World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
Im thinking with the co2 should help me avg 15 grams per plant but I know it's based on strain. Hmmmm maybe first round I should go without it. Also I thought about vegging for 10 days but then it wouldn't be a true sog.
I would defo say try a run or two without. You'll have enough on your plate. You'll get your 15g Im certain. .. Maybe once dialed in, you can add a CO2 setup. I think that's generally what people advise anyhow,

I'll post some pics of mine tomorrow. Its a real SOG. and I love it. A lot better than previously. I put this partly down to the Mapito im using. Great stuff.


Anyways here's my hempy journal. Imma be doing hempy in 14 gallon totes half the room will be 128 plants in hempy and the other half a 8 plant hempy scrog tell me what u think about it

Its only in seedling stage ATM tho.
Good choice on the Super Lemon Haze, it’s dank. Smells, tastes, and looks amazing. Takes a long time to finish though, at least the pheno I have does, but that is typical of a haze, and it looks like you have wisely picked strains that will all take that long.
One of the reasons why I just bought Lemon OG is that I love the lemon flavor but hate waiting 10 weeks or more for the SLH to finish. I was thinking of possibly replacing the SLH with the LOG, but I’m not sure I could throw her out when the time came, it’s really good shit.

Good luck with your grow, looks like you are off to a great start!


Well-Known Member
Good choice on the Super Lemon Haze, it’s dank. Smells, tastes, and looks amazing. Takes a long time to finish though, at least the pheno I have does, but that is typical of a haze, and it looks like you have wisely picked strains that will all take that long.
One of the reasons why I just bought Lemon OG is that I love the lemon flavor but hate waiting 10 weeks or more for the SLH to finish. I was thinking of possibly replacing the SLH with the LOG, but I’m not sure I could throw her out when the time came, it’s really good shit.

Good luck with your grow, looks like you are off to a great start!
so many strains, so little space and time. I want the SLH as well. Barney's G13 Haze was one of my favourite smokes but much like SLH, the flowering takes 10+weeks and has a bit of stretch on her.

If after my dabbling with my current 6 or 7 strains I find a beauty, i'll probably do a mono-crop for maximum efficiency and yield.


Active Member
looking good Smoothness. wow. youre going for it. Please Please keep us updated on this. A pic or two every now and again will be greatly appreciated by all.

yeh im going big or going home. i will try to take pics but my iphone uses geotagging so i need to figure how to take that offf.... question about hempy. if i use a 14 gallon tote box, do i still measure 2" from bottom? that would be a big ass rez. plus growing 8 plants in one box would that causes rootbound? and how often would i water? once a week?


Active Member
Good choice on the Super Lemon Haze, it’s dank. Smells, tastes, and looks amazing. Takes a long time to finish though, at least the pheno I have does, but that is typical of a haze, and it looks like you have wisely picked strains that will all take that long.
One of the reasons why I just bought Lemon OG is that I love the lemon flavor but hate waiting 10 weeks or more for the SLH to finish. I was thinking of possibly replacing the SLH with the LOG, but I’m not sure I could throw her out when the time came, it’s really good shit.

Good luck with your grow, looks like you are off to a great start!
thanks. grab and chair and sub to it. ill keep it posted. right now the seedlings are growing so slow. only day 8 and its barely about to start second set of true leaves... i think cause i stretched it too much before i transplanted it.i read somewhere that slh takes 9-10 weeks.. other places i heard it takes up to 14 weeks. does it stretch alot. i dont want some dr seuss looking colas...i need phat and compacted. i got 1kw over each 4x4 so hopefully thats enuff? if not i can try to double that but scared of heat problems with running 8kw in 10x10. i heard that the yield wasnt much? but this is from a guy growing two under 400kw. so idk what to believe. im trying to get most yield i can get. money isnt an issue. got alot of patients to please.


Well-Known Member
yeh im going big or going home. i will try to take pics but my iphone uses geotagging so i need to figure how to take that offf.... question about hempy. if i use a 14 gallon tote box, do i still measure 2" from bottom? that would be a big ass rez. plus growing 8 plants in one box would that causes rootbound? and how often would i water? once a week?
Watering frequency will depend on the substrate your using, stage of plant growth, strain and room temps. You'll have to figure that out by trial, when the tote gets quite light, time to water.

Ive never done a multi-hempy but it should work just fine. If it gets a little rootbound by the end, no problem (i dont think). They only have to be there for 8-10 weeks of flower + whatever veg you give them.

