World Of Hempy

Lights out and grabbed a cpl pics....full crop, 47 days into flower....everyone is as big as they are about to get...the space filled in pretty good...I hate wasted realestate...then I remove excessive shade leaves to open up the canopy, to allow the light do its job...
So now its just pampering and full concentration is on growing TRICHS.....ALL ABOUT THE TRICHS THIS LAST CPL WEEKS...nutes being ramped down, and I will reduce my light intensity, but turn on my UV lights...The VERY 1ST TIME I tried UV lights, there was visual swelling of trichs on the sides of the buds that the light was hitting..
Another pic... Hempy Solo cup nursery...
I root in 8oz styro cups, but will put into Solo hempy's to accelerate growth...replanting in less than 3 weeks and want then thru a cpl topping before then....its late:30.....L8'r...YT20170719_034628.jpg 20170719_024343.jpg
Quick pic of some White Widow Hempy buds, taken from an inside camera vantage...taken at lights out on day 48 of flower...after tmrw nights cycle is done, its 7 full week into flower....20170720_034707.jpg
They really are filling in very well. Thanks again for sharing the grow.
My pleasure...replanting within 3 weeks and I will have Bomb seeds genetics which I never grew, but am really looking forward to....Most likely I should have enuf time to turn that into more of a grow journal, instead of just throwing up pics...ALL BUD PORN IS GOOD, but I will attempt to Format it as such....gonna be a fun grow and THATS what its all about....✌....Y.T.
Had turned on my UV spiral reptile lights (2), a cpl days ago...clamp on hoods, with one on each side of the main HID hood.....I set it to come on an hour after the HPS, and go off an hour before.....many ppl do not use UV's, I personally have seen VISUAL trich size using mine...But certainly NOT a must have item for quality buds...pic included...there is one on the other side of the HPS hood too....
Pics are day 50 of flower....the bud close ups are Incredible Bulk...this cutting takes 7 weeks and 5 day, at the most, to finish...So, these are only 4-5 days from harvest (2 of those in crop).....I also reduced the light intensity to 50% (for better trich formation) AND reduced the # of hours of lights on to 10 hrs a day (to help hasten ripening)...

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Had turned on my UV spiral reptile lights (2), a cpl days ago...clamp on hoods, with one on each side of the main HID hood.....I set it to come on an hour after the HPS, and go off an hour before.....many ppl do not use UV's, I personally have seen VISUAL trich size using mine...But certainly NOT a must have item for quality buds...pic included...there is one on the other side of the HPS hood too....
Pics are day 50 of flower....the bud close ups are Incredible Bulk...this cutting takes 7 weeks and 5 day, at the most, to finish...So, these are only 4-5 days from harvest (2 of those in crop).....I also reduced the light intensity to 50% (for better trich formation) AND reduced the # of hours of lights on to 10 hrs a day (to help hasten ripening)...

