Word or Phrases Because Trump

The Signature Words Of President Trump | Dictionary.com
The Signature Words Of President Trump

The unique vocabulary of Donald J. Trump
It's hard to believe, but the first presidential term of Donald Trump is almost complete. Now, we could debate about what has gone on inside and outside of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for days—and very many of us do. But, we're not a forum for that. We are, however, here to examine the unique vocabulary that Trump has brought to the Oval Office.

As President, Trump receives a lot of attention for his use of words—especially since he continues to hold campaign rallies. In Trump and Us: What He Says and Why People Listen, professor Roderick Hart argues that Trump “turned the rant into an art form,” and relies on using both a lot of words and short words to convey his point.

While that may make him a populist, his rhetoric can be discussed in more dangerous terms. According to Demagogue for President: The Rhetorical Genius of Donald Trump, his use of “rhetorical strategy centered on agenda setting and framing, simplicity, emotion, and slogans and repetition” classifies him as a demagogue, or “a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power.”

With so much talk about his talk, what words does Trump seem to favor? We've rounded up some noteworthy—and some puzzling—ones.
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