WOOOOO!!! U can buy & have weed sent to U this has to b a fake....


http://www.marijuanagrams.com/shop/ thats the website that say they can send you Weed, Marijuana, Bud either by 7grams, oz or even by the Pound :eyesmoke: BULLSHIT bongsmilie & i thought i get high WoOOO bongsmilie

I just want to know has anyone ever heard of these guys r even try-ed them if so let me know cuz U know wat after this grow im gonna try them...

:joint: Let me know & in return i will let you know if i get locked up lol :blsmoke: Im gonna lite a Big 1 :joint: B4 i order...


Well-Known Member
my "dispensary" sells ounces of whites and kushes for half of a $100 bill, and plus the "reception room" has free smoking samples and a Playstation 3 with pirate games and a plasma screen. I have no use of ordering weed online. But, if getting LOLed is one's goal, then yes, annonymousy buying weed online seems rather fun


how the hell do they ship a pound stealthy???lol well someone order and letme know what happens to you lol


Active Member
Shit is a scam come on guys. Think a lil..
If anytingsave ur mula and figure out where chronicobsession lives at and put ur money on moving there cause that seriously sounds like heaven
Theysell clones their too??


Well-Known Member
lol if anybody ships any fucking money to that website, I think that is just dummmbbbbbbbbaaahhhh. Rollitup, this is a marijuana growing website. makesmore sense to pop seeds and grow some bushes, fuck ordering WEED online LOL. LOL.

brewing up

Well-Known Member
he wont get caught he has noz and a twin turbo engine, santa has nothing on him he even has more kids after him lol


Active Member
you can buy all sorts of drugs from weed to heroin using torproject on so called hidden or secret internet

brewing up

Well-Known Member
i sent them an email message to here ''contact@marijuanagrams.com'' from there web page and asked if they can ship to the uk and they replied with this email address amsterdam2​0@hush.com saying/claiming they do deliver and guarantee delivery, researched more and found the site above saying it is a scam


Active Member

lol if anybody ships any fucking money to that website, i think that is just dummmbbbbbbbbaaahhhh. Rollitup, this is a marijuana growing website. Makesmore sense to pop seeds and grow some bushes, fuck ordering weed online lol. Lol.


Well-Known Member
just use silk rd then u can buy shit without going to jail for 5 yrs

here is the reg details of who owns that site u just posted

Registrant: Alain Ross 1081 HV Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1217 Amsterdam, netherlands 1217 NL Registrar: DOTSTER Domain Name: MARIJUANAGRAMS.COM Created on: 28-MAR-04 Expires on: 28-MAR-16 Last Updated on: 31-MAR-11 Administrative, Technical Contact: Ross, Alain gordondickey231@yahoo.ca 1081 HV Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1217 Amsterdam, netherlands 1217 NL 30363570925830 Domain servers in listed order: NS1.TURBODNS.CO.UK NS2.TURBODNS.CO.UK End of Whois Information
