WOOOO Got start my job Monday


I know I don't come on here often but I just got drug test results back and is PASSED!! I start my new bitchen job Monday!! I am celebrating tonight!! :leaf:


Active Member
i just had my bro piss in a cup 4 me and then put it in a enema bottle from the store and just warmed it up a bit and then taped it 2 my thigh....worked like a charm although i was soooo fuckin nervous


Active Member
Congrats man, I'm going through the detox myself (a lil lover a week in, ugh!) for the same reason...but you bet your ass I'll also be celebratin like a mad man after scorin another job! Burn for us who can't burn!


i just had my bro piss in a cup 4 me and then put it in a enema bottle from the store and just warmed it up a bit and then taped it 2 my thigh....worked like a charm although i was soooo fuckin nervous

I'll be doing this exact thing monday hopefully... going in for a warehouse interview.

congrats on the job bro, and enjoy your smoke now.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on finding some work. I can't find anything that will pay as much as I'm getting on unemployment, which is not enough to live on. Fucking sucks. I've never been unemployed in my life. I hate this shit. I hate taking money from the government like some damn wellfare rat. I hate being broke.

Wow, sorry for that, and congrats, man.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Ok, so how'd it go on your first day at work?
Any surprises? Hot female coworkers? (pics please).
A success story is always a feel good.
Lets have it.