolic processes are unable to take place anymore since other elements needed are no longer available (the immobile ones). This includes processes where nitrogen and phosphorus, which have likely the most impact on taste, are involved.

For example nitrogen: usually plants use nitrogen to form plant proteins. Enzyme systems rapidly reduce nitrate-N (NO3-) to compounds that are used to build amino-nitrogen which is the basis for amino acids. Amino acids are building blocks for proteins; most of them are plant enzymes responsible for all the chemical changes important for plant growth.

Sulphur and calcium among others have major roles in production and activating of proteins, thereby decreasing nitrate within the plant. Excess nitrate within the plant may result from unbalanced nutrition rather than an excess of nitrogen.



Pre-harvest flushing puts the plant(s) under serious stress. The plant has to deal with nutrient deficiencies in a very important part of its cycle. Strong changes in the amount of dissolved substances in the root-zone stress the roots, possibly to the point of direct physical damage to them. Many immobile elements are no more available for further metabolic processes. We are losing the fan leaves and damage will show likely on new growth as well.

The grower should react in an educated way to the plant needs. Excessive, deficient or unbalanced levels should be avoided regardless the nutrient source. Nutrient levels should be gradually adjusted to the lesser needs in later flowering. Stress factors should be limited as far as possible. If that is accomplished throughout the entire life cycle, there shouldn’t be any excessive nutrient compounds in the plants tissue. It doesn’t sound likely to the author that you can correct growing errors (significant lower mobile nutrient compound levels) with pre-harvest flushing.

Drying and curing (when done right) on the other hand have proved (In many studies) to have a major impact on taste and flavour, by breaking down chlorophylls and converting starches into sugars. Most attributes blamed on un-flushed buds may be the result of unbalanced nutrition and/or over fertilization and improper drying/curing.


Active Member
Really good info up in here.

The only beef I have with this is the Lime post.
In an organic soil recycling program I cannot overstate how important I think the liming of the soil really is.
Over the cource of two years on the same dirt Ive tested reduced amounts of lime following advice like this and it always led to serious issue which have always been solved by getting more lime into the soil.

I would agree however if the comments where based on using store bought dirt, there is almost always plenty.

I don't disagree with you're basic facts its just in usages like mine it becomes absolutly critical to the long term health of the soil.

Keep the info flowing.


Well-Known Member
Really good info up in here.

The only beef I have with this is the Lime post.
In an organic soil recycling program I cannot overstate how important I think the liming of the soil really is.
Over the cource of two years on the same dirt Ive tested reduced amounts of lime following advice like this and it always led to serious issue which have always been solved by getting more lime into the soil.

I would agree however if the comments where based on using store bought dirt, there is almost always plenty.

I don't disagree with you're basic facts its just in usages like mine it becomes absolutly critical to the long term health of the soil.

Keep the info flowing.
Lime is fine to use in gardening if used right. Most people use it and then plant. Wrong you need to age the soil if you put lime in it. Most bags of lime have instructions on them and they say to use in the fall so it can age.



Active Member
Lime is fine to use in gardening if used right. Most people use it and then plant. Wrong you need to age the soil if you put lime in it. Most bags of lime have instructions on them and they say to use in the fall so it can age.

There has been a decent amount of work of late into lime actually be far more active then people have thought, esspecially in high acid enviroments (the acidity speeding up the breakdown proccess). I have actually ran some PH tests taking a nutrient solution and just tossing some lime in and the PH did in fact move quite a bit in response.
Im not putting any of this out there as facts to follow but I do feel that the subject is still wide open for debate.


Well-Known Member
all good info but god damn thats got to be the most copy and paste amount of info i have ever seem
you should see how much time it takes to take out all the crap and page returns. I don't take credit for the words in most cases but good info is good info, I don't get paid to do it. Well if rep is getting paid I get a little.The like button has made getting rep much harder and besides like is so boring, u know kind of like when u think your going to get lucky and than she says " I like u" full stop u be going home alone with Mrs Thumb and her 4 daughters....


Well-Known Member
just been fishing.jpg

Just Fishing Officer why do you ask?

Below are so shots of my Jumbo RDWC system I built and my smaller 13 gal x nine Undercurrent. Couple shots from last crop.

There has been a decent amount of work of late into lime actually be far more active then people have thought, esspecially in high acid enviroments (the acidity speeding up the breakdown proccess). I have actually ran some PH tests taking a nutrient solution and just tossing some lime in and the PH did in fact move quite a bit in response.
Im not putting any of this out there as facts to follow but I do feel that the subject is still wide open for debate.
This is a learning place so if you have some good solid info post her up and we all learn from each other. All my info comes from many sources and people far smarter than I will ever be, but that's the beauty of the web.

Peace and thanks for stopping in.


Well-Known Member
Easy cloning

This is what I do, why I do it, and how.

What you need
Sharp small scissors I use Frisker’s and get them from Hommer depot. They last me for years but all I use them for is clowning. I clean them with an alcohol swab before using. They stay sharp and have great control. I always put the cover back on and clean them before putting them away.
16 oz. translucent beer cups, I use the translucent ones because they allow me to see if they are watered enough and the development of the root system. I use a small pocket knife to poke 2 holes one on each side. Stick the knife in a ¼ inch and give it a small twist. Holes plug slots almost never. This is for drainage.

Rooting gel, get some good stuff, if in a jam get powder. This provides the boost to get them going.
Seed starter soil; make sure it’s SEED STARTER SOIL. Buy the best you can afford. I use MG and it works great for starting them.
Get your stuff together, fill cups to the top with SEED STARTER SOIL set them in the trays and water with 6.5 ph water. If using chlorinated water put some in a pail for 2 hours. It will off gas by then. Water the cups, here is when you will see the magic of the cups being translucent. So there all wet now you cut.

You best bet is to make sure you have a node to stick in the dirt. So cut below the 3 node just above the 4 one. Clip leaves off the 3erd node and pull the clone through your thumb and finger (make a O with them) as you pull it through gently squeeze your thumb over the finger to close the O and trap the clone tips just above your finger. Now cut the tips off, stick in gel/powder and stick it in the cups as far as you can but leave the leaves above the top of the cup.

Water when you see the colour of the dirt change, the magic of the cups. Hope this helps.
I get 98% success this way. No dome just under the lights.


Well-Known Member

:joint:by ADMIN
Cannabis is normally grown as an annual plant, completing its life cycle within one year. A seed that is planted in the spring will grow strong and tall through the summer and flower in the fall, producing more seeds. The annual cycle starts all over again when the new seeds sprout the following year. In nature, cannabis goes through distinct growth stages. The chart below delineates each stage of growth.

Life Cycle of Cannabis
After 3-7 days of germination, plants enter the seedling growth stage which lasts about a month. During the first growth stage the seed germinates or sprouts, establishes a root system, and grows a stem and a few leaves.

During germination moisture, heat, and air activate hormones (cytokinins, gibberellins, and auxins) within the durable outer coating of the seed.
Cytokinins signal more cells to form and giberellins to increase cell size. The embryo expands, nourished by a supply of stored food within the seed. Soon, the seed’s coating splits, a rootle! grows downward, and a sprout with seed leaves pushes upwards in search of light

Seedling Growth
The single root from the seed grows down and branches out, similar to the way the stem branches up and out above ground. Tiny rootlets draw in water and nutrients (chemical substances needed for life). Roots also serve to anchor a plant in the growing medium. Seedling should receive 16-18 hours of light to maintain strong healthy growth.

Vegetative Growth
Vegetative growth is maintained by giving plants 16-24 hours of light every day. As the plant matures, the roots take on specialized functions. The center and old, mature portions contain a water transport system and may also store food. The tips of the roots produce elongating cells that continue to push farther and farther into the soil in search of more water and food. The single-celled root hairs are the parts of the root that actually absorb water and nutrients. Without water, frail root hairs will dry up and die. They are very delicate and are easily damaged by light, air, and klutzy hands if moved or exposed. Extreme care must be exercised during transplanting.
Like the roots, the stem grows through elongation, also producing new buds along the stem. The central or terminal bud carries growth upward; side or lateral buds turn into branches or leaves. The stem functions by transmitting water and nutrients from the delicate root hairs to the growing buds, leaves, and flowers. Sugars and starches manufactured in the leaves are distributed through the plant via the stem. This fluid flow takes place near the surface of the stem. If the stem is bound too tightly by string or other tie downs, it will cut the flow of life-giving fluids, thereby strangling and killing the plant.
The stem also supports the plant with stiff cellulose, located within the inner walls. Outdoors, rain and wind push a plant around, causing much stiff cellulose production to keep the plant supported upright. Indoors, with no natural wind or rain present, stiff cellulose production is minimal, so plants develop weak stems and may need to be staked up, especially during flowering.Once the leaves expand, they start to manufacture food (carbohydrates). Chlorophyll (the substance that gives plants their green color) converts carbon dioxide (CO.,) from the air, water, and light energy into carbohydrates and oxygen. This process is called photosynthesis. It requires water drawn up from the roots, through the stem, into the leaves where it encounters carbon dioxide. Tiny breathing pores called stomata are located on the underside of the leaf and funnel CO^ into contact with the water. In order for photosynthesis to occur, the leaf’s interior tissue must be kept moist. The stomata open and close to regulate the flow of moisture, preventing dehydration. Marijuana leaves are also protected from drying out by an outer skin. The stomata also permit the outflow of water vapor and waste oxygen. The stomata are very important to the plant’s well being and must be kept clean to promote vigorous growth. Dirty, clogged stomata would breathe about as well as you would with a sack over your head!


Cannabis grown from seed dawns pre-flowers after the fourth week of vegetative growth. They generally appear between the fourth and sixth node from the bottom of the plant. Cannabis plants are normally either all male or all female. Each sex has its own distinct flowers. Pre-flowers will be either male or female. Growers remove and destroy the males (or use them for breeding stock) because they have low levels of cannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBN, etc.). Female plants are cultivated for their high cannabinoid content.

Mother Plants

Growers select strong, healthy, potent mother plants they know are female. Mothers are given 18-24 hours of light daily so they stay in the vegetative growth stage. Growers cut branch tips from the mother plants and root them. The rooted cuttings are called “clones.” Cultivating several strong, healthy mother plants is the key to having a consistent supply of all-female clones.


Branch tips are cut and rooted to form clones. Clones take 10-20 days to grow a strong healthy root system. Clones are given 18-24 hours of light so they stay in the vegetative growth stage. Once the root system is established, clones are transplanted into larger containers. Now they are ready to grow for 1-4 weeks in the vegetative growth stage before being induced to flower.
Cannabis flowers outdoors in the fall when days become shorter and plants are signaled that the annual life cycle is coming to an end. At flowering, plant functions change. Leafy growth slows, and flowers start to form. Flowering is triggered in most commercial varieties of cannabis by 12 hours of darkness and 12 hours of light every 24 hours. Plants that developed in tropical regions often start flowering under more light and less darkness. Flowers form during the last stage of growth. Left unpollinated, female flowers develop without seeds, “sinsemilla.” When fertilized with male pollen, female flower buds develop seeds.
Unpollinated, female cannabis flowers continue to swell and produce more resin while waiting for male pollen to successfully complete their life cycle. After weeks of heavy flower and cannabinoid-laden resin production, THC production peaks out in the unfertilized, frustrated sinsemilla!
Cannabis has both male and female plants. When both male and female flowers are in bloom, pollen from the male flower lands on the female flower, thereby fertilizing it. The male dies after producing and shedding all his pollen. Seeds form and grow within the female flowers. As the seeds are maturing, the female plant slowly dies. The mature seeds then fall to the ground and germinate naturally or are collected for planting next spring.


Well-Known Member
Spider Mites
by W.S. Cranshaw and D.C. Sclar [SUP]1[/SUP] (11/06)

Quick Facts...
· Spider mites are common plant pests. Symptoms of injury include flecking, discoloration (bronzing) and scorching of leaves. Injury can lead to leaf loss and even plant death.
· Natural enemies include small lady beetles, predatory mites, minute pirate bugs, big-eyed bugs and predatory thrips.
· One reason that spider mites become a problem is insecticides that kill their natural predators.
· Irrigation and moisture management can be important cultural controls for spider mites.

Spider mites are common pest problems on many plants around yards and gardens in Colorado. Injury is caused as they feed, bruising the cells with their small, whiplike mouthparts and ingesting the sap. Damaged areas typically appear marked with many small, light flecks, giving the plant a somewhat speckled appearance.
Following severe infestations, leaves become discolored, producing an unthrifty gray or bronze look to the plant. Leaves and needles may ultimately become scorched and drop prematurely. Spider mites frequently kill plants or cause serious stress to them.

