World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
Im going to vegg in 10 L cloth pots full of perlite and set those in hempy buckets and hand water as normal in the vegg room ( closet ) . When ready for flowering I will move the cloth pot/plant only, into the flower room and into the ebb n flow screen pots.
The whole reason for the cloth pot is to keep the perlite/verm out of the system . The reason not to use hydroton as the main medium is I don't want to hand water in vegg twice or once everyday and Perlite imho is a great stable medium and a lot lighter and easier to clean.
On to the flood height ( I know nothing ).. Perlite wicks pretty darn good. Better than clay I think ? Im not sure if the perlite or cloth pot will float. I know I can raise the screen pot or maybe lower flood level or there might be room for some clay between the cloth pot and screen pot to hold the pot in place but I really don't think it will be an issue . A pot full of previous wet perlite is pretty heavy . soooo, since perlite wicks pretty good , better than clay and the cloth pot will retain water. I was thinking I only need flood 2-3 inches for an 1/2 hour ( many pots ) maybe only twice a day ? I don't want to be soggy ? Or I can go 15 min flood 3-4 times a day ? Not sure how long the system will take to flood yet . Anyways, Im excited .
All though im gonna flower in E & F, Hempys are the best thing that ever happened to me and like some things in life you wish you would of known a lot sooner.:leaf:
The garage room im helping my son with is kicking butt .Been feeding a lot less than the last runs and water only in between and they are happy. I don't wanna burn his plants. lol mine are mine and that's my fault lol :mrgreen:
I'd have to agree perllite has to be the simplest growing medium around. It responds the same every time no what what brand you pick up, and it's so easy to clean. I re-coup about 70%.

I have no experience in E&F. But I have run smart pot hempy's a couple of times. They didn't preform as well as the hard sided buckets with the same clones. I had the same size bags you have 3gal/11liter, and they fit tight in the bottom of a 5gal bucket. I just cut down some bucket bottoms I had at 2" and there ya go convertible soft sided hempy's :eyesmoke:

12-18-12SmartPotHempy 001riu.jpg 12-18-12 01SmartPotHempy1riu.jpg


Well-Known Member
Cool Watt. :cool: I made one like that too but cut the bottom out of the smart pot and pushed the cut bucket bottom onto the smart pot. only gave it it a piss poor shake once. I'll have to try it out again. I was just holding it the other day and pondering the idea. :idea:


Well-Known Member
I talk to my buddy who grew in the bag and Hempy. I was wrong about his method and reasoning.
His method was using a 2 gallon smart pot with super soil and setting that in a 2 gallon hempy with pure Perlite in the rez.
His reasoning, and it seemed to work, was he would cut down on watering days as the super soil would also hold water/nutes so the plant would draw moisture from the soil and also from the rez. He said he that once he had the plant up it too only a couple of weeks for the roots to find the rez, he said he watered sparingly to force the roots down.
He said with that method once the system began to work, about 3 to 4 weeks in, he could water one morning and not water for 4 plus days. He said that was only if he need to leave it that long, but if home he would water every day and a half.

Now I see the only advantage to that method would be being able to get away for a few days. I would worry about spoilage of the nute mix leaving it in the rez to long. But hey, it seemed to work for him.

One more thing, in my post #8411, I stated that the Black Widows were one month and one day, that was wrong they were 22 days from emergence. I will be pruning too four mains this weekend if not before. Pics at that time.

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Well-Known Member
Think I can use Hydroton in a Hempy pot for vegg ?
I would use your regular Hempy mix for veg, if you plan on using straight Perlite I would put a 1" plus layer of Hydroton on the top of the Perlite to keep it from floating.

This pick is of my last attempt, the single regular Afghan that turned out to be a bastard with balls. But note the Hydroton on the surface. This was a 65/35 Perlite/GH CocoTec mix in a four gallon mayo bucket. I put 2 inches of Hydroton on the surface to keep the material in place. It helps a lot when doing a heavy flush.

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Well here's one for the old stoner archive. Today I noticed when I came home from work that my light was on prior to schedule. I had over ridden the timer and it's been on for at least 46 hrs straight. I'll leave it off for a day and start again, I hope I didn't screw them up too much :wall:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about that Watt.

Where are they at in the cycle?

I am sure that a nice long dark period, to get the hormones
back down, ought to do.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about that Watt.

Where are they at in the cycle?

I am sure that a nice long dark period, to get the hormones
back down, ought to do.

Good luck,

Today is day 31. I know that they will come back and finish, but I'll have to do more thorough ball checks for the next couple wks.... But "Good News Everyone" my new oil vaporizer works really, really, really good


Well-Known Member
Opinions people....

Can I put these into flower yet?!?

I've just majorly upped the amount of feed I give them as growth was soooo slow. Swing huge improvements already. I hadn't noticed how pale they were getting. Whoops.

But seriously, is it 12/12 time yet?!?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, that's
I would say definitely. It just depends on how big you want them to end up.

What I was hoping to hear. I'm only really concerned about getting them to finish healthy and learn the limitations/advantages of my 'perlite hempy Dyna-Gro' combo. The only factor common to my last grow is the bulb and fan. Everything else has changed.
If I get 10g a plant i won't call it a failure. 15 and I'll be well pleased.


Well-Known Member
One other decision I have to make is whether to flower these under a parabolic hood, traditional (barn type?) reflector, or try and position them round the bare bulb vert style.

I've been told that parabolics aint the best for flower because of the distance the light has to travel before reflecting downwards?


Well-Known Member
That is something that I have yet to try, but am very interested in.

I have a ducted fan, and I did a great job (honestly) of setting the
system initially. I can raise and lower it without affecting the ducting.

....but the efficiency of a bare bulb and the coverage of a vert system are clear.



Well-Known Member
Regular mostly, 2 fem cheese amongst it. Probably a good thing, I think 6 or 8 little girls around that 600w bulb would be better than 16, space wise. Nature should decide numbers for me. I can always whip up another drain table if it's all too close.


Are those regular or fem plants?

How big is your light again? I can't recall...
It turns out you can convert a parabolic hood into a bare bulb in about a minute by removing 4 bolts!
Dunno about you, but to me the light seems more intense already. Had to shield the bulb with the box to get the picture. Haven't had shadows in my tent up til now. Not like this anyway!

Gonna need to get some of those blue lumi sunglasses, I've seared my retinas...