World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
Sorry for shitty pics....but outta five bag seeds(completely random and different diverse origins, as my bag seed collection goes back to mid nineties) the verdict is 2 females 2 males and a u like that straight 50/50 ratio lol...I killed the males and hermi is just sitting outside my tent slowly dying...:( its to bad to cuz that one looked like it wanted to push a half pound lol. O well here's the females about 14 days after showing little heavy indica...and a huge hybrid looking gal....and I got two autos too(jock horror)..both in the same 2 gal tub that's white....oh and no drain hole....and they're doing Lil experiment bwahahahaha lol ne way here ya go...again sorry for shitty pics!


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
ISK, be careful with that clothing rack, they aren't too sturdy from my experience

but then again, thats with a fuck ton of clothes on it (girlfriend) and wheeling it around. Just wanted to warn you that it could be a fire hazard! Possibly re-enforce with tape

lol i love the bathroom type design though! Good to see you back at it dude, you grow some lovely plants
It's hard to notice but i had taped up the coupling as you are right about it being flimsy but it's actually better than the last setup in the spare bathroom.

Recently bought a white shower curtain to help reflect the light better and fixed up the mylar wall and a few more fans as I'm running 100% now




Well-Known Member
ISK thanks for sharing your setup, it can be hard to grow in in rental. I'm glad I don't have those restrains.

I'm still vegging and will be for a while. I transplanted from cups into 2qt pots. I found a new potting soil called Vermi Fire. It's an organic soil with a NPK rating of 1.6-1-.6. It's very lommie and drains well.
Satori d26 transplant 005riu.jpgSatori d26 transplant 007riu.jpg
I'm just adjusting the ph of the water and adding a few drops of Superthrive & Floralicous + plants seem to love it.

Here they are, cup to transplant then a wk later which is 33 days after planting the seeds.
Satori d26 transplant 004riu.jpgSatori d26 transplant 012riu.jpgSatori d33 001riu.jpg

I'm going to veg these until the nutes in the soil run out to find out how long it will last for future grows, I'm hoping for at least 4wks. If big enough I'll flip, if not I'll have to feed until they are ready to put into buckets and flip.


Well-Known Member
Here is that White Widow. I just threw it into my 12/12 flowering closet 5 days ago:


Here is one I just started from seed, Kosher Tangie:


Here is my Somango Widow in DWC:



Well-Known Member
Hey Sky Rocket. I feed my girls House & Garden nutes. I have found that the stuff while pricey goes further than others I've used. The OG kush I posted earlier has been getting Rock nutrients.

Both of these companies will send you free samples if you write them. I've done a few runs on the H&G sample kit.

I've used all of their additives, but am tweaking that a little. I find a few of their additives like Algen Extract to be pretty useless in DWC.


Well-Known Member
Well I might have to change my name, I went to the hydro store and upgraded / enhanced my lighting. I picked up a 4' - 4 bulb t5 HO fixture to replace my 4 tube t8 shop light which has served me well for the past 4 yrs in my veg box. Also I went ahead and picked up a 1k ballast and bulb. I've never run a 1000w in my space, hit 898 for a couple runs, (led, cfl, & t8's) my current twin 400cmh has out performed all the earlier hybrid setups. I just need to see for myself if doubling the lumen's will overcome the superior spectrum. I'll most likely still run the cmh at the end for the uv output.

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Rapid rooters are my favorite. These are all super lemon haze freebies. The two oldest I germ last Saturday (I think). I'm going to throw them into dwc wich is my favorite but don't get me wrong I still grow in hempys.


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
ISK thanks for sharing your setup, it can be hard to grow in in rental. I'm glad I don't have those restrains.
I have the best landlord in the world because he avoids me like the plague, he hasn't been here in 5 years.