Spider mites (Family: Tetranychidae) are classed as a type of arachnid, relatives of insects that also includes spiders, ticks, daddy-longlegs and scorpions. Spider mites are small and often difficult to see with the unaided eye. Their colors range from red and brown to yellow and green, depending on the species of spider mite and seasonal changes in their appearance.
Many spider mites produce webbing, particularly when they occur in high populations. This webbing gives the mites and their eggs some protection from natural enemies and environmental fluctuations. Webbing produced by spiders, as well as fluff produced by cottonwoods, often is confused with the webbing of spider mites.
The most important spider mite is the twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae). This mite attacks a wide range of garden plants, including many vegetables (e.g., beans, eggplant), fruits (e.g., raspberries, currants, pear) and flowers. The twospotted spider mite is also the most important species on house plants. It is a prolific producer of webbing.
Evergreens tend to host other mites, notably the spruce spider mite (Oligonychus ununguis) on spruce and juniper,Oligonychus subnudus on pines, and Platytetranychus libocedri on arborvitae and juniper. Honeylocust, particularly those in drier sites, are almost invariably infested with the honeylocust spider mite (Platytetranychus multidigituli). Other mites may affect shade trees such as elm, mountain ash and oak.
Another complex of mites is associated with turfgrass, including the clover mite and Banks grass mite. These are discussed separately in fact sheet 5.505, Clover and Other Mites of Turfgrass. Clover mites also are the common mite that enters homes in fall and spring, sometimes creating significant nuisance problems in the process.

Life History and Habits
Spider mites develop from eggs, which usually are laid near the veins of leaves during the growing season. Most spider mite eggs are round and extremely large in proportion to the size of the mother. After egg hatch, the old egg shells remain and can be useful in diagnosing spider mite problems.
There is some variation in the habits of the different mites that attack garden plants, trees and shrubs. Outdoors, the twospotted spider mite and honeylocust spider mite survive winter as adults hidden in protected areas such as bark cracks, bud scales or under debris around the garden. Other mites survive the cool season in the egg stage. As winter approaches, most mites change color, often turning more red or orange. This habit may be why they are sometimes called "red spiders."
Most spider mite activity peaks during the warmer months. They can develop rapidly during this time, becoming full-grown in as little as a week after eggs hatch. After mating, mature females may produce a dozen eggs daily for a couple of weeks. The fast development rate and high egg production can lead to extremely rapid increases in mite populations.
Other species of spider mites are most active during the cooler periods of the growing season, in spring and fall. This includes the spruce spider mite and most of the mites that can damage turfgrass. These cool-season spider mites may cease development and produce dormant eggs to survive hot summer weather.
Dry conditions greatly favor all spider mites, an important reason why they are so important in the more arid areas of the country. They feed more under dry conditions, as the lower humidity allows them to evaporate excess water they excrete. At the same time, most of their natural enemies require more humid conditions and are stressed by arid conditions. Furthermore, plants stressed by drought can produce changes in their chemistry that make them more nutritious to spider mites.


Biological Controls
Various insects and predatory mites feed on spider mites and provide a high level of natural control. One group of small, dark-colored lady beetles known as the "spider mite destroyers" (Stethorus species) are specialized predators of spider mites. Minute pirate bugs, big-eyed bugs (Geocoris species) and predatory thrips can be important natural enemies.
A great many mites in the family Phytoseiidae are predators of spider mites. In addition to those that occur naturally, some of these are produced in commercial insectaries for release as biological controls. Among those most commonly sold via mail order are Galendromus occidentalis, Phytoseiulus persimilis, Mesoseiulus longipes and Neoseiulus californicus. Although these have been successful in control of spider mites on interior plants, effective use outdoors has not been demonstrated in Colorado. Predatory mites often have fairly high requirements for humidity, which can be limiting. Most suppliers provide information regarding use of the predator mites that they carry.
One reason that spider mites become problems in yards and gardens is the use of insecticides that destroy their natural enemies. For example, carbaryl (Sevin) devastates most spider mite natural enemies and can greatly contribute to spider mite outbreaks. Malathion can aggravate some spider mite problems, despite being advertised frequently as effective for mite control. Soil applications of the systemic insecticide imidacloprid (Merit, Marathon) have also contributed to some spider mite outbreaks.

Water Management
Adequate watering of plants during dry conditions can limit the importance of drought stress on spider mite outbreaks. Periodic hosing of plants with a forceful jet of water can physically remove and kill many mites, as well as remove the dust that collects on foliage and interferes with mite predators. Disruption of the webbing also may delay egg laying until new webbing is produced. Sometimes, small changes where mite-susceptible plants are located or how they are watered can greatly influence their susceptibility to spider mite damage.

Chemical Controls
Chemical control of spider mites generally involves pesticides that are specifically developed for spider mite control (miticides or acaricides). Few insecticides are effective for spider mites and many even aggravate problems. Furthermore, strains of spider mites resistant to pesticides frequently develop, making control difficult. Because most miticides do not affect eggs, a repeat application at an approximately 10- to 14-day interval is usually needed for control. Table 1 includes a summary of pesticides that may be useful for managing spider mites.

Control of Spider Mites on House Plants
Control on house plants can be particularly frustrating. There generally are no biological controls and few effective chemical controls (primarily soaps and horticultural oils). When attempting control, treat all susceptible house plants at the same time. Trim, bag and remove heavily infested leaves and discard severely infested plants. Periodically hose small plants in the sink or shower. Wipe leaves of larger plants with a soft, damp cloth. Reapply these treatments at one- to two-week intervals as long as populations persist.

Table 1: Pesticides useful to control spider mites in yards and gardens.
Active IngredientTrade Name(s)Comments
acephateOrthene, certain Isotox formulationsInsecticide with some effectiveness against spider mites. Systemic.
abamectinAvidFor commercial use only on ornamental plants. Primarily effective against twospotted spider mite; less effective against mites on conifers. Limited systemic movement.
bifenthrinTalstar, othersInsecticide with good miticide activity.
hexythiazoxHexygonFor commercial use only on ornamental plants. Selective miticide that affects developing stages and eggs only. One application per season label restriction.
horticultural oilsSunspray, othersUsed at the "summer oil" rate (2 percent), oils are perhaps the most effective miticide available for home use.
insecticidal soapseveralMarginally effective against twospotted spider mite and where webbing prevents penetration. Broadly labeled.
spiromesifanForbidFor commercial use only on ornamental plants. Selective against mites and conserves natural enemies.
sulfurvariousGenerally sold in dust formulation for control of various fungal diseases and some mites on some ornamental and vegetable crops.

[SUP]1[/SUP]W.S. Cranshaw, Colorado State University Extension entomologist and professor, and D.C. Sclar, research assistant; bioagricultural sciences and pest management. Revised 11/06.
Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Colorado counties cooperating. Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. No endorsement of products mentioned is intended nor is criticism implied of products not mentioned.


Well-Known Member
  1. Introduction
    In preparation for writing this paper, I read the related papers from previous HSA proceedings. I am impressed by the amount of useful information. The annual meeting and proceedings of HSA have become an important source of technical information on the hydroponic culture of plants. This information is not necessarily available at the annual meetings of related professional societies such as The American Society for Horticultural Science, or The American Society of Agronomy.

    It was necessary for me to read other papers because many of them discuss nutrient management in recirculating hydroponic systems. Authors at every meeting in the past 5 years have stressed the need to recirculate and reuse nutrient solutions to reduce environmental and economic costs. Dr. Pieter Schippers (1991 HSA proceedings) reviewed nutrient management and clearly indicated the need for data when he said; "One of the weakest points in hydroponics...is the lack of information on managing the nutrient solution." I was moderately surprised to find that previous authors recommended measuring the concentrations of individual nutrients in solution as a key to nutrient control and maintenance. Monitoring ions in solution is unnecessary. Even worse, the rapid depletion of some nutrients often causes people to add toxic amounts of nutrients to the solution. Monitoring solutions is interesting, but it is not the key to effective maintenance.


    Managing nutrients by mass balance

    During the past 12 years, we have managed nutrients in closed hydroponic systems according to the principle of "mass balance," which means that the mass of nutrients is either in solution or in the plants. We add nutrients to the solution depending on what we want the plant to take up.

    Plants quickly remove their daily supply of some nutrients while other nutrients accumulate. This means that the concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium can be at low levels in the solution (0.1 mM or a few ppm) because these nutrients are in the plant, where we want them. Maintaining a high concentration of nutrients in the solution can results in excessive uptake that can lead to nutrient imbalances.

    For example, the water removed from solution through transpiration must be replaced and it is necessary to have about 0.5 mM phosphorous in the refill solution. If the refill solution was added once each day, the phosphorous would be absorbed by the plant in a few hours and the solution phosphorous concentration would be close to zero. This does not indicate a deficiency; rather it indicates a healthy plant with rapid nutrient uptake. If the phosphorous level is maintained at 0.5 mM in the recirculating solution, the phosphorous concentration in the plant can increase to 1% of the dry mass, which is 3 times higher than the optimum in most plants. This high phosphorous level can induce iron and zinc deficiency (Chaney and Coulombe, 1982).

    Feeding plants in this way is like the daily feeding of a pet dog, some dogs would be far overweight if their food bowls were kept continuously full.


  2. Differential nutrient removal from solution

    The essential nutrients can be put into 3 categories based on how quickly they are removed from solution. Group 1 elements are actively absorbed by roots and can be removed from solution in a few hours. Group 2 elements have intermediate uptake rates and are usually removed from solution slightly faster than water is removed. Group 3 elements are passively absorbed from solution and often accumulate in solution

    Table 1. Approximate uptake rates of the essential plant nutrients.
    Group 1. Active uptake, fast removal - NO3, NH4, P, K, Mn
    Group 2. Intermediate uptake - Mg, S, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mo, C
    Group 3. Passive uptake, slow removal - Ca, B

    One of the problems with individual ion monitoring and control is that the concentration of the group 1 elements (N, P, K, Mn) must be kept low to prevent their toxic accumulation in plant tissue. Low concentrations are difficult to monitor and control. Table 2 shows typical measurement errors associated with the use of ICP emission spectrophotometry for analysis of hydroponic solutions. Nitrogen cannot be measured by ICP-ES. Accuracy for the macronutrients is good, but solution levels of B, Cu, and Mo cannot be accurately measured by ICP-ES. The calculations in this table are for a typical refill solution, not for the low concentrations that should be maintained in the circulating solution. The measurement errors for K, P, and Mn can be 10 times higher because the solution levels are lower.

    Table 2. Typical measurement error associated with the use of Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrophotometry for analysis of nutrient concentrations in hydroponic solution.
The total amount of nutrients in solution can easily and accurately be determined by measuring the electrical conductivity of the solution. However, because of the differential rate of nutrient uptake, conductivity measurements mostly measure the calcium, magnesium and sulfate remaining in solution. The micronutrients contribute less than 0.1% to electrical conductivity.

Developing an appropriate refill solution

The objective is to develop a recipe for a refill solution that replenishes both nutrients and the water. Plants have evolved to tolerate large nutrient imbalances in the root-zone, but in recirculating hydroponic systems, imbalances in nutrient replenishment are cumulative. It is thus important to understand the principles for nutrient replacement, especially when the solution is continuously recycled over the life cycle of a crop.

Traditional nutrient solution recipes, such as Hoagland solution, can be used as refill solution if they are diluted to about 1/3 strength so that the electrical conductivity is kept constant. Hoagland solution, however, was originally developed for tomatoes and is not always appropriate as refill solution for other types of plants.

Two factors must be considered in developing a refill solution:

  1. Solution Composition.
  2. Solution Concentration.

    Solution Composition
    The composition of the solution (the ratio of nutrients) should be determined by the desired concentrations of each element in the plant. A starting point for refill solution composition is the ratio of the elements in the plant leaves, which can be determined from a reference book on Plant Analysis Interpretation. I am familiar with four books that list the optimum concentrations of nutrients in plant tissue (and there are probably other books):
  1. Plant Analysis: An interpretation Manual. 1986. D. Reuter & J. Robinson, (eds). Inkata Press, Melbourne.
  2. Plant Analysis Handbook. 1991. J. Benton Jones, B. Wolf, H. Mills. Micro-Macro Publishing, Inc. Athens, GA.
  3. Plant Analysis. 1987. P. Martin-Prevel and J. Gagnard. Lavoisier Publishing Inc. New York.
  4. Diagnostic Criteria for Plants and Soils. 1966. Homer Chapman. Univ. of Calif., Riverside, CA.

    Each of these books is organized differently and each has strengths and weaknesses. I recommend collecting the information from all of them for a particular crop and comparing the recommendations for the optimum range of nutrient concentrations.

    Foliar analysis is based on the nutrient concentration in leaf tissue because leaves conduct the most photosynthesis and thus have the highest enzyme levels in plants. Average nutrient concentrations of whole plants are usually less than the concentrations in leaves, so a refill solution based solely on leaf tissue concentration will over supply nutrients for stems, seeds, and fruits. We have made many measurements of nutrient concentrations in different parts of wheat plants.

