Working out while blunted. Anyone?

Does any one else hit the gym when they are high?

I do.

I just want to put out there, that I have never had a better time running down the street than I do while Im high.

Its fun as hell.

Li the g

Active Member
sometimes i will smoke n then train like an hour after n i have done it before , but not when i'm too high i will normally train in the morning n then smoke after


stays relevant.
The only thing I like working out when I'm high is my ass muscle, and I usually do it by sitting on my leather recliner from lazyboy and playing left4dead on my wall mounted flat screen television while destroying more buds in my bong... i run all the way from the apartments to the roof of mercy hospital... good workout ;)


Well-Known Member
Not a good idea, you could injure yourself or someone else (dropping weights etc). Use the herb to heal, use it after a workout to help you sleep. (Your muscles only grow when you sleep).


Active Member
Yeah my boy convinced me ta do it once its redundant cuz the last thing you wanna do is workout high...but I can play bball pretty well high...but yeah def use it ta heal man so much better and twice as relaxing...

Purp Farmer

Active Member
I like to work out really hard, get tired and sore as fuck. Then come home put on a movie chill out and smoke a big bud, just relax and play some video games or something.



Well-Known Member
I have worked out high and it has been one of the best workout experiences I ever had.

hint: it's not a good idea to be completely /STONED/ working out.


Active Member
ive worked out high a few times but i dont really like it. First off after i smoke a blunt of haze i get that haze high and get put in a stooper lol. I rather smoke after the gym it really hits the spot. Its not that bad to go to the gym like a hr after smoking though sometimes i feel tired tho
That was pretty amusing.
Naw Im pretty safe, I guess during the day I get like this buzz to do shit when Im high. I likes it.