My biggest issue is venting out the window as it doesn't move much air but I guess enough

more pics in my grow journal


Active Member
Hi guys, I have recently started my second grow, first one was in a fridge. This one is more serious and I am doing a room. I am planning on using the hempy method to grow some pretty big plants. The plan is 4 plants under 4 600w hps lights using scrog. I am quite familiar with the hempy bucket however I had a couple of questions. I would like to yield close to a pound per plant and am wondering if 20L buckets will suffice for this... Also i am planning on setting up an automatic watering system and if anyone had any tips on doing so it would be much appreciated. Any tips in general for growing big plants are also appreciated as I am only familiar with smaller plants at the moment. Thanks

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
My new toy came in. I run a 600 watter in a 120 secret jardin tent with a mini split. The temps stay around 73-75 with lights on. I want to play around with a 1000 watter light so I know I made need a can fan so I bought this quiet one. Will put it to the test soon.image.jpg


Well-Known Member
20L buckets should be able to produce that size but vegging plants to that size is generally not the most efficient way to go unless you have severe plant count limitations. Why not 4 plants in 7.5L buckets per light? You'll cut your veg time in half or reduce the amount of veg area you need to fill the bloom area if you're going perpetual.
IME big plants are pretty much the same. They need more concentrated feed but that's about it. Keep your canopy even and green and let them do their thing.


Well-Known Member
Started my new grow,

2 Nirvana Ice from seed, and 1 Amsterdam Seed Co. WW, in 3.5 gallon Hempy Buckets.
I have those mainlining and some clones from them, 1 WW and 1 Ice in 2 gallon Hempy buckets. Also have two Ice in 1 gallon smart pot with Ocean Forest soil. and 1 Ice in a starter Hempy cup. Transplant soon.

Not sure how many I will keep, would like to keep the 2 gallon Hempy buckets as mother plants that I will keep pruned and put them out side when every I can. May do the same to the smart pots not sure as of yet.

Some bad new, going to have a new back door neighbor, my cool neighbors living there now have sold the house and move out of state. They sold the house to a state trooper and his wife. Now that really sucks.

Ok for some pictures.

WW and Ice

WW and 2 Ice 12/27/12

Ready Hempy Bucket, note drain plug at the base.

WW 2nd cut 1/8/14

Ice 2nd cut 1/8/14

Three clones in 2 gallon Hempys, the one in the top left, Ice 2, did not make it. I think I damaged the roots during transplant. 1/20/14

Ice cut for 8 1/23/14

Ice 1/28/14
WW cut to 14, lost a branch earlier. but looking good. 1/28/14

Ice clone in 2 gallon hempy 2/1/14

WW clone in 2 gallon Hempy 2/1/14

We are now in the grow stage everything has final cut, now just keep them trimmed up, put the ring on tommorow and give them a few weeks growth before flip.
I have two Ice in soil in 1 gallon smart pots, not sure what I will do with those, I may just stick them outside and let them do there thing there.
That would give me room in the cabinet to either veg the two 2 gallon Hempys till I put the 3.5 gallon Hempys into 12/12, them move them either under the T5 lamp or put them outside and use them for clones. I may just leave them in the cabinet and let them flower, not sure about enough room in there though.

Well more later.

Peace out, '



Active Member
20L buckets should be able to produce that size but vegging plants to that size is generally not the most efficient way to go unless you have severe plant count limitations. Why not 4 plants in 7.5L buckets per light? You'll cut your veg time in half or reduce the amount of veg area you need to fill the bloom area if you're going perpetual.
IME big plants are pretty much the same. They need more concentrated feed but that's about it. Keep your canopy even and green and let them do their thing.
I undwestand it is not the most efficient way to go however I have limitations on the number of plants I am able to grow. I am not too concerned with the added veg time so long as I achieve as close to 1 pound per plant as possible. Thanks for your reply. I was also wondering if anyone had any experience mainlining big plants

2 other questions I have are how come hempy buckets require significantly less root space than most other methods of growing. Do you really think a 5 gall/20L bucket can house a 1 pound plant?

and regarding automatic watering with hempy would it be better to replicate hand watering and set the watering schedule to every other day or something similar, or smaller more frequent waterings