    Young plants easily develop nutrient deficiencies but rarely develop nutrient toxicities so we use a relatively concentrated initial starter solution. A refill solution with adequate nutrients for early vegetative leaf growth is usually too concentrated when plants are developing stems and leaves so we alter the composition of the refill solution with the growth stage of the plant to prevent nutrient accumulation in the solution. The life cycle can be divided into 3 stages:
  1. Early vegetative growth, which is primarily composed of leaf tissue (starter solution).
  2. Late vegetative growth, during which growth is composed of about equal amounts of stem and leaf tissue (vegetative refill solution).
  3. Reproductive growth, during which leaf growth is minimal and nutrients are mobilized into seeds or fruits (seed refill solution).
Root growth primarily occurs during early vegetative growth and is much less significant during late vegetative growth. Root growth decreases and even stops during reproductive growth.
Nitrogen: When nitric acid is used for pH control, about half of the nitrogen is supplied in the pH control solution. Nitrogen in the refill solution can thus be less than in Hoagland's solution. Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) can be added to the pH control solution if necessary to obtain even higher levels of N in the plants, but ammonium reduces the uptake of other cations so it should only be used if necessary.

Potassium: The supply of K is more constant with a low level in the starter solution and a more concentrated refill solution.

Calcium: Grasses have a lower requirement for calcium than dicots.

Magnesium and Sulfur (MgSO4): We have not found that 1 mM is necessary.

Iron (Fe): The use of modern chelating agents means that iron can be maintained in solution and much lower levels can be maintained.

Boron: Grasses have much a lower requirement for boron than dicots.

Zinc and Copper: These elements are ubiquitous contaminants. Hoagland and Arnon in the 1940's and 50's probably got most of these elements from contamination of the solution. Modern plastics, especially PVC pipe, greatly reduce copper and zinc contamination.

Silicon: A beneficial element. See section on silicon in this paper.

Solution Concentration
The concentration of ions in the refill solution is determined by the ratio of transpiration to growth. Transpiration determines the rate of water removal; growth determines the rate of nutrient removal. A good estimate of the transpiration to growth ratio for hydroponically grown crops is 300 to 400 kg (Liters) of water transpired per kg of dry mass of plant growth. The exact ratio depends on the humidity of the air; low humidity increases transpiration but does not increase growth. Elevated CO2 closes stomates and increases photosynthesis so the transpiration to growth ratio can decrease to about 200 to 1.

Knowledge of these ratios is useful in determining the approximate concentration of the refill solution. For example, 1/4 strength Hoagland's solution is about right for plants grown in ambient CO2, but 1/3 strength Hoagland's solution may be required for plants grown in elevated CO2. Total ion concentration can be maintained by controlling solution electrical conductivity. If the conductivity increases, the refill solution should be made more dilute, but the composition should be kept the same. The electrical conductivity does not change rapidly so it is usually necessary to monitor it only a few times each week. We have successfully used this approach in long-term studies (months) without discarding any solution. This procedure can eliminate the need to monitor nutrient solution concentrations in the solution.

Examples of refill solution concentration calculations

An analysis of the mass balance of potassium (K) is useful to demonstrate recovery in plant tissue.

Case # 1: Assume a transpiration to dry-mass growth ratio of 300:1 and a desired K concentration in the plant of 4% (40 g kg-1). For every kg of plant growth, 300 Liters of solution went through the plant, so there must be 40 g of K in 300 Liters of refill solution, or 0.133 g L-1. The molar mass (atomic weight) of K is 39 g mol-1. The refill solution must have 0.133 / 39 = 0.0034 moles L-1 of K in it, or 3.4 mM K.
Case # 2: Low humidity. If the transpiration to growth ratio was 400:1 the refill solution should be more dilute by 300/400 or 3/4. 40g in 400 L = 0.1 g L-1 divided by 39 = 2.6 mM K.
Case # 3: If the plant was in a fruit or seed fill stage of growth, potassium requirements might only be about 2% K (20 mg kg-1) in the new growth. If the transpiration to growth ratio was 300:1, the refill solution would be: 20 g K in 300 L = 0.067 g L-1 / 39 = 1.7 mM K.


Nutrient recovery in plant tissue

As mentioned earlier, the mass balance approach to nutrient management assumes that all of the nutrients are either in the solution or in the plant. Surprisingly few detailed mass balance studies to test this assumption have been conducted, however, studies in our laboratory and studies by Dr. Wade Berry at UCLA clearly indicate that the recovery of several elements is less than 100%, while recovery of some micronutrients is much greater than 100%. Table 5 indicates the average recoveries of elements from solution in six replicate 23-day studies. These recoveries are typical of recirculating hydroponic systems. Because recovery of macronutrients is 50 to 85%, additional macronutrients should be added to the refill solution. Reduced amounts of some micronutrients may be warranted when the contamination is reproducible.

Table 5. Average recoveries of the essential nutrients in plant tissue at the end of six replicate 22 day studies with wheat. The recovery of all of the macronutrients, and iron and boron was 50 to 85% of that added to the nutrient solution (minus what was left in solution at the end of the trial). The recovery of Mn, Zn, Cu, and Mo was greater than 100% because of contamination of the hydroponic solution from elements in the plastics or the magnetic drive pumps. Many different types of plastics were used to build this system and many plastics use zinc and copper as emulsifiers in manufacturing. These recoveries are typical in recirculating hydroponic systems.

Element.........% Recovery

Frequency of addition of refill solution

Because nutrients with active uptake are depleted in hours, it might seem that automatic addition of refill solution is required to avoid depletion. Frequent addition of refill is not necessary. The nutrients that are rapidly absorbed from solution are all mobile in plants, which means that plants can store the nutrients in roots, stems, or leaves and remobilize them as needed. We have done studies with nitrogen in which we spiked the solution once every 2 days and let the solution deplete to near zero (which occurred after about 12 hours). Plant growth was identical to the controls, which were maintained at a constant ample N level. However, we also did another study in which an excessive level of N was added to the starter solution, but the N was not replenished. The plants rapidly absorbed the N until it was depleted to about 20 µM nitrate at 16 days after seedling emergence. These plants had ample nitrate in the leaves at harvest on day 23, but assimilated N and dry mass gain were slightly lower than the controls (at a constant ample N). The results of this study suggest that remobilized nutrients may not be as useful as freshly absorbed nutrients.

It is relatively easy to use a float valve to obtain frequent small additions of nutrients, but this may not result in improved plant growth compared to daily additions of refill solution. In practice, the frequency of addition of refill solution is determined by the ratio of solution volume to plant growth rate. Small volumes with big plants need frequent refilling of both nutrients and water.


Examples of nutrient concentrations in hydroponic solution over the life cycle

Figure 1 shows the concentrations of nutrients over a 70 day life cycle of wheat. Note that the concentrations of K, Ca, S, and Mg increased after anthesis on day 35 because less of these nutrients are required in the seeds. The spikes in the concentration of Mn were caused when the solution was analyzed immediately after the addition of refill solution. These measurements were made before we installed a float valve to provide automatic, frequent additions of refill solution. Frequent additions of refill solution would smooth out the concentrations of all of the elements. The plant tissue concentrations of all elements were ample in this study, and, in fact, K and P concentrations were excessive. After this study, we reduced the concentration of K and P in the refill solution to the level indicated in Table 4. The starting K concentration was 4 mM in this study, but our current starting K concentration is 1.5 mM, which is maintained at about 0.5 mM K in the circulating solution by adding 4.5 mM K in the refill solution.


Commercial plant analysis laboratories

Analysis of hydroponic solution is unnecessary, inaccurate, and difficult to interpret, but analysis of plant tissue is useful, accurate, and relatively easy to interpret. All four of the plant analysis books referenced previously provide guidelines for optimum concentrations of nutrients in plant tissue (usually in the youngest, fully expanded leaf blades). I highly recommend sampling plant tissue at intervals during the life cycle to help refine the composition of the refill solution. Tissue sampling becomes less important over time as procedures are refined and optimal nutrient levels in plant leaves are obtained.
The analytical methodology of choice for plant analysis is emission spectrophotometry. Many laboratories around the country analyze plant tissue on a daily basis. Almost all of these are listed in the publication entitled "Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory Registry for the United States and Canada" (Council on Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, Georgia Univ. Station, Athens, GA 30612-0007; about $15/copy). This provides analytical services offered, contact person, phone and fax numbers. Be sure to check with the laboratory before sending them a sample. Each lab has different recommendations for plant sampling, drying, and shipment. The lab should be able to provide you with an analysis of nutrient toxicities and deficiencies. J. Benton Jones article in the 1993 HSA Proceedings more thoroughly explains details associated with plant sampling and analysis.

As an example of the typical cost of analysis, the 1995 analytical charges at the Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory at Utah State University are as follows:

ICP-emission spectrophotometry for 22 elements: $15
Kjeldahl or LECO Total Nitrogen analysis: $8
nitrate-N analysis: $6
Total nitrogen plus ICP-ES elements (package discount): $20

pH monitoring and control

Is pH control important?

Most people assume pH control is essential, but there is considerable misunderstanding about the effect of pH on plant growth. Plants grow equally well between pH 4 and 7, if nutrients do not become limiting. This is because the direct effects of pH on root growth are small; the problem is reduced nutrient availability at high and low pH. The recommended pH for hydroponic culture is between 5.5 to 5.8 because overall availability of nutrients is optimized at a slightly acid pH. The availabilities of Mn, Cu, Zn and especially Fe are reduced at higher pH, and there is a small decrease in availability of P, K, Ca, Mg at lower pH. Reduced availability means reduced nutrient uptake, but not necessarily nutrient deficiency.

Unfortunately, hydroponic systems are so poorly buffered that it is difficult to keep the pH between 4 and 7 without automatic pH control. Phosphorous (H2PO4 to HPO4) in solution buffers pH, but if phosphorous is maintained at levels that are adequate to stabilize pH (1 to 10 mM), it becomes toxic to plants. Plants actively absorb phosphorous from solution so a circulating solution, with about 0.05 mM P has much less buffering capacity than the fresh refill solution that is added to replace transpiration losses. Figure 2a is a titration curve of fresh refill solution compared to the recirculating solution. Six mmoles of base were required to raise the pH of fresh solution from 5.8 to 8, but only 1 mmole of base raised the pH of the circulating solution to 8. Figure 2b shows the slopes (derivatives) of the lines in Figure 2a. Figure 2b clearly shows poor buffering of the circulating solution between pH 5 to 9; small amounts of acid or base rapidly change the solution pH. The fresh refill solution is buffered by phosphorous, which has its maximum buffering capacity at pH 7.2. This point is called the pKa of the buffer and it is the point at which half of the phosphorous is in the H2PO4 form and half is in the HPO4 form. In other words, the phosphate ion absorbs and desorbs hydrogen ions to stabilize the pH. Unfortunately, phosphorous is quickly removed from the solution.

We were surprised to find that the circulating solution was better buffered below pH 5 than the fresh solution. The reasons for this are unclear; we cannot identify compounds in the refill solution that provide buffering capacity at pH 4. We are preparing to repeat these measurements and are investigating this finding.

How important is maintaining pH 5.8?

We control the pH at 4 to study root respiration (to eliminate bicarbonate in solution). We compared growth at pH 4 and pH 5.8 with wheat and were not able to find a significant difference in root growth rate or root metabolism. We now routinely grow wheat crops at pH 4 during the entire life cycle. However, although there is usually a broad optimum pH, it is still best to maintain pH at about 5.8 to optimize nutrient availability. pH levels below 4 may start to reduce root growth, in one study our pH control solenoid failed just after seed germination and the pH went to 2.5 for 48 hours. The roots turned brown and died, but new roots quickly grew back and the plants appeared to make a complete recovery.

An automated pH Control System.

Although organic pH buffers can be used to stabilize pH (Bugbee and Salisbury, 1985), in the long run it is better and less expensive to use an automated pH control system that adds acid or base to the solution. These systems require 3 components: a pH electrode, a pH controller, and a solenoid. We have had 7 pH control systems in continuous operation at the Utah State University Crop Physiology Laboratory during the past 8 years. It is useful to pass on our experience with the system components.

pH electrodes. We have not found that expensive electrodes last any longer than cheap electrodes (about 2 years per electrode) so we use cheap electrodes. We currently use a general purpose pH electrode from Omega (model PHE-4201; $49). It appears to be important to avoid rapid flow of solution across the tip of the electrode. Rapid response time is not important and the high flow appears to greatly decrease electrode life and also causes significant calibration drift. We check the calibration of the electrode every 2 to 3 months and adjust it if necessary.

pH controller. In about 1987 a new, digital-display pH controller became available (model 3671, $225., Whatman Lab Sales, Hillsboro, OR, 1-800-942-8626). This controller has been excellent in our laboratory - we have yet to have a controller fail. Automatic temperature control is completely available with the controller for another $65. but it is unnecessary.

