Work + smoking = no job for you


Well-Known Member
Went to an interview today for work out in Dutch Harbor Alaska and i get there and they want a fucking drug test. I have done the work before (experienced) and there is no access to drugs in this line of work and even though i am a MMJ patient in California i am looked down upon as a "useless stoner".

Im also more experienced than half the people being interviewed and some people can barely speak english, this is unacceptable when foreigns can take work away from people more suited to the work than they are and are AMERICAN.

Our government is a fucking joke and the fact people are still so stupid about marijuana really upsets me.

"The american dream" what a joke.


Well-Known Member
Went to an interview today for work out in Dutch Harbor Alaska and i get there and they want a fucking drug test. I have done the work before (experienced) and there is no access to drugs in this line of work and even though i am a MMJ patient in California i am looked down upon as a "useless stoner".

Our government is a fucking joke and the fact people are still so stupid about marijuana really upsets me.

"The american dream" what a joke.
Yet alcohol which can impair your actions more then weed is legal and acceptable?


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's crooked like that,I had a boss who had alcohol on his breath everytime I spoke to him,but I kept my mouth closed.


Well-Known Member
My last employer was from seattle and had been an MMJ patient there! he had even gone to hemp fest with his employees. He understood that when your working in a remote locations where gas alone is 6$+ you cant get bud let alone a can of soda, hell he even brought his own bud and was blazing all the time, but when you got someone who knows nothing about the "drug" they automatically turn into know it alls and think that their opinion is correct and everyone is a fool.



Well-Known Member

  • "some people can barely speak english, this is unacceptable when foreigns can take work away from people more suited to the work than they are and are AMERICAN."

    Sorry to bring politics in but, If you (or anyone) votes Romney, you better get used to foreigners taking our jobs.​



Well-Known Member
do they drug test you on the spot at the interview? or do they refer you to the testing center the next day? if u have time to prepare for the drug test just cheat it. sounds wrong but the laws cheating us anyway.:finger:

ofc the laws are stupid, just play around them and keep smoking pot. synthetic pee or cleanser if u wanna fuck yur body up with wierd shit.


Active Member
Not starting a pissing match here, but really? And if Obama gets in again, we wont have jobs to worry about. Kind of a wash if you ask me. IMO...

  • "some people can barely speak english, this is unacceptable when foreigns can take work away from people more suited to the work than they are and are AMERICAN."

    Sorry to bring politics in but, If you (or anyone) votes Romney, you better get used to foreigners taking our jobs.​



Ursus marijanus

  • "some people can barely speak english, this is unacceptable when foreigns can take work away from people more suited to the work than they are and are AMERICAN."

    Sorry to bring politics in but, If you (or anyone) votes Romney, you better get used to foreigners taking our jobs.​

Interestingly, I saw the same thing but had a slightly different response.
Imo seeking a job to advance your life is a pretty good place to start being an American. cn


Well-Known Member
True, but has he not said in the past that he wants to open jobs outside of america? Such as manufacturing and the likes? Whats american about that? I don't mind foreigners coming to america as much as the next guy but send away the jobs that are dearly needed in our own land, our home turf is something to be of less desirability.

Yes, whomever gets voted in, we're going to have an issue with that person.


Ursus marijanus
Oh I see what you're saying now. Yes; there is a moral distinction between foreigners coming for jobs, and us sending the jobs overseas. But what has once Bain will be again ... cn


Well-Known Member
Im young ( 18 ) and this doesnt affect me as much as some of my other co-workers who are now looking for work and this line of work is whats left for them, which is dissapointing that they are discriminated against for a "drug" with no major detrimental side effects and yet alcohol and things like tobacco are more legal and mass produced with the aid of he government. That right there makes me feel like i had major false hope in my government and fellow citizens.


Well-Known Member
Oh I see what you're saying now. Yes; there is a moral distinction between foreigners coming for jobs, and us sending the jobs overseas. But what has once Bain will be again ... cn
Sorry, i am out of herb and cannot be as smart as when I am high so making things as clear as possible can take some time. Its my "handicap." :)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Oh I see what you're saying now. Yes; there is a moral distinction between foreigners coming for jobs, and us sending the jobs overseas. But what has once Bain will be again ... cn
According to Romney that never happened. He had no idea what anyone was talking about.

What a fucking liar. Sorry.. I'm really getting sick of Brother Romney.


Well-Known Member
Im young (18) and this doesnt affect me as much as some of my other co-workers who are now looking for work and this line of work is whats left for them, which is dissapointing that they are discriminated against for a "drug" with no major detrimental side effects and yet alcohol and things like tobacco are more legal and mass produced with the aid of he government. That right there makes me feel like i had major false hope in my government and fellow citizens.
I now live in a state that is pretty big against Marijuana use, yet i can go to our local stores/movie rental stores etc and see it everywhere. When you talk to someone about it, they just kind of shy away off topic. Police are looking for traffickers at all costs (sandwiched between two legal states) yet here's the kicker, all liquor stores and bars have drive through windows!! Makes no god damn sense to me!? I was applying at one just a few weeks back and a girl drove through the drive through and she asked for a budlight. Paid the lady and sipped on down the road!?