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That last shot is beautiful man.
That last shot is beautiful man.
Thanks...use my android phone so, it hit or miss when u get a good thing if I have the time, is to take 2 or 3 of the same one...then usually one is worthy of posting...NOW, it REALLY HELPS to have the proper model...that Incredible Bulk is NO JOKE....the name is a little misleading and could have stood a little more creativity when choosing it, but MAN, it is worth EVERY EFFORT you put into them...My favorite!!!
This is pretty much it for this incredible bulk is being picked in 2 days and my White Widow and Cheese Candy is 10 days behind that...all have reach full size and now just have the resins ripening....from this point till harvest, pics would get VERY UGLY....withholding nutes, (done properly) has the plants yellowing out BIG TIME...Makes for Ugly pics but super sweets buds...Speaking of sweet...I ALWAYS USE Madhava Coconut flower sugar the last 10 days...there are MANY brands, but it has to be the unrefined brown GRANULAR (Not crystallized) made from the COCONUT FLOWER.....I have found it to be THE BEST LATE FLOWER ADDATIVE, for sweetening your buds AND EVEN BOOSTING weight!!! ....I have tried dozens of combinations, including the ready made 'Sweet' by Botanicare (Junk in my opinion)...But if you ever wanted to check out a good sweetener, try that unrefined coconut flower sugar...they carry this brand at ALL my chain grocers....I usually mix a half cup into a qt of hot water to help dissolve it....2 tbs per gallon for that last 2 weeks...I typically allow my plants to use up all of their last watering which is just pH'ed water with an ELEVATED sugar mix...that last watering I will Triple my mixing rate and let the plants finish drinking up....IT DOES WORK BETTER than anything else I made or bought...
Just time to let the plants clean out, sweeten them up for harvest and kick my seedlings into high gear for the next crop...last pic of this crop...just swelled slightly more since the last full crop pic...back for important edit....My 1000w light is now running at 50% power for better trich development...
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20170603_160449.jpg My 2 incredible Bulk plants get picked, tmrw afternoon, just prior to sunrise in the crop...2 White Widows and 2 Cheese Candy's will have 10 additional days to properly ripen....a pkc attached of an IB top and a cheese candy side nug...that Cheese Candy is a very frosty plant as is the White Widow, but take a week and a half longer to properly ripen..
Looking at the Cheese Candy nug, the Cheese genetics shine right thru, and the taste and smell do to...been my experience that even 50% cheese hybrids maintain that VERY ACRID Cheese smell...this is a cross with Caramillo, which also add a few additional complex smells...NICE!!!...seems my cheese candy is stinkier when grown in a Hempy bucket, compared to a water culture...Anyways, in 10 more days, all these trichs will swell up and fully ripen...It will be pure Sticky NASTINES!!!!..(In a good way)...Hempy Buckets grow meds as good as any methods (or better)...there are MANY ways to bring nutrient rich water to your plants root systems in an inert medium (which is also the definition of hydroponics)..I believe they ALL CAN BE effectively used..providing your using quality materials and nutrients, AND quality genetics, its then up to the growers experience and attention to detail to bring out the best your strain has to offer..Hempy, is just one of many methods, but offers so many advantages, cost and time saving over all the others system...I think the simplicity creates skepticism, and the industry pushes complex, and $pricey$, systems, that ppl begin to believe they CANNOT grow quality meds in a good Hempy cant be ignored and is not just for beginners.....put up another pic from 2 days into flower for reference...I was just putting cages on them..Y.T.IMG-3cf0eb11-27aa-4906-9311-26e6c6acdbc7.png IMG-a8583cdd-64ec-4f17-9e90-459ca9d93f7e.png
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20170726_222529-1.jpg 20170726_222346-1.jpg Haven't really mentioned much about my White Widow plant (2 in this group)...she actually gets LARGER tops in Hempy than she did in a Water culture...probably has been significant...possibly the beneficial bacteria I use in a passive a water culture, I use sm-90 cause its an organic 'disinfectant' and works well in reservoir type systems where as in a passive system beneficials seem to work well...there is still lot of controversy about using benies in hydro...It certainly does not fit a reservoir system but in passive set up like Hempy, it WILL COLONIZE....Of couse it was designed for soil grower but does other good things beside assist in breaking down organics mixes...So, I use it in my Hempy buckets with a noticeable effect...but anyways, my White Widow is my latest ripener...She gets a beautiful profile when topped a cpl time and the colas pretty much FILL each main stalk...she take a full 9 weeks to finish with assistance from a reduced daytime cycle of 10 hrs on 14 hrs off for the last 10 days...Of course she VERY MUCH responds to a lesser light intensity too...Her tops will clearly be less resinous if the intensity is NOT REDUCED...light is on 50% (500w)...She responds the best of a FEW strains I have to a lesser intensity the last 2 weeks...Her trichs do a BUNCH OF RIPENING the very last weeks..These pics are from 2 nights ago which would be exactly 10 days before harvest for her at 9 weeks...I run my nutes at lower levels than most, so 2 week prior to harvest, I reduce them by 50%, and the immediately start showing yellowing, and then 7 or 8 day from harvest, I completely withhold nutes....They yellow up FAST THEN... I like the migration of the yellowing so its just starting to affect the smaller single 'inner leaves' that stick out of the main colas..those have good resins so I dont like to lose them, but if the yellowing is starting to show there, your buds ARE CLEAN AND SWEET....being 10 days from harvest, you can clearly see the effects of reduced nutes already....its VERY EASY to manipulate yellowing, when you never overfeed throughout late flowering...NOTHING WORSE, than growing some pretty buds that make u GAG from improper cleanout....Y.T.