When the pH increases to 5.8, the controller opens a solenoid that allows nitric acid (HNO3) to flow into the bulk solution. When nitrate nitrogen is used the solution pH increases as the nitrate is absorbed so only one solenoid is necessary. The acid inlet should be in close proximity to the tip of the pH electrode so that frequent small additions of acid occur and the bulk solution pH is stable.

Acid/base solenoid. A peristaltic pump can be used to add acid or base, but a solenoid is less expensive. Proper solenoid selection is important because common solenoids quickly deteriorate from acid corrosion. We use a shielded core acid solenoid from The Automatic Switch Company (ASCO, model D8260G56V or G53V; about $76.). These solenoids do not corrode, but in our experience, about 50% of the diaphragms in the valves failed in less than 2 years in continuous use. The valves are rated for a million cycles so they should last at least 10 years. We are currently working with ASCO to determine the cause of the premature failure. We previously used ASCO valve number D8260G54V, but this valve is not shielded core and corrodes in less than a year, even with 0.1 molar acid. Most plumbing suppliers sell ASCO solenoids, it pays to shop around for good price and quick delivery. Many other companies sell acid resistant valves that may be suitable, but some require a transformer for 24 volt operation.

The total cost (1995) of a pH control system as described above is $350. to $400. depending on availability of system components.


Why add silicon to nutrient solution?

Although silicon has not been recognized as an essential element for higher plants, its beneficial effects have been shown in many plants. Silicon is abundant in all field grown plants, but it is not present in most hydroponic solutions. Silicon has long been recognized as particularly important to rice growth, but a recent study indicated that it may only be important during pollination in rice (Ma et al. 1989). The beneficial effects of silicon (Si) are twofold: 1) it protects against insect and disease attack (Cherif et al. 1994; Winslow, 1992; Samuels, 1991), and 2) it protects against toxicity of metals (Vlamis and Williams, 1967; Baylis et al. 1994). For these reasons, I recommend adding silicon (about 0.1 mM) to nutrient solutions for all plants unless the added cost outweighs its advantages.


Experiences with phythium control in hydroponic solution

The phythium fungus has been the only serious disease we have encountered in our systems, and disease problems have been relatively rare, particularly when all parts of the system are kept covered to keep dust and dirt particles away from the solution. Every plant pathologist on the planet recommends sanitation as the best control procedure for phythium, yet many hydroponic systems are not as well sealed as they should be.
Last year, we discovered that Mn deficiency predisposed the plants to phythium infection. A student worker accidently used MgCl2 in place of MnCl2 for a micronutrient stock solution and we didn't discover the mistake for several months because we were doing short (25 day) studies and there was enough Mn contamination so that no visual symptoms were apparent (growth rate was reduced only about 15% and there was about 10 mg kg-1 Mn in the leaf tissue). During this time several of the systems became infected with phythium. The same systems have never been infected when Mn was adequate. Copper is well known to suppress microbial growth, but increased copper levels are toxic to plants. Manganese and zinc (divalent cations) may have a similar disease suppressive potential, but are less toxic to plants. In the interest of minimizing phythium growth, we have increased solution Mn to a level higher than that required for optimum growth. Careful studies will be required to confirm the beneficial effects of Mn on disease suppression; meanwhile, there is little disadvantage to maintaining manganese, zinc, and copper levels slightly above the minimum required for plant growth.


Designing hydroponic systems: The importance of flow rate

Most hydroponic systems have inadequate flow rates, which results in reduced oxygen levels at root surfaces. This stresses roots and can increase the incidence of disease. Oxygen is soluble only as a micronutrient, yet its uptake rate is much faster than any other nutrient element.

The nutrient film technique was designed to improve aeration of the nutrient solution because of the thin film of solution, but the slow flow rates in NFT cause channeling of the solution and reduced flow to areas with dense roots. The root surfaces in these areas become anaerobic, which diminishes root respiration, reduces nutrient uptake, increases N losses via denitrification, and makes roots susceptible to infection. The problems with the nutrient film technique have been discussed by several authors. Bugbee and Salisbury (1989) discuss the importance of flow rate and adequate root-zone oxygen levels.


Isolite: A new substrate for hydroponics

Many different substrates are used for plant support in hydroponic culture, but one of the unique requirements for research is that the media be easily separated from the roots. Peat, perlite, and vermiculite are good substrates but roots and root hairs grow into these substrates, so they are unsuitable for studies of root size and morphology. Sand can easily be removed from roots, but roots grown in sand are shorter and thicker than hydroponic roots because the sand particles are so dense. We have also found that plant growth in sand is less than in other substrates, presumably because of reduced root growth. Calcined clay (brand names: Turface, Profile, Arcillite) was the medium of choice for research hydroponics for many years because it can easily be removed from roots. Calcined clay, however, has two disadvantages: 1) It is not chemically inert. Different batches supply different amounts of available nutrients and this causes variable results. It can be repeatedly rinsed in nutrient solution to desorb undesirable nutrients, but this adds to its cost. 2) Calcined clay is not a uniform particle size, and the water holding capacity depends on particle size. Not all batches are the same.

We recently tested and began using an extruded, diatomaceous-earth product called Isolite. Isolite is mined off the coast of Japan where there is a unique diatomaceous-earth deposit mixed with 5% clay. The clay acts as a binder in the extrusion and baking of the diatomaceous-earth. Diatomaceous-earth materials were originally organisms composed primarily of silicon dioxide (SiO2). Silicon dioxide is physically and chemically inert and these characteristics make it useful for horticultural applications like putting greens and urban trees where the soil is subject to severe compaction. Isolite is available in particle sizes from 1 to 10-mm diameter. Our tests indicate that Isolite is chemically inert and has good water holding characteristics. Its disadvantage is cost at $1.22 per Liter ($.79 per pound) for small quantities, although it can be reused. We have reused it after rinsing and drying at 80 C. Isolite is made by Sumitomo Corp. and is available in the USA from Sundine Enterprises, Arvada, CO; 303-423-8669.

Microorganisms and organic compounds in the solution: Is filtering useful?

Many people think that filtering the recirculating solution is useful, but we have never filtered our solutions. Our measurements indicate that total organic carbon in the recirculating solution does not exceed 15 mg per liter, even near the end of a 2 month life cycle. About 30% of the organic carbon in the solution is in the chelating agent. Total organic carbon includes the carbon that is in microbial biomass, so it is clear that neither organic compounds nor microorganisms are at high levels in the solution. The solution also appears as clear prior to harvest at 80 days as fresh solution.

Roots leak organic compounds, but there is an equilibrium between microorganisms on root surfaces and the exudates so that compounds are degraded to CO2 at the root surface. Estimates of the quantity of root exudates vary widely, but there is considerable evidence that carbon efflux increases when plants are stressed (Barber and Gunn, 1974; Smucker, 1984; Haller and Stolp, 1985). Bowen and Rovira (1976) found that roots in solution culture produce smaller quantities of exudate than in soil. Trollenier and Hect-Buchholz (1984) found that reduced root growth due to inadequate aeration in hydroponic culture was accompanied by a dramatic increase in root microbe population, which they attributed to increased exudation from roots. The bottom line is that healthy roots in a well aerated hydroponic system should not increase the microorganisms or organics in the solution and filtering is thus unnecessary.

Summary comments on specific elements

Nitrogen: Plant requirements for nitrogen are sometimes larger than all of the other elements combined. It can thus be difficult to supply nitrogen in the refill solution without adding excess amounts of other cations. The best solution is to use nitric acid (HNO3) for pH control. This can supply 50% of the nitrogen needs of the crop without adding excess cations. If extra nitrogen is required, ammonium nitrate can be added to the pH control solution. However, because ammonium decreases the uptake of other cations (K, Ca, Mg, and micronutrients) I do not recommend its use in hydroponic solutions unless extra nitrogen is required by the crop for maximum yields.

Phosphorous and Potassium: are rapidly drawn down to µM levels is solution. These low levels do not mean that the plant is starving for these elements, it means that the plant is healthy and actively absorbed these elements from solution.

Calcium: requirements are almost 3 times higher for dicots than for monocots (grasses). Calcium is nontoxic, even at high tissue concentrations, but it accumulates in solution if too much is added to the refill solution.

Magnesium: is highly mobile and can accumulate to toxic levels in upper leaves if the solution concentration is too high.


Well-Known Member


INTRODUCTION In preparation for writing this paper, I read the related papers from previous HSA proceedings. I am impressed by the amount of useful information. The annual meeting and proceedings of HSA have become an important source of technical information on the hydroponic culture of plants. This information is not necessarily available at the annual meetings of related professional societies such as The American Society for Horticultural Science, or The American Society of Agronomy.

It was necessary for me to read other papers because many of them discuss nutrient management in recirculating hydroponic systems. Authors at every meeting in the past 5 years have stressed the need to recirculate and reuse nutrient solutions to reduce environmental and economic costs. Dr. Pieter Schippers (1991 HSA proceedings) reviewed nutrient management and clearly indicated the need for data when he said; "One of the weakest points in hydroponics...is the lack of information on managing the nutrient solution." I was moderately surprised to find that previous authors recommended measuring the concentrations of individual nutrients in solution as a key to nutrient control and maintenance. Monitoring ions in solution is unnecessary. Even worse, the rapid depletion of some nutrients often causes people to add toxic amounts of nutrients to the solution. Monitoring solutions is interesting, but it is not the key to effective maintenance.
MANAGING NUTRIENTS BY MASS BALANCE During the past 12 years, we have managed nutrients in closed hydroponic systems according to the principle of "mass balance," which means that the mass of nutrients is either in solution or in the plants. We add nutrients to the solution depending on what we want the plant to take up.

Plants quickly remove their daily supply of some nutrients while other nutrients accumulate. This means that the concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium can be at low levels in the solution (0.1 mM or a few ppm) because these nutrients are in the plant, where we want them. Maintaining a high concentration of nutrients in the solution can result in excessive uptake that can lead to nutrient imbalances.

For example, the water removed from solution through transpiration must be replaced and it is necessary to have about 0.5 mM phosphorous in the refill solution. If the refill solution was added once each day, the phosphorous would be absorbed by the plant in a few hours and the solution phosphorous concentration would be close to zero. This does not indicate a deficiency; rather it indicates a healthy plant with rapid nutrient uptake. If the phosphorous level is maintained at 0.5 mM in the recirculating solution, the phosphorous concentration in the plant can increase to 1% of the dry mass, which is 3 times higher than the optimum in most plants. This high phosphorous level can induce iron and zinc deficiency (Chaney and Coulombe, 1982).

Feeding plants in this way is like the daily feeding of a pet dog, some dogs would be far overweight if their food bowls were kept continuously full.
DIFFERENTIAL NUTRIENT REMOVAL FROM SOLUTION The essential nutrients can be put into 3 categories based on how quickly they are removed from solution. Group 1 elements are actively absorbed by roots and can be removed from solution in a few hours. Group 2 elements have intermediate uptake rates and are usually removed from solution slightly faster than water is removed. Group 3 elements are passively absorbed from solution and often accumulate in solution.

TABLE 1. Approximate uptake rates of the essential plant nutrients.

GROUP 1Active uptake, fast removalNO[SUB]3[/SUB], NH[SUB]4[/SUB], P, K, Mn
GROUP 2Intermediate uptakeMg, S, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mo, C
GROUP 3Passive uptake, slow removalCa, B

One of the problems with individual ion monitoring and control is that the concentration of the group 1 elements (N, P, K, Mn) must be kept low to prevent their toxic accumulation in plant tissue. Low concentrations are difficult to monitor and control. Table 2 shows typical measurement errors associated with the use of ICP emission spectrophotometry for analysis of hydroponic solutions. Nitrogen cannot be measured by ICP-ES. Accuracy for the macronutrients is good, but solution levels of B, Cu, and Mo cannot be accurately measured by ICP-ES. The calculations in this table are for a typical refill solution, not for the low concentrations that should be maintained in the circulating solution. The measurement errors for K, P, and Mn can be 10 times higher because the solution levels are lower.

TABLE 2. Typical measurement error associated with the use of Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrophotometry for analysis of nutrient concentrations in hydroponic solution.

ElementNutrient Solution
Concentration (mM)
ICP Accuracy (mM)Typical Measurement
Error (%)
K 3.50.13
Ca 1.00.0020.2
S 0.750.011

The total amount of nutrients in solution can easily and accurately be determined by measuring the electrical conductivity of the solution. However, because of the differential rate of nutrient uptake, conductivity measurements mostly measure the calcium, magnesium and sulfate remaining in solution. The micronutrients contribute less than 0.1% to electrical conductivity.
DEVELOPING AN APPROPRIATE REFILL SOLUTION The objective is to develop a recipe for a refill solution that replenishes both nutrients and the water. Plants have evolved to tolerate large nutrient imbalances in the root-zone, but in recirculating hydroponic systems, imbalances in nutrient replenishment are cumulative. It is thus important to understand the principles for nutrient replacement, especially when the solution is continuously recycled over the life cycle of a crop.