8 plants in a 14Gallon is 1.75gallons per plant. ... I grow mine in 2L hempys. You have plenty of room as long as you dont veg them to big.


lol@Dr seuss looking colas.


Active Member
but arent sativa dominant strains bad for sog method? anyways my seeds been like this for past couple of days.. i thought leaves would come out faster but it seems stunted or im tripping, day 7 going on 8. barely seed tiny things that to appear to be start of new second true leaves. but the leaves are raised up in a 45 degree angle. i read somewhere that its a way of tell me they need to be watered. i can never tell with these seeds. the rockwool holds so much water for so long plus i wanted to promote root growth. i just lightly watered them with distilled water... any ideas bout the raised leaves or am i just paranoid?



Active Member
hey could one might be able to use a 55 gallon garbage bin to do a hempy? or maybe one out of a homemade DIY container made from plastic 100-200 gallon ones


Well-Known Member
but arent sativa dominant strains bad for sog method? anyways my seeds been like this for past couple of days.. i thought leaves would come out faster but it seems stunted or im tripping, day 7 going on 8. barely seed tiny things that to appear to be start of new second true leaves. but the leaves are raised up in a 45 degree angle. i read somewhere that its a way of tell me they need to be watered. i can never tell with these seeds. the rockwool holds so much water for so long plus i wanted to promote root growth. i just lightly watered them with distilled water... any ideas bout the raised leaves or am i just paranoid?
looking good to me, so-far.

with a cup that size and with straight perlite you'll defo be watering daily. Next time you might consider a bit of Vermiculite too, helps retain more moisture.

Lights should be an inch or two away ... checking regularly to make sure they dont burn.

A light fan on them (low setting) will strengthen them up and encourage growth (stress), as well as move warm air away.

I don't do Sativa doms but I can't see why they wouldn't work close together, although achieving a true 'SOG looking' grow might not happen because the effect is helped by the broad leaves of Indica doms.

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Well-Known Member
hey could one might be able to use a 55 gallon garbage bin to do a hempy? or maybe one out of a homemade DIY container made from plastic 100-200 gallon ones
thats alot of substrate. it could work. I would love to see something like that. You would be a true hempy pioneer or as i call it hempyneer.

There likely to be unforseen problems, as with anything done for a first time. The challenge will be to overcome them.


Active Member
looking good to me, so-far.

with a cup that size and with straight perlite you'll defo be watering daily. Next time you might consider a bit of Vermiculite too, helps retain more moisture.

Lights should be an inch or two away ... checking regularly to make sure they dont burn.

A light fan on them (low setting) will strengthen them up and encourage growth (stress), as well as move warm air away.

I don't do Sativa doms but I can't see why they wouldn't work close together, although achieving a true 'SOG looking' grow might not happen because the effect is helped by the broad leaves of Indica doms.

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i water as least as i can possible. because before i overwatered which caused alot of the stems to go purple. so learned my lesson. imma do verm mix with my actually real set up. and the lights are encased in this plastic thing that is cool to the touch. so even if u put your finger there you wont feel alot of heat. or any at all.

why has it been 8 days and such slow growth ive seen others with a week old seedlings that already have 2 sets of leaves. the rockwool i think is a problem for me... it holds so much water so even if i water to water everyday the roots will stay coated with that freaking rockwool sponge. im so close to digging it up and removing all of the cubes.

the fan has been blowing for last two days and i havent seen much difference in the stems.. still thin as usual. it has taken some of the purple out of some of the seedling stems tho. i hope this growth picks up. im so close to buying superthrive and orca and hammering them with it.


Active Member
looks great.

remember though, plants in wide pots grow wide, plants in narrow pots grow up .... as a very general rule of thumb.
yes a garbage bin has wheels sometimes... sometimes it doesnt... i think that big 300 gallon bin would be perfect since i dont want it huge past the fences. maybe do a scrog or something...


thanks. grab and chair and sub to it. ill keep it posted. right now the seedlings are growing so slow. only day 8 and its barely about to start second set of true leaves... i think cause i stretched it too much before i transplanted it.i read somewhere that slh takes 9-10 weeks.. other places i heard it takes up to 14 weeks. does it stretch alot. i dont want some dr seuss looking colas...i need phat and compacted. i got 1kw over each 4x4 so hopefully thats enuff? if not i can try to double that but scared of heat problems with running 8kw in 10x10. i heard that the yield wasnt much? but this is from a guy growing two under 400kw. so idk what to believe. im trying to get most yield i can get. money isnt an issue. got alot of patients to please.
The SLH that I have does stretch a bit, but it’s not too bad. Out of the three strains I’m running right now, Kushberry stretches the most, Blue Cheese stretches the least, and the Super Lemon Haze is in the middle. I’d say that about doubles in size when you flower it.
It is also in the middle of those three as far as yield, it yields more than the Kushberry, but less than the blue cheese. It likes to grow one main cola, even when I top it seems to still grow one main bigger cola out of the tops, and the rest are smaller. The biggest single buds I have grown have been these SLH main colas. It would make an excellent strain for SOG in my opinion.
I have found that she is the most nute sensitive out of the strains I have, I feed her a weaker dose then the other two. I know that Greenhouse claims that it is done in 9 -10 weeks, but mine never is, it always takes more like 11 or 12 weeks or longer to completely finish.