20170728_023940_Burst01-1-1.jpg Here's whats going on with my White Widow and Cheese Candy the last week of their life...they have 6 more cycles after tonight before harvest...My UV light are running, the main light will stay on 50% power at 10hr/14hr cycle....their # of day time hrs will get reduce by 1 more hour the last 5 days to help hasten finishing, (9hr/15hr).....the difference in trich quality is seen DAILY FOR THAT LAST WEEK...2 pics taken with lights off, so it more natural lighting from the flash and the others was taken while the HPS was running.....either way, trich quality is now getting where it should be....they still have 6 more days of manipulation to make them PROPERLY DONE....for those who have seen some of this current grow, I dont think there is any question that a good Hempy system grows meds AS GOOD AS ANY SYSTEM AVAILABLE, Happy Hempy, Y.T.20170727_232448_Burst01-1-1.jpg 20170727_232119-1.jpg 20170727_232431-2.jpg
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My remaining 4 plants (2 white widow, 2 Cheese Candy) get picked later today.....the Incredible Bulk was harvested on day 54 which is when that particular cutting smokes the best...these last 2 strains both do best with 9 full weeks of flowering on them....So this is the last pics of it....based on how the I.B. plants yielded, the White Widow and Cheese Candy will yield VERY GOOD....I anticipate the total from all 6 plants to be right about 36 jars...(jar = oz.)....I will know exactly a week from today..... I will be putting up a lot of pics for my next grow of THC Bomb seeds....seedlings are in Hempy solo cups and growing EXTREMELY fast where they have required topping a cpl times each...Those will be transplanted into the 5 gal Hemph buckets in about 5 days...I ALWAYS replant BEFORE the last plants I pick are dry....In my enviroment, my plants need 6 days of drying with a fan on low oscillating on them, followed by trimming and sealing them overnight in a cooler to be stablized...Any remaining moisture becomes equal in the buds...if they feel damp that next day, a fan is placed blowing into the cooler for a half day and then resealed to stablize once again....I Have done it SO MANY TIMES, the RH is always right the first try....I dont trim the buds until the day AFTER they feel ready (typically day 6 but occasionally day 7)..soon as they feel dry on the outside, the CORE still has some moisture, so thats why I trim the following day....99% OF THE TIME the RH is right after stabilization... They smoke VERY NICE after only a week of being jarred up.....Proper clean out of the plants the last cpl weeks of life, play a Key Role in how quickly they smoke nice after drying and curing...If that was done properly, you buds smoke VERY NICE in a mear week of being jarred up...the worse they were treated prior to harvest, the longer the cure to make them palatable...AND POSSIBLY they will never get right if they were completely neglected at the end of life...Anyways, I will post some replanting pics when I transplant my seedlings from Bomb seeds into the 5 gal Hempy buckets...20170801_024850.jpg
Airstones for Hempy buckets....Not sure how many consider using them, but my yields are WAY HIGHER when airstones are used....I have (6) 5gal buckets with 2 inches of grow rock in the bottoms....I run a 70L/min airpump with small 1 inch barrel airstones...With ths growrock filling the buckets internal rez, there is a MAXIMUM of 1 gal of standing water as soon as u do water....Dividing 70L/min by 6 gives me just under 12L/min of air dissolving into approx a gallon of water....the roots go insane for this and having a porous grow rock in the bottoms is constantly infusing those with more a dwc system IT IS POSSIBLE to overkill the air which can cause physical damage to the Hempy, the grow rock prevents a BOIL of water so overkill is hardly an issue...But with EVERY SYSTEM I have ever dabbled with over the years, each usually has a particular item which is a 'MUST HAVE' IMO....With my hempy buckets, its clearly the airstones which keeps the roots as healthy and active as possible...My favorite item, 'ABOVE GROUND' is my light mover and BELOW GROUND its air stones...ANYONE who has a few gardens under their belts, figures out that a healthy root system is imperative to a great plant...So, regardless of the hydro system, providing as much air to your roots is critical....YES, Hempy buckets work well WITHOUT airstones, but work even BETTER WITH THEM...When I dump my used medium, there is ALWAYS a thicker cluster of roots immediately above and all around the air stone location...NO DENYING!!!..cpl pics...just boiled my stones in the microwave...5 min is plenty...I will reuse 3 times before replacing them...and other pic is of my pump and the stones drying out...Y.T.20170803_162651.jpg 20170803_162951.jpg
Today was replant day....I wanted to run all 6 buckets with my new THC Bomb seeds...I had 7 females but only 5 had what I considered good traits and worthy of growing out...So, I planted the 5 best and (1) White Widow extrm...the WWx would be the best fit with how these Bomb plants are suppose to grow..which is a shorter profile.....I had all these plants in Hempy solo cups and from the pics you can clearly see how they thrive in them through 3 toppings and they have THICK ROOT SYSTEMS...they are in the shape u like for a quick start in veg stage....I had them on about a 200 ppm dyna grow the last 10 days before transplant, and they VERY READY to get out of the nursery....I doubt these will go 3 weeks in veg before I HAVE TO induce flower....they will get one more prunning in about 10 days to 'flatten' them out....4 corner plants are THC bombs, the center right is a White Widow x and the center left is a Bubble Bomb (smells like Bazooka ALREADY if u rub the stalk)...each bucket has 2 inches of expanded slate grow rock in the bottom, 1 inch air stones fed by a 70L/min pump (into 6 buckets), topped off with #3 perlite, with 20% water (thru medium) till roots hit the rez, then watering will be straight down the feeding pvc shoot...the pH and ppms are MUCH EASIER to manage when not constantly watering thru the medium....more pics to come as these evolve....YT20170804_215724.jpg 20170804_205014.jpg 20170804_205047.jpg
Well... I finally took the plunge. These are my first two Hempys. All is well. Cocoa and perlite. ppm's 600. They're pretty bushy. The small one is LST'd Blue Dream and the larger one is Dosiedo