Traditional nutrient solution recipes, such as Hoagland solution, can be used as refill solution if they are diluted to about 1/3 strength so that the electrical conductivity is kept constant. Hoagland solution, however, was originally developed for tomatoes and is not always appropriate as refill solution for other types of plants.

Two factors must be considered in developing a refill solution:
Solution Composition
2. Solution Concentration
SOLUTION COMPOSITION The composition of the solution (the ratio of nutrients) should be determined by the desired concentrations of each element in the plant. A starting point for refill solution composition is the ratio of the elements in the plant leaves, which can be determined from a reference book on Plant Analysis Interpretation. I am familiar with four books that list the optimum concentrations of nutrients in plant tissue (and there are probably other books):
  • Plant Analysis: An interpretation Manual. 1986. D. Reuter & J. Robinson, (eds). Inkata Press, Melbourne.
  • Plant Analysis Handbook. 1991. J. Benton Jones, B. Wolf, H. Mills. Micro-Macro Publishing, Inc. Athens, GA.
  • Plant Analysis. 1987. P. Martin-Prevel and J. Gagnard. Lavoisier Publishing Inc. New York.
  • Diagnostic Criteria for Plants and Soils. 1966. Homer Chapman. Univ. of Calif., Riverside, CA.
Each of these books is organized differently and each has strengths and weaknesses. I recommend collecting the information from all of them for a particular crop and comparing the recommendations for the optimum range of nutrient concentrations.

Foliar analysis is based on the nutrient concentration in leaf tissue because leaves conduct the most photosynthesis and thus have the highest enzyme levels in plants. Average nutrient concentrations of whole plants are usually less than the concentrations in leaves, so a refill solution based solely on leaf tissue concentration will over supply nutrients for stems, seeds, and fruits. We have made many measurements of nutrient concentrations in different parts of wheat plants. Table 3 shows that the concentrations of most elements are much higher in leaves than in other plant parts.

TABLE 3. Approximate optimum nutrient concentrations in different parts of a wheat plant.


*Iron precipitates on the root surface.

Young plants easily develop nutrient deficiencies but rarely develop nutrient toxicities so we use a relatively concentrated initial starter solution. A refill solution with adequate nutrients for early vegetative leaf growth is usually too concentrated when plants are developing stems and leaves so we alter the composition of the refill solution with the growth stage of the plant to prevent nutrient accumulation in the solution. The life cycle can be divided into 3 stages:

  • Early vegetative growth, which is primarily composed of leaf tissue (starter solution).
  • Late vegetative growth, during which growth is composed of about equal amounts of stem and leaf tissue (vegetative refill solution).
  • Reproductive growth, during which leaf growth is minimal and nutrients are mobilized into seeds or fruits (seed refill solution).
Root growth primarily occurs during early vegetative growth and is much less significant during late vegetative growth. Root growth decreases and even stops during reproductive growth.

Table 4 shows the nutrient solution that we use for hydroponic culture of wheat. Although wheat is not a commercial hydroponic crop, the same principles apply to all crops. The refill solutions are more dilute at the later stages of the life cycle because the nutrient requirements of stems and seeds are less than for leaves.

TABLE 4. A comparison of half-strength Hoagland Solution with Utah Wheat Solutions. The system is initially filled with the starter solution. Vegetative refill solution is used during leaf and stem growth. The seed fill solution is used after the leaves stop growing and the grain is filling.

Seed Fill
Seed Fill

The rationale underlying the differences between Hoagland's solution and Utah Wheat solution are not obvious so a discussion of differences is useful.

NITROGEN: When nitric acid is used for pH control, about half of the nitrogen is supplied in the pH control solution. Nitrogen in the refill solution can thus be less than in Hoagland's solution. Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) can be added to the pH control solution if necessary to obtain even higher levels of N in the plants, but ammonium reduces the uptake of other cations so it should only be used if necessary.

POTASSIUM: The supply of K is more constant with a low level in the starter solution and a more concentrated refill solution.

CALCIUM: Grasses have a lower requirement for calcium than dicots.

MAGNESIUM and SULFUR (MgSO4): We have not found that 1 mM is necessary.

IRON (Fe): The use of modern chelating agents means that iron can be maintained in solution and much lower levels can be maintained.

BORON: Grasses have much a lower requirement for boron than dicots.

ZINC and COPPER: These elements are ubiquitous contaminants. Hoagland and Arnon in the 1940's and 50's probably got most of these elements from contamination of the solution. Modern plastics, especially PVC pipe, greatly reduce copper and zinc contamination.

SILICON: A beneficial element.
See section on silicon in this paper.
SOLUTION CONCENTRATION The concentration of ions in the refill solution is determined by the ratio of transpiration to growth. Transpiration determines the rate of water removal; growth determines the rate of nutrient removal. A good estimate of the transpiration to growth ratio for hydroponically grown crops is 300 to 400 kg (Liters) of water transpired per kg of dry mass of plant growth. The exact ratio depends on the humidity of the air; low humidity increases transpiration but does not increase growth. Elevated CO2 closes stomates and increases photosynthesis so the transpiration to growth ratio can decrease to about 200 to 1.

A knowledge of these ratios is useful in determining the approximate concentration of the refill solution. For example, 1/4 strength Hoagland's solution is about right for plants grown in ambient CO[SUB]2[/SUB], but 1/3 strength Hoagland's solution may be required for plants grown in elevated CO[SUB]2[/SUB]. Total ion concentration can be maintained by controlling solution electrical conductivity. If the conductivity increases, the refill solution should be made more dilute, but the composition should be kept the same. The electrical conductivity does not change rapidly so it is usually necessary to monitor it only a few times each week. We have successfully used this approach in long-term studies (months) without discarding any solution. This procedure can eliminate the need to monitor nutrient solution concentrations in the solution.
EXAMPLES OF REFILL SOLUTION CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS An analysis of the mass balance of potassium (K) is useful to demonstrate recovery in plant tissue.
  • CASE #1: Assume a transpiration to dry-mass growth ratio of 300:1 and a desired K concentration in the plant of 4% (40 g kg[SUP]-1[/SUP]). For every kg of plant growth, 300 Liters of solution went through the plant, so there must be 40 g of K in 300 Liters of refill solution, or 0.133 g L[SUP]-1[/SUP]. The molar mass (atomic weight) of K is 39 g mol[SUP]-1[/SUP]. The refill solution must have 0.133 / 39 = 0.0034 moles L[SUP]-1[/SUP] of K in it, or 3.4 mM K.
  • CASE #2: Low humidity. If the transpiration to growth ratio was 400:1 the refill solution should be more dilute by 300/400 or 3/4. 40g in 400 L = 0.1 g L[SUP]-1[/SUP] divided by 39 = 2.6 mM K.
  • CASE #3: If the plant was in a fruit or seed fill stage of growth, potassium requirements might only be about 2% K (20 mg kg[SUP]-1[/SUP]) in the new growth. If the transpiration to growth ratio was 300:1, the refill solution would be: 20 g K in 300 L = 0.067 g L[SUP]-1[/SUP] / 39 = 1.7 mM K.
NUTRIENT RECOVERY IN PLANT TISSUE As mentioned earlier, the mass balance approach to nutrient management assumes that all of the nutrients are either in the solution or in the plant. Surprisingly few detailed mass balance studies to test this assumption have been conducted, however, studies in our laboratory and studies by Dr. Wade Berry at UCLA clearly indicate that the recovery of several elements is less than 100%, while recovery of some micronutrients is much greater than 100%. Table 5 indicates the average recoveries of elements from solution in six replicate 23-day studies. These recoveries are typical of recirculating hydroponic systems. Because recovery of macronutrients is 50 to 85%, additional macronutrients should be added to the refill solution. Reduced amounts of some micronutrients may be warranted when the contamination is reproducible.

TABLE 5. Average recoveries of the essential nutrients in plant tissue at the end of six replicate 22 day studies with wheat. The recovery of all of the macronutrients, and iron and boron was 50 to 85% of that added to the nutrient solution (minus what was left in solution at the end of the trial). The recovery of Mn, Zn, Cu, and Mo was greater than 100% because of contamination of the hydroponic solution from elements in the plastics or the magnetic drive pumps. Many different types of plastics were used to build this system and many plastics use zinc and copper as emulsifiers in manufacturing. These recoveries are typical in recirculating hydroponic systems.

N 70
P 75
K 85
Ca 50
Mg 70
S 50
Fe 50
Mn 280
B 60
Zn 400
Cu 600
Mo 1000
FREQUENCY OF ADDITION OF REFILL SOLUTION Because nutrients with active uptake are depleted in hours, it might seem that automatic addition of refill solution is required to avoid depletion. Frequent addition of refill is not necessary. The nutrients that are rapidly absorbed from solution are all mobile in plants, which means that plants can store the nutrients in roots, stems, or leaves and remobilize them as needed. We have done studies with nitrogen in which we spiked the solution once every 2 days and let the solution deplete to near zero (which occurred after about 12 hours). Plant growth was identical to the controls, which were maintained at a constant ample N level. However, we also did another study in which an excessive level of N was added to the starter solution, but the N was not replenished. The plants rapidly absorbed the N until it was depleted to about 20 µM nitrate at 16 days after seedling emergence. These plants had ample nitrate in the leaves at harvest on day 23, but assimilated N and dry mass gain were slightly lower than the controls (at a constant ample N). The results of this study suggest that remobilized nutrients may not be as useful as freshly absorbed nutrients.

It is relatively easy to use a float valve to obtain frequent small additions of nutrients, but this may not result in improved plant growth compared to daily additions of refill solution. In practice, the frequency of addition of refill solution is determined by the ratio of solution volume to plant growth rate. Small volumes with big plants need frequent refilling of both nutrients and water.
EXAMPLES OF NUTRIENT CONCENTRATIONS IN HYDROPONIC SOLUTION OVER THE LIFE CYCLE Figure 1 shows the concentrations of nutrients over a 70 day life cycle of wheat. Note that the concentrations of K, Ca, S, and Mg increased after anthesis on day 35 because less of these nutrients are required in the seeds. The spikes in the concentration of Mn were caused when the solution was analyzed immediately after the addition of refill solution. These measurements were made before we installed a float valve to provide automatic, frequent additions of refill solution. Frequent additions of refill solution would smooth out the concentrations of all of the elements. The plant tissue concentrations of all elements were ample in this study, and, in fact, K and P concentrations were excessive. After this study, we reduced the concentration of K and P in the refill solution to the level indicated in Table 4. The starting K concentration was 4 mM in this study, but our current starting K concentration is 1.5 mM, which is maintained at about 0.5 mM K in the circulating solution by adding 4.5 mM K in the refill solution.
COMMERCIAL PLANT ANALYSIS LABORATORIES Analysis of hydroponic solution is unnecessary, inaccurate, and difficult to interpret, but analysis of plant tissue is useful, accurate, and relatively easy to interpret. All four of the plant analysis books referenced previously provide guidelines for optimum concentrations of nutrients in plant tissue (usually in the youngest, fully expanded leaf blades). I highly recommend sampling plant tissue at intervals during the life cycle to help refine the composition of the refill solution. Tissue sampling becomes less important over time as procedures are refined and optimal nutrient levels in plant leaves are obtained.

The analytical methodology of choice for plant analysis is emission spectrophotometry. Many laboratories around the country analyze plant tissue on a daily basis. Almost all of these are listed in the publication entitled "Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory Registry for the United States and Canada" (Council on Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, Georgia Univ. Station, Athens, GA 30612-0007; about $15/copy). This provides analytical services offered, contact person, phone and fax numbers. Be sure to check with the laboratory before sending them a sample. Each lab has different recommendations for plant sampling, drying, and shipment. The lab should be able to provide you with an analysis of nutrient toxicities and deficiencies. J. Benton Jones article in the 1993 HSA Proceedings more thoroughly explains details associated with plant sampling and analysis.

As an example of the typical cost of analysis, the 1995 analytical charges at the Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory at Utah State University are as follows:
ICP-emission spectrophotometry for 22 elements:$15
Kjeldahl or LECO Total Nitrogen analysis:$8
nitrate-N analysis:$6
Total nitrogen plus ICP-ES elements (package discount):$20
Is pH control important?
Most people assume pH control is essential, but there is considerable misunderstanding about the effect of pH on plant growth. Plants grow equally well between pH 4 and 7, if nutrients do not become limiting. This is because the direct effects of pH on root growth are small, the problem is reduced nutrient availability at high and low pH. The recommended pH for hydroponic culture is between 5.5 to 5.8 because overall availability of nutrients is optimized at a slightly acid pH. The availabilities of Mn, Cu, Zn and especially Fe are reduced at higher pH, and there is a small decrease in availability of P, K, Ca, Mg at lower pH. Reduced availability means reduced nutrient uptake, but not necessarily nutrient deficiency.

