Work & Proffesions

Rehab group meetings suck.

Its all people whining when in reality all you want to do is pour some baileys in ur coffee and sniff a line.

Blame the addixtiona not ur only ahitty self.

I blame everything on me and my poor train of thought.

But i own cats
i was ordered to therapy once, went a few times until i realized the psych was hurting more than helping. lost a child and spouse, not the kind of thing you just shrug off...
Mine was court ordered she was nice but did not listen enough. When i got out of jail the program kicked me out for dirty urine.

I admitted before the test I had been usinh in jail and when i got out.

Apparemtly that makes you illegible for rehab.

I beem going good since
i was ordered to therapy once, went a few times until i realized the psych was hurting more than helping. lost a child and spouse, not the kind of thing you just shrug off...
just as nurses and doctors there are some psychiatrists who get so desensitized to issues they seem to lack care and empathy .
i forget what the technical term is and i dont feel like googling
What I have learned most is you can't save anyone
Not everyone wants help
Help and treatment cannot be obtained if you don't want it
I cannot force you to neither can family

I can force 'em. You just say the word...

The VA is weird and mental to. I mean its like every other question is if I feel like hurting or killing myself.

I guess they finally took veteran suicide as a real problem.
Ya, I vould say a lot about the system over here. They really dont have enough available and a lot of the doctors dont care.

My psych tried cutting me off a high dose of multiple benzos all at once.
The VA is weird and mental to. I mean its like every other question is if I feel like hurting or killing myself.

I guess they finally took veteran suicide as a real problem.
The system here for people with mental health problems is an atrocity.

It is also very easy to lie your way out of the 48hr watch. I have a few stories but ya.

Its me so what ya expect