Working on RIU


Well-Known Member
How many people here on RIU actually have a full time job everyday?

It's the best when you get to come home after a long days work and smoke a couple bowls!

what is your job?

i wonder how many stoner's are putting cars together, chefs, teachers, doctors or any important job that requires a very smart individual and their smoking bud...

lets find out to show that you CAN smoke weed and it WON'T effect your job.


Active Member
Woohoo first reply. I myself am a ASE Master Mechanic and smoke at least 2-3 times a day, and to this day have a clean service record


Well-Known Member
I go to a major university and work 40+ hours a week as a shift manager at a large home improvement warehouse. I blaze every day!!

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
I work 40+ hours under intense heat (4 1000 watt HPS) I do my job well until I smoke then I tend to slow down and giggle alot.


Well-Known Member
I work full time for a company as the accounting assistant. 40 hours a week....... hard to find time to be on RIU now.... but I sneak on as much as I can.


Well-Known Member
junior engineer. im 21. i leave RIU on in the background nearly all the time. 40 ish hours a week at work. depends if im on any surveys / sites / travelling time.

normaly have 1 on the drive home from work and maybe anything from 2 - 6 after.
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Well-Known Member
Well, I'm 22. I'm currently a student at a certain State University dual Majoring in History and Political Science, I am also dual Majoring in Sports medicine and secondary education. I work full time as a basketball and football coach. I smoke only because I've injured my body playing too hard, and I hillusinate scary stuff on opiates(Lortabs, oxycon, vicadin, ect). I never smoke anywhere there are kids, and I only smoke to ease pain to sleep at night. Plus, it can be fun. I usually light up an hour to two after I get home and take two to three hits between my wife and I.

My wife doesn't smoke as often as I do. But she's a engineer's assistant. She also attends the same school and for mathmatical engineering. Which from my understanding you have to be in the top 25 precentiale of the nation to take this course. I could be mistaken tho.


Well-Known Member
Im retired, and now a Kept man... I just go and sign the jobs and keep an eye on things , Then pick up the checks, my crew takes care of everything else . on fridays I write the checks and keep the change .


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Taipan
im a cook:joint: but training to become a martail arts instructor.


sounds like a movie
and he meets his arch villain
a martial arts instructor, training to be a cook.

(i own my own life, but work 80hrs per week)


Well-Known Member
I was a crane operator for many years before taking a job as a superintendant with the commercial construction company ive worked for over the last 30 or so years,i make decisions every day that involve hundreds of thousands of dollars of our clients money & been smokin my ass off most of my life .

Stupid people are allready stupid,weed dont have shit to do with it,if you got a fully functional brain it'll work just fine after a tasty doob.


Well-Known Member
I have two jobs. For my full time job im a retail manager at one of the nations largest stores for the things I sell. I am very involved with consultative sales so I deal with people one on one all day and I smoke on the way to work as well as when I go to lunch So im high most of the time at work. oh I am also the sales leader for 5 years now and have been with the company 9 years. My part time job is doing broadcast engineering for 4 radio stations in my area.