Unfortunately, hydroponic systems are so poorly buffered that it is difficult to keep the pH between 4 and 7 without automatic pH control. Phosphorous (H2PO4 to HPO4) in solution buffers pH, but if phosphorous is maintained at levels that are adequate to stabilize pH (1 to 10 mM), it becomes toxic to plants. Plants actively absorb phosphorous from solution so a circulating solution, with about 0.05 mM P has much less buffering capacity than the fresh refill solution that is added to replace transpiration losses. Figure 2a is a titration curve of fresh refill solution compared to the recirculating solution. Six mmoles of base were required to raise the pH of fresh solution from 5.8 to 8, but only 1 mmole of base raised the pH of the circulating solution to 8. Figure 2b shows the slopes (derivatives) of the lines in Figure 2a. Figure 2b clearly shows poor buffering of the circulating solution between pH 5 to 9; small amounts of acid or base rapidly change the solution pH. The fresh refill solution is buffered by phosphorous, which has its maximum buffering capacity at pH 7.2. This point is called the pKa of the buffer and it is the point at which half of the phosphorous is in the H2PO4 form and half is in the HPO4 form. In other words, the phosphate ion absorbs and desorbs hydrogen ions to stabilize the pH. Unfortunately, phosphorous is quickly removed from the solution.

We were surprised to find that the circulating solution was better buffered below pH 5 than the fresh solution. The reasons for this are unclear, we cannot identify compounds in the refill solution that provide buffering capacity at pH 4. We are preparing to repeat these measurements and are investigating this finding.

How important is maintaining pH 5.8? We control the pH at 4 to study root respiration (to eliminate bicarbonate in solution). We compared growth at pH 4 and pH 5.8 with wheat and were not able to find a significant difference in root growth rate or root metabolism. We now routinely grow wheat crops at pH 4 during the entire life cycle. However, although there is usually a broad optimum pH, it is still best to maintain pH at about 5.8 to optimize nutrient availability. pH levels below 4 may start to reduce root growth, in one study our pH control solenoid failed just after seed germination and the pH went to 2.5 for 48 hours. The roots turned brown and died, but new roots quickly grew back and the plants appeared to make a complete recovery.

An automated pH control system. Although organic pH buffers can be used to stabilize pH (Bugbee and Salisbury, 1985), in the long run it is better and less expensive to use an automated pH control system that adds acid or base to the solution. These systems require 3 components: a pH electrode, a pH controller, and a solenoid. We have had 7 pH control systems in continuous operation at the Utah State University Crop Physiology Laboratory during the past 8 years. It is useful to pass on our experience with the system components.

pH electrodes. We have not found that expensive electrodes last any longer than cheap electrodes (about 2 years per electrode) so we use cheap electrodes. We currently use a general purpose pH electrode from Omega (model PHE-4201; $49). It appears to be important to avoid rapid flow of solution across the tip of the electrode. Rapid response time is not important and the high flow appears to greatly decrease electrode life and also causes significant calibration drift. We check the calibration of the electrode every 2 to 3 months and adjust it if necessary.

pH controller. In about 1987 a new, digital-display pH controller became available (model 3671, $225., Whatman Lab Sales, Hillsboro, OR, 1-800-942-8626). This controller has been excellent in our laboratory - we have yet to have a controller fail. Automatic temperature control is completely available with the controller for another $65. but it is unnecessary.

When the pH increases to 5.8, the controller opens a solenoid that allows nitric acid (HNO3) to flow into the bulk solution. When nitrate nitrogen is used the solution pH increases as the nitrate is absorbed so only one solenoid is necessary. The acid inlet should be in close proximity to the tip of the pH electrode so that frequent small additions of acid occur and the bulk solution pH is stable.

Acid/base solenoid. A peristaltic pump can be used to add acid or base, but a solenoid is less expensive. Proper solenoid selection is important because common solenoids quickly deteriorate from acid corrosion. We use a shielded core acid solenoid from The Automatic Switch Company (ASCO, model D8260G56V or G53V; about $76). These solenoids do not corrode, but in our experience, about 50% of the diaphragms in the valves failed in less than 2 years in continuous use. The valves are rated for a million cycles so they should last at least 10 years. We are currently working with ASCO to determine the cause of the premature failure. We previously used ASCO valve number D8260G54V, but this valve is not shielded core and corrodes in less than a year, even with 0.1 molar acid. Most plumbing suppliers sell ASCO solenoids, it pays to shop around for good price and quick delivery. Many other companies sell acid resistant valves that may be suitable, but some require a transformer for 24 volt operation.

The total cost (1995) of a pH control system as described above is $350. to $400. depending on availability of system components.
WHY ADD SILICON TO NUTRIENT SOLUTION? Although silicon has not been recognized as an essential element for higher plants, its beneficial effects have been shown in many plants. Silicon is abundant in all field grown plants, but it is not present in most hydroponic solutions. Silicon has long been recognized as particularly important to rice growth, but a recent study indicated that it may only be important during pollination in rice (Ma et al. 1989). The beneficial effects of silicon (Si) are twofold: 1) it protects against insect and disease attack (Cherif et al. 1994; Winslow, 1992; Samuels, 1991), and 2) it protects against toxicity of metals (Vlamis and Williams, 1967; Baylis et al. 1994). For these reasons, I recommend adding silicon (about 0.1 mM) to nutrient solutions for all plants unless the added cost outweighs its advantages.
EXPERIENCES WITH PHYTHIUM CONTROL IN HYDROPONIC SOLUTION The phythium fungus has been the only serious disease we have encountered in our systems, and disease problems have been relatively rare, particularly when all parts of the system are kept covered to keep dust and dirt particles away from the solution. Every plant pathologist on the planet recommends sanitation as the best control procedure for phythium, yet many hydroponic systems are not as well sealed as they should be.

Last year, we discovered that Mn deficiency predisposed the plants to phythium infection. A student worker accidently used MgCl2 in place of MnCl2 for a micronutrient stock solution and we didn't discover the mistake for several months because we were doing short (25 day) studies and there was enough Mn contamination so that no visual symptoms were apparent (growth rate was reduced only about 15% and there was about 10 mg kg-1 Mn in the leaf tissue). During this time several of the systems became infected with phythium. The same systems have never been infected when Mn was adequate. Copper is well known to suppress microbial growth, but increased copper levels are toxic to plants. Manganese and zinc (divalent cations) may have a similar disease suppressive potential, but are less toxic to plants. In the interest of minimizing phythium growth, we have increased solution Mn to a level higher than that required for optimum growth. Careful studies will be required to confirm the beneficial effects of Mn on disease suppression; meanwhile, there is little disadvantage to maintaining manganese, zinc, and copper levels slightly above the minimum required for plant growth.
DESIGNING HYDROPONIC SYSTEMS: THE IMPORTANCE OF FLOW RATE Most hydroponic systems have inadequate flow rates, which results in reduced oxygen levels at root surfaces. This stresses roots and can increase the incidence of disease. Oxygen is soluble only as a micronutrient, yet its uptake rate is much faster than any other nutrient element.

The nutrient film technique was designed to improve aeration of the nutrient solution because of the thin film of solution, but the slow flow rates in NFT cause channeling of the solution and reduced flow to areas with dense roots. The root surfaces in these areas become anaerobic, which diminishes root respiration, reduces nutrient uptake, increases N losses via denitrification, and makes roots susceptible to infection. The problems with the nutrient film technique have been discussed by several authors. Bugbee and Salisbury (1989) discuss the importance of flow rate and adequate root-zone oxygen levels.
ISOLITE: A NEW SUBSTRATE FOR HYDROPONICS Many different substrates are used for plant support in hydroponic culture, but one of the unique requirements for research is that the media be easily separated from the roots. Peat, perlite, and vermiculite are good substrates but roots and root hairs grow into these substrates, so they are unsuitable for studies of root size and morphology. Sand can easily be removed from roots, but roots grown in sand are shorter and thicker than hydroponic roots because the sand particles are so dense. We have also found that plant growth in sand is less than in other substrates, presumably because of reduced root growth. Calcined clay (brand names: Turface, Profile, Arcillite) was the medium of choice for research hydroponics for many years because it can easily be removed from roots. Calcined clay, however, has two disadvantages: 1) It is not chemically inert. Different batches supply different amounts of available nutrients and this causes variable results. It can be repeatedly rinsed in nutrient solution to desorb undesirable nutrients, but this adds to its cost. 2) Calcined clay is not a uniform particle size, and the water holding capacity depends on particle size. Not all batches are the same.

We recently tested and began using an extruded, diatomaceous-earth product called Isolite. Isolite is mined off the coast of Japan where there is a unique diatomaceous-earth deposit mixed with 5% clay. The clay acts as a binder in the extrusion and baking of the diatomaceous-earth. Diatomaceous-earth materials were originally organisms composed primarily of silicon dioxide (SiO2). Silicon dioxide is physically and chemically inert and these characteristics make it useful for horticultural applications like putting greens and urban trees where the soil is subject to severe compaction. Isolite is available in particle sizes from 1 to 10-mm diameter. Our tests indicate that Isolite is chemically inert and has good water holding characteristics. Its disadvantage is cost at $1.22 per Liter ($.79 per pound) for small quantities, although it can be reused. We have reused it after rinsing and drying at 80 C. Isolite is made by Sumitomo Corp. and is available in the USA from Sundine Enterprises, Arvada, CO; 303-423-8669.
MICROORGANISMS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN THE SOLUTION: IS FILTERING USEFUL? Many people think that filtering the recirculating solution is useful, but we have never filtered our solutions. Our measurements indicate that total organic carbon in the recirculating solution does not exceed 15 mg per liter, even near the end of a 2 month life cycle. About 30% of the organic carbon in the solution is in the chelating agent. Total organic carbon includes the carbon that is in microbial biomass, so it is clear that neither organic compounds nor microorganisms are at high levels in the solution. The solution also appears as clear prior to harvest at 80 days as fresh solution.

Roots leak organic compounds, but there is an equilibrium between microorganisms on root surfaces and the exudates so that compounds are degraded to CO2 at the root surface. Estimates of the quantity of root exudates vary widely, but there is considerable evidence that carbon efflux increases when plants are stressed (Barber and Gunn, 1974; Smucker, 1984; Haller and Stolp, 1985). Bowen and Rovira (1976) found that roots in solution culture produce smaller quantities of exudate than in soil. Trollenier and Hect-Buchholz (1984) found that reduced root growth due to inadequate aeration in hydroponic culture was accompanied by a dramatic increase in root microbe population, which they attributed to increased exudation from roots. The bottom line is that healthy roots in a well aerated hydroponic system should not increase the microorganisms or organics in the solution and filtering is thus unnecessary.
NITROGEN: Plant requirements for nitrogen are sometimes larger than all of the other elements combined. It can thus be difficult to supply nitrogen in the refill solution without adding excess amounts of other cations. The best solution is to use nitric acid (HNO3) for pH control. This can supply 50% of the nitrogen needs of the crop without adding excess cations. If extra nitrogen is required, ammonium nitrate can be added to the pH control solution. However, because ammonium decreases the uptake of other cations (K, Ca, Mg, and micronutrients) I do not recommend its use in hydroponic solutions unless extra nitrogen is required by the crop for maximum yields.

PHOSPHOROUS and POTASSIUM are rapidly drawn down to µM levels is solution. These low levels do not mean that the plant is starving for these elements, it means that the plant is healthy and actively absorbed these elements from solution.

CALCIUM requirements are almost 3 times higher for dicots than for monocots (grasses). Calcium is nontoxic, even at high tissue concentrations, but it accumulates in solution if too much is added to the refill solution.