They're just starting to take off. I guess the roots finally hit the res. I plan to scrog. Who knows.. the small one may get kicked to the curb to allow for a better scrogging experience.
Any suggestions or room for improvement?

(4) THC Bombs, (1) Bubble Bomb, and (1) White Widow extrm....2 weeks and 5 days into veg....Never have grown any Bomb genetics before, but a good Hempy system will grow ANY....these are on a dyna-grow solution right about 600ppms...that is about a max I use in a veg long as you have a grip managing pH, I found (with this nutrient) that 600ppms will keep them a nice green and growing rapidly....I found the Hempy style system (passive systems) prefer a slightly higher pH in veg...with water culture, I used a 5.5/5.6 vegging and with Hempy I use 5.9/6.0...for those that worry a lot about pH, ANYTHING in those ranges will work just fine for you....Got a buddy who can get over chasing his pH....during veg, he will set at 5.6 and it drifts up to 6.5...I consider that a perfect scenario....absorbtion is perfect for individual elements thru that whole range...once his got OVER a 6.0, he would be trying to bring it back into HIS 5.6 range...making adjustments 3 and even 4 times a day...WAY NOT NECESSARY....welcome the pH drift as long as its not drifting into UNSAFE zones....I will allow these approx 7 more days of veg before timer flip...My branching from the last topping is not quite big enuf...3 or 4 days less of veg can mean a deficiency of a jar per plant..I like my branching from the last topping to be a minimum of 6-8 inches efficiently fill my space (4ft by 5ft), I prune 3 times and will have about 8 tops...then wait a week to see which tops try to dominate...usually 3 or 4 will shoot up right on I prune those which are trying to get too tall...this usually leaves me with a dozen or so main shoots....ultimately in flower, I like to have 10 which come up evenly and support main colas....I do not SCROG because in my closet, it LOCKS my out of any accces to the plants on the sides amd the back end of it...I cant lollipop, get at cuttings, and even move a plant should I have to...With proper prunning and some LST, they fill the space nicely wnd yield just fine....there are full crop pics from my last one further back in this thread.......this BOMB SEEDS genetics I am running this time, get some crazy thick/stiff stalks and branching...typically I drop a tomato cage over each plant for support of HEAVY branches, but these would NOT need them...they are that stiff!!!....bumped them up to 1000w 2 days ago..started on 50%power 1st week, 75% next 10 days and now 100% to bring them into flower...plants will veg in my space just fine on 50%, but want them acclimated to full power before flower...More pics coming when flowering starts...full crop pic attached and my PET PLANT...a single Bubble Bomb which I know will be one of the best in the group...
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Well... I finally took the plunge. These are my first two Hempys. All is well. Cocoa and perlite. ppm's 600. They're pretty bushy. The small one is LST'd Blue Dream and the larger one is Dosiedo

