World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
Looks awesome me. My dream is to retire somewhere with palm trees and build my house with a retractable roof ...or have a large indoor garden area thats open to the sky.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Looks awesome me. My dream is to retire somewhere with palm trees and build my house with a retractable roof ...or have a large indoor garden area thats open to the sky.
I want to retire some where I can legally grow a few plants year round without any hassle, preferably outdoors or indoor/sunshine...yeah palm trees and cheap rum would be nice as well


Active Member
I'm living where I wanted to retire, Planned on spending the rest of my life here, few places u can grow...Colorado, has no palm trees, Washington is beautiful but too cold so mexico may fit the bill


Active Member
I stayed home today...It's getting to me a bit to come home to an empty house, big difference cooking for 3 and then 2, now 1, so why bother?

I worked in the new growspace today,, got the outside air vent installed, the top put on and the lighting up, need some more parts before I can finish. I moved 4 hempys over there for now, maybe 4 more when it's complete.

Worked in the garden for a bit tonight too, Weeded and planted some cantaloupoe, watermelon and more onions.

I did get the newest Apple trees in this weekend too, now I have 4 new ones...I was suprised they did not fall with the wind and hail for the past few days.


Well-Known Member
this gal is starting to fatten up a bit, but the buds are still looking immature.

I chopped the dirt dweller this morning, so there is now a little more space available in the grow room for the hempy's
Nice ISK! You are turning into a "spear" maker with the cola on that girl. I've been watching the other "#C" girl of yours, waiting for the "bush" maker to come is she up close photographically?


Well-Known Member
We've got Palm trees, it's just that they're plastic.
We got the palm tree's, and they don't melt at 120° in the shade....I can kick you in the shin for your medical card...but you have to live at least 25 miles from a dispensary to grow your own.....too bad it's the hottest place on the work those LED's in summer here.


Well-Known Member
Hey I won $12 off the Powerball lottery....out of 30 tickets I matched one number and the I'm only $48 in the whole...remember "If you don't play you can't win".


Well-Known Member
Yeah whats that 25 miles rule, that forces everyone to have to buy ? That's crazy?
Yeah Who-kie, it's in court as we speak....$400/oz is a heavy price to pay in a dispensary when you are seriously sick or dying... when you or a caregiver can throw a couple of hempy buckets together and have more than you could possibly ingest every 2 months.


Active Member
Yeah I have been reading about that Jela, That sucks...I know how hard it is for me and I'm not sick...My hubby would have never been able to grow either, but we could not afford 400 an oz either...that just kills it.


Active Member
I did some topping of my Cheese plants tonight, I called them the twin cheese, They look so much alike, I think they were autos, but I got frosty this time, not a lot off the tops...It still has lots of white frostyness, so don't laugh....first real Hempy...100_2403.jpg100_2402.jpg100_2400.jpg And here's my helper, he loves sniffing the plants, he does it all the time.