MAGNESIUM is highly mobile and can accumulate to toxic levels in upper leaves if the solution concentration is too high.
  • Barber, D. and K. Gunn. 1974. The effect of mechanical forces on the exudation of organic substrates by the roots of cereal plants grown under sterile conditions. New Phytol. 73:39-45.
  • Baylis, A., C. Gragopoulou, and K. Davidson. 1994. Effects of Silicon on the Toxicity of Aluminum to Soybean. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 25:537-546.
  • Bugbee, B. and F. Salisbury. 1985. An evaluation of MES and Amberlite IRC-50 as pH buffers for Nutrient Solution Studies. J. Plant Nutr. 8:567-583.
  • Bugbee, B. and F. Salisbury. 1989. Controlled Environment Crop Production: Hydroponic vs. Lunar Regolith. In: D. Ming and D. Henninger. (eds) Lunar Base Arriculture. Amer. Soc. Agron. Madison, WI.
  • Bowen, G. and A. Roveria. 1976. Microbial colonization of plant roots. Ann. Rev. Plant Phytopathology 14:121-144.
  • Chaney, R. and B. Coulombe. 1982. Effect of phosphate on regulation of Fe-stress in soybean and peanut. J. Plant Nutr. 5:469-487.
  • Cherif, M., J. Menzies, D. Ehret, C. Boganoff, and R.Belanger. 1994. Yield of Cucumber Infected with Phythium aphanidermatum when Grown with Soluble Silicon. HortScience 29:896-97.
  • Haller, T. and H. Stolp. 1985. Quantitative estimation of root exudation of the maize plant. Plant and Soil 86:207-216.
  • Ma, J., K. Nishimura, and E. Takahashi. 1989. Effect of Silicon on the growth of the Rice Plant at Different Growth Stages. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 35:347-356.
  • Samuels, A. A.D.M. Glass, D. Ehret, and J. Menzies. 1991. Mobility and Deposition of Silicon in Cucumber Plants. Plant, Cell, and Environment 14:485-492.
  • Smucker, A. 1984. Carbon utilization and losses by plant root systems. p. 27-46. IN: Roots, nutrient and water influx, and plant growth. Am. Soc. Agron. Special publ. 49, Madison, WI.
  • Trollenier, G. and C. Hect-Bucholz. 1984. Effect of aeration status of nutrient solution on microorganisms, mucilage and ultrastructure of wheat roots. Plant and Soil 80:381-390.
  • Valamis, J. and D. Williams. 1967. Manganese and Silicon Interaction in the Gramineae. Plant and Soil. 28:131-140.
  • Winslow, M. 1992. Silicon, Disease Resistance, and Yield of Rice Genotypes under Upland Cultural Conditions. Crop Sci. 32:1208-1213.


Well-Known Member
Municipal water supplies

Many indoor gardeners are reliant on municipal water supplies and have fewother options for a better quality water source. It’s likely that some plantlosses have and do occur as a result of some municipal water supplies,particularly in sensitive species and in water culture systems where there isno media to act as a buffer. On the other hand, many municipal water suppliesare quite suitable and given that they have had organic matter and pathogensremoved already, are a good deal as far as hydroponic systems go. Interestinglyplants have rather different responses and requirements from a water supplythan humans and this is where problems can occur. Municipal water treatmentensures that drinking water meets the World Health Organization (WHO) and EPAstandards for mineral, chemical and biological contamination levels, making itgenerally very safe to drink and use. However, what is safe for us to drink maynot be so good for plant growth, particularly when we consider many hydroponicsystems are recirculating which allows build-up of unwanted contaminants in theplant root zone.

Recirculating solution culture systems suchas NFT have less buffering capacity to water treatment chemical residues thanorganic media-based systems.

Water treatment options used by municipal suppliers change over time andhydroponic growers should be aware of the implications of these. Many years agothe main concern was the use of chlorine as a disinfection agent to destroybacteria and human pathogens. Chlorine had the advantage in that it disinfectedwater effectively; however, residual chlorine in water sources, which couldoften be detected by smell, could be toxic to sensitive plants and where itbuilt up in certain hydroponics systems. Also when chlorine reacts with organicmatter it forms substances (trihalomethanes) which are linked to increased riskof cancer and other health problems. Chlorine was, however, quite easy toremove from water with the use of aeration or even just aging the water a fewdays before irrigating plants. In the 1990’s it was found that some organismssuch as Cryptosporidium were resistant to chlorine and the resulting healthissues from this meant that drinking water regulations were changed andalternative disinfection methods began to be used. These included use of ozoneand UV light, chloramines (chlorine plus ammonia) and chlorine dioxide.

Filtration, flocculation, settling, UV and ozone used for water supplytreatment are non-problematic as far as hydroponic systems go, as they leave noresidue and are effective. However, use of chloramines and some of the otherchemicals by municipal water treatment plants may still pose problems wherehigh levels are regularly dosed into water supplies. Chloramines are much morepersistent than chlorine and take a lot longer to dissipate from treated water,so gardeners who are concerned can use a couple of different treatment methodsjust as those with aquarium fish often choose to do. There are specificallydesigned activated carbon filters which can remove most of the chloramines in adomestic water supply and also dechloraminating chemical or water conditionersavailable in pet shops. Carbon filters must be of the correct type that have ahigh quality granular activated carbon and allow a longer contact time which isrequired for chloramines removal. Even then not every trace may be removed, butlevels are lowered enough to prevent problems. Use of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)is also used in the industry, and by laboratories to remove chloramines fromwater after they have done their disinfection job.
Chemicals are also added to drinking water to adjust its hardness or softness,pH and alkalinity. Water that is naturally acidic is corrosive to pipes andsodium hydroxide may be added to reduce this. Sodium is a contaminate we don’tneed in hydroponic systems, but may be present at surprisingly high levels incertain water supplies. Domestic water softeners may also contaminate the waterwith sodium which is not seen as a problem for drinking, but can run amuck witha well balanced hydroponic system and sodium sensitive crop.

What water problems may look like

It’s extremely difficult to determine if something in the water supply iscausing plant growth problems. Root rot pathogens may originate in water, butthey can come from a number of sources, including fungal spores, blown in dustor brought in by insects. Mineral problems can be a little easier to trace ifthe water supply analysis is available to check levels of elements. Plantproblems which may be caused by water treatment chemicals are difficult todiagnose as some plants are much more sensitive than others and the type ofsystem also plays a role. Research studies havereported that chloramines in hydroponic nutrient solutions can cause growthinhibition and root browning in susceptible plants. One studyreported that the critical chloramines amount at which lettuce plant growth wassignificantly inhibited was 0.18 mg Cl/g root fresh weight, however, the levelsat which some other species would be damaged is as yet undetermined. Similarproblems exist with the use of other water treatment chemicals; chlorine andhydrogen peroxide are good disinfection agents, but too much in the hydroponicnutrient will cause root damage and just what is a safe level is dependant on anumber factors such as the level of organic loading in the system.

Hard water

Hard water is water that has a high mineral content, usually calcium andmagnesium, with calcium present as calcium carbonate or calcium sulfate. Hardwater can occur in wells and municipal sources and has a tendency to form hardlime scale on surfaces and equipment. A hard water supply is generally not amajor problem for hydroponic gardens; calcium and magnesium are useful elementsfor plant uptake, however, high levels in the water can upset the balance of anutrient solution making other ions less available. Commercial growersroutinely use hard water supplies and adjust their nutrient formulation to takeinto account the Ca and Mg naturally occurring in the water and also adjust forany alkalinity problems with water acidification. Smaller growers can use oneof the many excellent ‘hard water’ nutrient products on the market to get asimilar effect.

Ground water – wells

Many commercial hydroponics growers use well water for hydroponic systems andadjust their nutrient formulations to suit the natural mineral content of theirwater supply. Smaller growers would be advised to find out what is in theirwell water source just to check for potential problems as water which haspercolated through soils tends to pick up some minerals and in some areas, highlevels of unwanted elements such as sodium or trace elements. Well water canalso contain pathogens and may need treatment before use, although often it isjust the mineral levels that need adjustment. Water from dams, lakes andsprings is usually similar to well water, but can contain much higher levels ofsediment, organic matter and fungal pathogen spores.

Rain water

Rain water collection can be a good way to bypass problems with municipal orwell water in some areas; however, there are still some risks. Acid rain fromindustrial areas, sodium in coastal sites and high pathogen spore loads inagricultural areas can still occur. Generally rain water is low in minerals,but in the process of collection from roofs and other surfaces, can collectwind blown dust and fungal spores. While this is generally not a problem forhealthy plants, rain water should be treated before use with young seedlingsand clones where pathogens could infect sensitive tissue and open wounds.

Solutions to water quality problems

Organic material such as coconut fiber gives a greater buffering capacity forsome water problems, including residues from chemical water treatments, than solutionculture systems. Drain to waste media systems are also useful where the watersupply contains unwanted elements such as sodium as these aren’t as susceptibleto the accumulation that can occur where the solution is recirculated over along period of time. Where problems with unwanted minerals and very hard waterexist, frequent changing and replacement of the nutrient in the system can alsobe useful to keep things in balance. Water with a high alkalinity will needconsiderably more acid to keep the pH down to acceptable levels than water withlow alkalinity; however, by acidifying the water first before making up anutrient solution or adding to the reservoir, much less acid will need to beadded to the system to adjust pH over time.
There are a range of other treatment options that indoor gardeners can use toimprove the quality of their water supply. If pathogen contamination is anissue, slow sand filtration is one of the most effective methods, althoughperhaps not that practical for those with limited space. Chemical disinfectionmethods for pathogen control include hydrogen peroxide, chlorine and othercompounds, although care should be taken that most of the active chemical hasdissipated before the water is used to make up the nutrient solution. Heat,distillation, reverse osmosis and UV treatment can all be used for pathogencontrol, with many small RO and UV treatment systems now on the market. UVfilters for aquariums can be used for small hydroponic growers to treat waterwith good success, provided sufficient contact time is allowed. If excessminerals or unwanted elements such as sodium are present in a water supply,reverse osmosis (RO) or distillation can be used to remove these. Organicmatter in ground water sources can be removed with settling and filtration andtreatment with H2O2, while chemical contamination problems and removal of watertreatment compounds are more easily treated with the correct type of activatedcarbon filter with a sufficient contact time.

Super-charged water for hydroponics

While it seems logical that pure, clean and demineralized water is the bestplace to start when making up a hydroponic nutrition solution, the possibilityof creating a water source that has certain benefits for plants is a relativelynew concept. Water is not just a carrier for essential nutrient ions, thenutrient solution becomes a whole biological system in its own right withorganic matter, root exudates, various species of microbes including fungi,bacteria and their by-products (both good and bad), beneficial and unwantedmineral elements and a range of ‘additives’ growers may be using. Some studieshave found that inexplicable growth increases could be obtained using certainground water sources compared to rain or RO (essentially pure) water to make upa hydroponic nutrient solution indicating there may be natural factors in suchwaters which have benefits. Not all ground water sources have this effect; infact, some can have negative influences on plant growth. Furthermore, anotheressential plant nutrient – oxygen in dissolved form - is usually present inwater supplies; however, some water treatment processes can drive much of thedissolved oxygen (DO) out of a water source. In theory it would be possible tonot only remove those things in the water we don’t want – pathogen spores,unwanted minerals, chemical residues from water treatment - but to also ‘boost’the water with useful properties such as a high DO content, a population ofuseful and disease suppressant microbes and some natural and potentiallybeneficial minerals and compounds. One way of achieving this would be with theuse of slow sand filters or mineral filters for water supplies which areinoculated with beneficial microbes and with oxygenation of the water for a fewdays before making up nutrient solutions or topping up reservoirs. Further downthe track we may see quicker and easier methods of ‘supercharging’ water forhydroponic systems, taking water quality to a whole new level of science.

Chlorine Gas:
This highly reactive halogen gas is volatile enough that can be easilydetected by its odor, especially in the shower or when aerating faucets areused. This is one of chlorine’s short-comings as a disinfectant: It off-gases(volatilizes) from exposed water. Hobbyists have made good use of this effectfor many years. Chlorinated tap water, especially drawn through an aeratingfaucet, will off-gas and effectively lose all its chlorine to the atmospherewithin days. Some growers may not fully understand the off-gassing process andmay not use the most effective setup for off-gassing. The best process is anopen-top container with a power head or pump to circulate the water, or evenjust an air stone. This obviously calls for a relatively large container, butit also means that fewer containers are needed, as the circulation greatlyenlarges the effective surface area for off-gassing. Exposed surface area iscritical. The best situation without circulation in theory could be shallowtrays with large surface exposed to room air, but that is impractical inapplication – it would be very messy and require large amounts of space.Buckets are acceptable, but not overfilled, please. If bottles must be used, donot fill past the shoulder (where the bottle starts narrowing) – this willallow the largest possible surface exposure. I used 45gal tanks or food-safeplastic tubs (trash can scale), both with pumps and heaters, open-topped. Ihave never detected residual chlorine after 24 hours operation in these, butallowed 48 hours for safety and to remove the requirement for routine testing.Static containers may or may not be safe to use after just 24 hours. Most, withgood surface area exposed, will be after 48 hours, but this is best confirmedby test. If after you have found the required time for off-gassing, then youcan add a bit more to ensure removal and no longer routinely test so long asthe utility does not change the concentration. We no longer have hobby liquidtests for chlorine or chloramine, but must rely on swimming pool tests.
If you do not have the space and time to off-gas chlorinated water, thereare many products available which will “neutralize” the dissolved chlorine. Theactive ingredient historically was sodium thiosulfate, and it is still highlyeffective for this use. This material captures any free dissolved chlorine gasand coverts the elemental chlorine (Cl2 dissolved gas) to the chloride ion(Cl-) which is harmless at those concentrations. The reaction is rapid. Justadd the recommended amount, stir very briefly and add to the reservoir.
With dissolved chlorine gas disinfectant, there is only one job to be done,and it can be accomplished in two ways: Remove the chlorine gas (off-gassing),or inactivate it (chemical conversion to the chloride ion by thiosulfate).These are simple and straightforward.
The growing situation with chloramines is more complex and demanding. Wecannot efficiently off-gas chloramines, so the simplest solution with chlorinedoes not apply at all. We equally cannot use just thiosulfate – it does not doenough. There are 3 separate and distinct jobs, all of which must be done toensure the safety of chloraminated water for use in our reservoir:

1. Break the chloramine-ammonia bond. Thiosulfate alone can do this at aboutthe same dosage used for chlorine-only disinfectant.