They're just starting to take off. I guess the roots finally hit the res. I plan to scrog. Who knows.. the small one may get kicked to the curb to allow for a better scrogging experience.
Any suggestions or room for improvement?

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The room looks great, appears its vented for fresh air exchange and temp a cpl buddies just swapped to my hempy style bucket...NEITHER put a plug at the bottom side of the bucket...I drill a hole right at the base, side of the bucket and put a rubber stopper in it...I pull this after every watering to collect just enuf water/nute mix to test pH and ppms..both my buddies ended up with a build up cpl weeks into veg...I drilled a hole and they both had ppms btwn 1300 and 1500...the medium will 'FILTER' nutes out every watering and then eventually they start rinsing down into the buckets rez....Its hard to flush 5gal buckets unless u use a BUNCH OF WATER....just keep in mind to flush regularly or even better, have a plug to test that rez water...if its ok, no need to seems to be the only issue I ever found with hempy...since I run 6 plants (5gal buckets), flushing is WAY NOT PRACTICAL...So, Soon as my roots bottom out, I just water the REZ ONLY, by watering down that vertical pvc tube u see in my buckets...If pH or ppms ever did go to far off, just pull the plug, drain it, then rewater down that tube with an adjusted mix...But indeed they are looking good and looks like you did your homework....looking forward to watching Hempy do their magic for you....Y.T
Just in case anyone wants a SUPER Hempy bucket, this is how I design mine...Still a simple design but has an airstone addition, plug for water samples, and a vertical tube for watering the rez only when the roots bottom out (IT WILL PREVENT BUILDUP FROM ALWAYS TOP WATERING)....this bucket produces GRADE AAA bud....I gave up water culture to come back to this...IMG-ce6a64ce-41df-44ac-b709-4147b225aaba.png
The room looks great, appears its vented for fresh air exchange and temp a cpl buddies just swapped to my hempy style bucket...NEITHER put a plug at the bottom side of the bucket...I drill a hole right at the base, side of the bucket and put a rubber stopper in it...I pull this after every watering to collect just enuf water/nute mix to test pH and ppms..both my buddies ended up with a build up cpl weeks into veg...I drilled a hole and they both had ppms btwn 1300 and 1500...the medium will 'FILTER' nutes out every watering and then eventually they start rinsing down into the buckets rez....Its hard to flush 5gal buckets unless u use a BUNCH OF WATER....just keep in mind to flush regularly or even better, have a plug to test that rez water...if its ok, no need to seems to be the only issue I ever found with hempy...since I run 6 plants (5gal buckets), flushing is WAY NOT PRACTICAL...So, Soon as my roots bottom out, I just water the REZ ONLY, by watering down that vertical pvc tube u see in my buckets...If pH or ppms ever did go to far off, just pull the plug, drain it, then rewater down that tube with an adjusted mix...But indeed they are looking good and looks like you did your homework....looking forward to watching Hempy do their magic for you....Y.T

Similar to the waterfarm.. Drain and replenish...

I just ran and checked my ppms from the res... I'm at 350 ppm. I typically water at 600 ppm, but yesterday I was in a hurry so I added some plain water.. Just now I added a few cups of 650 ppm back in..

I also foliar fed today in hopes of speading up veg. Can't wait to flip.. Probably another week away..

I think next time I'll get a waterfarm to integrate the ability to empty res and also aerate the water as discussed on here. I've seen what a waterfarm can do.. It's amazing.

So far I notice that my plant is bushier and has a thicker stalk than my previous grows of same strain that were in soil..

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