Active Member
The SLH that I have does stretch a bit, but it’s not too bad. Out of the three strains I’m running right now, Kushberry stretches the most, Blue Cheese stretches the least, and the Super Lemon Haze is in the middle. I’d say that about doubles in size when you flower it.
It is also in the middle of those three as far as yield, it yields more than the Kushberry, but less than the blue cheese. It likes to grow one main cola, even when I top it seems to still grow one main bigger cola out of the tops, and the rest are smaller. The biggest single buds I have grown have been these SLH main colas. It would make an excellent strain for SOG in my opinion.
I have found that she is the most nute sensitive out of the strains I have, I feed her a weaker dose then the other two. I know that Greenhouse claims that it is done in 9 -10 weeks, but mine never is, it always takes more like 11 or 12 weeks or longer to completely finish.
oh so its a single cola monster then.. haha. how big are the colas? pics? i want to see what imma work with... wonder if they will work fine with scrog method as well.. cuz i dont want the hawaiian snow ladies to be lonely. when u mean nute sensitive how bad are we talking...? 300ppm?


Well-Known Member

Ive not seen or heard anyone successfully remove a plant from a cube, IMO, It will end bad.

I hear what you're saying but Ive been using rockwool for years and I don't find it stunts seedlings. I germed by current flowering 'Exodus cheese' in rockwool, they're great, in-fact the Mapito they're now in is 90% rockwool and vegetative growth is 10 outta 10.

Once those roots start doing their stuff, they'll suck that water right out. ... its just a matter of a few days away for you.


oh so its a single cola monster then.. haha. how big are the colas? pics? i want to see what imma work with... wonder if they will work fine with scrog method as well.. cuz i dont want the hawaiian snow ladies to be lonely. when u mean nute sensitive how bad are we talking...? 300ppm?
I think I have some pics of some big SLH buds I grew on my old phone, but it is in a box in my closet somewhere and I don’t feel like digging for it right now, so all I can show ya is what I have around at the moment, but I snapped a couple of pics for ya.
The one picture is of one of the two SLH I have flowering in my little scrog cabinet right now, I topped it once, the bigger main cola is on the left, smaller top on the right, and a little kushberry branch in the front there.
The other picture is my bonsai SLH mom in the middle flanked by two of her clones, which I just topped yesterday.
As far as the nute strength goes, I usually just feed her like a ¾ strength dose compared to the full strength the other two strains get, which is still a little weaker than what the label says to use.



Active Member

Ive not seen or heard anyone successfully remove a plant from a cube, IMO, It will end bad.

I hear what you're saying but Ive been using rockwool for years and I don't find it stunts seedlings. I germed by current flowering 'Exodus cheese' in rockwool, they're great, in-fact the Mapito they're now in is 90% rockwool and vegetative growth is 10 outta 10.

Once those roots start doing their stuff, they'll suck that water right out. ... its just a matter of a few days away for you.
how can i tell tho? im still using a toothpick to stick deep inside the cup to measure moisture. have u tried beneficial bacteria in hempy? i was planning to buy great white or orca to build a beneficial bacteria wonderland in my roots. that and feed them with molasses, bud candy, and sweet all thru veg and flowering before two week flush. imma split my grow into four. control. sweet, unsulphered molasses, and bud candy. see how it turns can u tell by looking at your plants that they need water? and does the stem in seedlings turning purple mean they are overwatered and locking out phosophorous?

oh and i buried most of my stem like maybe 2.5 inches of stem. will that stem turn to root? or cause rot?


Well-Known Member
stems turn purple with some strains, no issue there, its nice.

to tell when to water is a bit of a guessing game, you can judge a little by the relative weight of the container. ... i hope those seedling cups have a hole at the bottom.

a buried stem will root. not rot.

and benny bacteria is ok, ive not done it but can't see why not. If an additive can be used in active hydro it generally can be used in passive.