2. Convert the freed dissolved gas chlorine (Cl2) to chloride ion (Cl-).Thiosulfate again can do this as well; at about the same dosage as before, sodouble the chlorine-only dose can do both of these two jobs well.

3. Lock the freed ammonia dissolved gas (NH3) into the ammonium ion (NH4+) form(which is usable by the nitrification bacteria). The former is toxic; theconcentration may only be high enough to damage the plants, or can be highenough to kill them. Thiosulfate alone is useless for this job, regardless ofthe dosage. Thiosulfate has no effect whatsoever on dissolved ammonia gas.Bummer! We must use newer and specialized agents which specify on the bottlethat they do each and all of the three jobs required.

There are a number of commercial products which specify in print that they“destroy” (or other terms to that effect) chloramines. That is valid even ifthe only active agent is thiosulfate – it does break the chlorine-ammonia bondwhich defines chloramine, so technically the chloramine is no longer there.Does that mean the water so treated is safe to use? No, it definitely does not.The freed chlorine gas must be converted to chloride ion, but as with the bondbreaking, thiosulfate can do that as well, and is cheap and safe - so doublethe chlorine-only dose and cover the freed chlorine as well. Is the water nowsafe to use in the reservoir tank? No, unfortunately not. It still has all theammonia released floating around at hazardous levels. If the product does notspecify that it locks the ammonia into the harmless ammonium ion form, or atleast notes that it “neutralizes” both the chlorine and the ammonia released,we have to assume it does not do this – commercial products never claim lessthat they do. “Destroying” chloramine is required, but is not sufficient. Thisis a key point, do not be misled. Both of the freed dissolved gases must be“neutralized” to make the water safe. This is where the marketing wizards takeadvantage of the chemically and biologically naïve. You do have to both readand understand the fine print, or you could kill your fish. Strictly as an FYI,yes, I have killed fish that way. I will not do that again. Specialized agentsare available which do the whole job – break the chloramine bond and convertboth freed toxic gases to harmless ions. Unfortunately, this is anothersituation where you cannot trust your local fish store, nor the chains, ormail-order houses. They quite likely do not understand the chemistry themselves.You need to ask on-line for suggestions of brands which do all the necessaryjobs reliably, or search the manufacturer’s site for detailed information – ifthey do not clearly state that all three tasks are done, that product is notsuitable.
There is another complication with post-chloraminated water. It still readspositive for ammonia on most hobby test kits. Read the information on your testkit for ammonia. If it specifies that it reads “total ammonia nitrogen” (orTAN), you will see positives with your test after using a good anti-chloraminesagent. These are not false positives. They are real and valid, but do notnecessarily indicate a hazard to your fish – which the kit instructionshistorically have listed as hazardous. Remember that ammonium ion (NH4+) isharmless, only ammonia dissolved gas (NH3) is dangerous, just as was the casefor chlorine gas versus the ion form. The effective anti-chloramine agents lockall free ammonia gas into the ammonium ion form – which is harmless. The problemis that our 20th century tests are no longer adequate in this century. Thereare tests available which read only free ammonia (NH3), but to me they are notyet user-friendly. Technology changes rapidly these days, hopefully moreuser-friendly but adequate test kits will available soon. Until then, we mustuse the proper dose of an effective agent and rely on it working, or prescreenwith difficult-to-use tests.
For what it is worth, I use Seachem’s “Prime” for chloramines, and “Genesis”for chlorine-only.
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorination
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chloramine
3. http://www.epa.gov/ogwdw000/disinfectio… index.html
4. http://www.lenntech.com/processes/disin… lorine.htm
5. http://www.lenntech.com/processes/disin… amines.htm


Well-Known Member
Organic growers use soil amend*ments to improve soil fertility and create a healthy habitat for soil life. Many of the nutrients and minerals in the amendments are insoluble and are slowly released. The gradual release is similar to natural nutrient cycles and leads to healthy crops with little or no nutrient leaching. Before apply*ing amendments, have your soil tested to find out about nutrient deficiencies or excesses. Observ*ing weeds and crops can also provide information about nutri*ent levels.
Calcium improves tilth, reduces compaction and increases the CEC. The CEC (cation exchange capacity) is the capacity of the soil to hold nutrients.
The pH of agricultural soils is ideally 6.0-7.0. Soils with a pH below 6.0 are acidic; a pH >7.0 indicates an alkaline soil.
Phosphorous is used to produce sturdy plants with strong root sys*tems and stalks. Adequate levels are needed for the over winter survival of perennials, and high yields of seed crops (e.g. pulses and oilseeds).
Sulphur is needed by all crops, especially oilseeds, brassicas and legumes.
Calphos, Greensand, Sul-Po-Mag and Carbonatite are rock products with insoluble nutrients and minerals. To increase the availability of phosphorous and other nutrients, add these to ma*nure piles, compost or green ma*nures. Microbial activity releases the nutrients and makes them available to crops.

Boron is an essential trace mineral which is needed for high yields and strong plants. It is usually absent in other soil amendments, and deficien*cies occur after decades of mining the soil. It is a dry granular product which also contains a wide range of trace minerals.
Calphos (colloidal phosphate) is untreated soft phosphate clay from Flor*ida. It contains 20% phosphate including 3% available P. The phosphate is more immediately available than that from rock phosphate and is re*leased over 5 years. Calphos also contains 20% calcium (which helps to raise the soil pH) and a range of trace minerals. With a dry granular tex*ture, Calphos flows well and will not rust machinery. Add at a rate of 20*50 lb. of Calphos to one ton of manure, or 500-2000 lb/acre in late sum*mer or early fall. It also acts as a moisture absorbent in livestock bedding and a manure conditioner to reduce odour and nitrogen loss.
Earthworm Casting are from earthworms that are fed a diet of all non-manure based products, non post-consumer waste products except some shredded cardboard or paper in the bedding. Castings are a very rich source of biology including large amounts of beneficial fungi, protozoa, and nematodes. The castings are a finely screened product. The earth*worms make nutrients much more available to plants.
Humate Concentrate, 12% is a liquid form of the naturally occurring oxidized lignite known as humic acid. It is applied as a seed soak, foliar spray and direct soil spray. Plants are able to take up micro-nutrients eas*ier and become stronger and healthier, able to handle stress better. The soil structure is restored and beneficial micro-organisms increase. The use of fertilizers is reduced as humate increases the carrying ability of the wa*ter.

Hydrolyzed Fish (Fermented Salmon) (NPK : 1.4-0.2*0.2) is a liquid organic fertilizer, containing the 3 stan*dard macronutrients (NPK), 30 micronutrients, 14 amino acids, 10 fatty acids and a multitude of other beneficial compounds. It is used as both a drench and foliar applied fertilizer resulting in the dual benefit of growth en*hancement and disease suppression. This liquid requires dilution and mixing. It is stable and will not gas, is not temperature sensitive, and has a long shelf life.
Garlic water serves as an effective natural insect repel*lent in gardens and greenhouses. It may also be effective against deer and small animals.
Greensand (iron-potassium silicate or glauconite) is an ocean deposit developed from seashells and organic mat*ter. It contains 7% potash (which is slowly released), and micronutrients including sulphur, boron, iron, manganese and zinc. Greensand improves the tilth of heavy soils, and increases the water-holding capacity of sandy soils. Apply at any time at 300-500 lb./acre or 2-5 pounds per 100 square feet.
Gypsum (calcium sulphate) provides calcium (22%) and sulphur (17%), without changing the soil pH.
Hot pepper wax is sprayed on foliage; the thin layer of wax acts as a moisture guard and the hot pepper serves as an insect repellent.
Kelp fertilizer mix is a 3-way mix of kelp meal, lignite, and organic cane sugar. It provides trace minerals, humic acids, and sugar to stimulate microbial activity. This starter fertilizer helps plants emerge quickly, have greater resistance to pests and diseases, extended shelf life, and better nutrition.
Kelp meal is granular dehydrated seaweed harvested from abundant beds on the North Atlantic shores of Can*ada.

Limestone provides calcium and 'sweetens' acidic soils by increasing the pH. Dolomitic lime provides both cal*cium and magnesium. Calcitic lime provides only cal*cium and is suitable for soils with adequate levels of magnesium. Adding lime to acidic soils helps to reduce weed pressure from both grasses and broadleaf weeds (dandelions and creeping Charlie).
Liquid Seaweed Concentrate is a seaweed solution containing readily available nutrients (NPK: 0-0-1) and over 80 trace minerals. Mixed with irrigation water, seaweed emulsion provides readily available nutrients and micronutrients to seedlings, transplants and field crops. Spray in early morning or evening, and not under full sun.
Spanish River Carbonatite is mined from a volcanic deposit in northern Ontario. It improves the CEC of the soil, and provides calcium, phosphorous, potassium, vermiculite and many trace minerals.
Organic sugar is the essential food of micro-organisms. Plants produce sugar from photosynthesis and the roots exude sugar to feed the microbes (in exchange for nutri*ents). Stimulate microbial activity and nutrient release with sugar in the soil.
Sul-Po-Mag (langbeinite or K-Mag) contains 22% po*tassium (which is readily available for plants), 11% mag*nesium, and 22% sulphur.


Well-Known Member
Cleaning & Sterilizing Reusable Growing Media
Aggregate media such as grow rocks, Geolite, Hydroton, etc. should be cleaned between crops to remove debris and roots that accumulated in the media. As well, any system parts that come in contact with nutrient solution, such as growing trays, feed/drain lines, water pump, etc., should be sterilized before putting the system back into use. Cleaned media can be sterilized at the same time simply by placing it in the system beforehand, or it can be sterilized separately.
It's important to note that, in spite of sterilization, any remaining root fragments will begin to disintegrate and turn brown after approximately 2-3 weeks into the next growing cycle. This will leave a brown sediment on the reservoir floor and may tint the nutrient solution with a brown color as well. Thus the cleaning procedure outlined below is intended to minimize the number of root fragments remaining in the cleaned media.

  • During harvest, leave appx 2-3 inches of the plant's mainstem sticking out of the media to serve as a handle for subsequent processing of the root ball.
  • Perform the cleaning on the same day the system is put out of service, while the media is still wet and roots are still fresh. This will insure that the media sinks during the cleaning process.
  • While grasping the root ball by the mainstem, hold it inside a suitable sized empty container and shake vigorously to dislodge the media particles. Large root balls can be very tight and easily hold more than a gallon of media, so you may need to first tear the roots on the outside of the ball so those on the inside are exposed and can be dislodged more easily. From the dislodged media, remove any obvious large clumps of roots.
  • Place a 5 gallon bucket in a bathtub or any suitable location with a drain. Then hook up a garden hose to your water supply and place the other end of the hose inside the bucket on the bottom. Turn on the water and allow it to constantly run so that it overflows the bucket top.
  • Slowly add the loose media to the bucket (with the water still running). The media will sink to the bottom while the remaining thousands of small root fragments will rise to the top where the current of flowing water will carry them over the edge of the bucket to the drain. Stir the media occasionally to release any fragments that may have become trapped under the media. When no more roots float to the top, the media is clean and can be returned to its container .
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is by far the most practical product to use for sterilizing aggregate media. Unlike system parts with smooth surfaces, media such as hydroton are designed with irregular surfaces and small pores meant to capture & store nutrient solution. As a result, bleach can be flushed from smooth system parts with one fresh-water rinse, but media requires several flushes before chlorine levels in the remaining solution become safe enough for plants. This is not a concern with H2O2 as one flush is enough to return media to a safe condition. And unlike bleach, because the weak H2O2 solution will naturally breakdown to a harmless condition when exposed to air for several hours, no rinsing is required if you don't need to replant right away.
Because it is the least expensive, bleach may be more practical to use for the rest of your system. However, many find that the small savings doesn't outweigh the convenience of sterilizing both the system & media together at the same time and flushing only once, or not at all depending on the urgency to replant.
To sterilize with H2O2, you can use the same 5 gallon bucket that was used to clean the media. Fill it with 4 gallons of water, then add 2 cups (16 oz) of the common drug store variety hydrogen peroxide, this is typically a 3% solution (check the label). For other strengths use a scaled down quantity. For example, if using a 30% strength use only 1/10 or 1.6 oz. See the H2O2 page for more.
Place the container (with the media inside) into the H2O2 solution. After standing in the solution for 1 hour, remove it and let it drain back into the bucket. Rinse if needed, then repeat with the next container of media.