World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
I'm sure Moe was advised to not frequent a place like this while things are unfolding.

The heat has been harsh in my room. I'm at day 34 just about 1/2 way through flower, and just starting to really build some buds.
13-07-21_d34_B-11 004riu.jpg13-07-21_d34_B-11 015riu.jpg13-07-21_d34_B-11 023riu.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice spiral staircases you have there Watt! Only so much can be done about Summer. In a perfect world this is when you have a few lbs going outside.


Active Member
Do I need a ph pen and/or ec pen...? Tap water or rain water the best..?

It wouldn't hurt. You can also use simple liquid pH test kits like this:

Make sure your pH is right around 6 (5.6 - 5.8 is ideal). Tap water is fine as long as it doesn't contain chlorine (city water does, but if you need to use it leave it standing overnight before you do). No matter what you use for water make sure you get that Ph in the range you need.

EDIT: Also, make sure you soak your medium (perlite, coco, etc.) in the pH'd water before you use it. This is after you rinse it out, of course.


Active Member
Hey guys, I plan on doing Hempy for my next grow. Growing in coco/perlite as of now. I want to do a coco hempy. So here are my questions.

-IN a 3 gallon and 5 gallon bucket, how far should the hole be up for the rez?
-Am I correct in thinking I just fill the bottom up to the hole with chunky perlite, then the rest with straight coco? Or should it be a coco/perlite mix.
-When watering, should I fill it up so I get just a bit of runoff from the hole, or enough to know I flushed out old nutrients?
- When starting from seed, should I start them as usual in a normal coco cup? Then when they become seedlings transplant them as normal? Or should I create a mini hempy in a solo cup.
- Right now I follow H3AD's coco formula with a couple aditions I made myself. Should I follow this with a coco hempy, as it's designed for coco, or should I do something completely designed for DWC hydro.

Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Made a new screen to keep plants from falling over when they get "cola- heavy" up top..used Watts suggestion and got some vinyl coated clothesline. This screen sits at 36" off the floor so it's not a SCROG screen but I did setup the legs with index holes for cotter pin height adjustments at 3" intervals so I can run it as low as 15" up to 27" with a different set of 3/4" telescoping dowel inserts to the legs. That Stoneslacker can get you up a fever for the flavor of some plant training can't he...and I'll try it it someday. For now I'm just tired staking and tying when you least expect to do it. Wet bud is heavy and I prematurely harvested one last weekend over a fall.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I plan on doing Hempy for my next grow. Growing in coco/perlite as of now. I want to do a coco hempy. So here are my questions.

-IN a 3 gallon and 5 gallon bucket, how far should the hole be up for the rez?
-Am I correct in thinking I just fill the bottom up to the hole with chunky perlite, then the rest with straight coco? Or should it be a coco/perlite mix.
-When watering, should I fill it up so I get just a bit of runoff from the hole, or enough to know I flushed out old nutrients?
- When starting from seed, should I start them as usual in a normal coco cup? Then when they become seedlings transplant them as normal? Or should I create a mini hempy in a solo cup.
- Right now I follow H3AD's coco formula with a couple aditions I made myself. Should I follow this with a coco hempy, as it's designed for coco, or should I do something completely designed for DWC hydro.

Thanks for the help.

3 gal - 1" or 1.5"
5 gal - 2"

Probably coco/perlite mix the whole way, or perlite bottom and coco/perlite fill.
10%-20% runoff, yeah. So 3 gal would be 38 oz runoff, 5 gal 64 oz.
Mini-hempy-solo-cup is what a lot of people do, with the very top bit straight coco.
Follow it with a hempy.


Well-Known Member
Ok I lied, I just started tucking growth tips over to the next 4" square to get my tops spread out..I don't even know what I'm doing either but it's only day 7 of flower and I've got some stretching girls ..must be a disease that Stone passed on to us.


Well-Known Member
Ok I lied, I just started tucking growth tips over to the next 4" square to get my tops spread out..I don't even know what I'm doing either but it's only day 7 of flower and I've got some stretching girls ..must be a disease that Stone passed on to us.
View attachment 2745278
Lovin it Jela! Let those little guys down low bask in the light for a while. It's amazing how quickly those undernodes will shoot up for the light once the mains are trained down. Looks great Jela, I heard that RP's Skywalker is a stretchy girl but training under a screen will redirect growth to multiple branches, slowing down overall stretch some.

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Ok I lied, I just started tucking growth tips over to the next 4" square to get my tops spread out..I don't even know what I'm doing either but it's only day 7 of flower and I've got some stretching girls ..must be a disease that Stone passed on to us.
View attachment 2745278

Im a couple of weeks behind ya jela as I'm probably going to do a aero/nft scrog. I got some g13 blue og and dna stack kush in the cloner right now. Keep us posted on the scrog. I've read from a good source to let them stay under the net til about the first two weeks of flower. I guess do to the initial stretch.
View attachment 2728781 My current grow. From left to right: Toxic Blue 33 CH9 seeds freebie, Blue Cheese bagseed from a buddy, and White Widow auto from Dinafem. They were all started in soil. I have had a hell of a time with root aphids so i swapped the Toxic Blue to hempy bucket. White Widow stayed soil since she is an auto and i didn't want to stunt her at all. I was expecting the Blue Cheese to be a male because of the very rapid growth, but she turned out to be a girl. She is still in soil.

View attachment 2728782 This photo was taken the day I swapped the Toxic Blue over to hempy. I transplanted her into straight perlite. Her light cycle was changed to 12/12 at this time. She was already showing pistils at all nodes.

View attachment 2728783 This photo was taken about a week after swapping to 12/12. the growth rate was absolutely shocking. I would have to say she has quadrupled in size.

View attachment 2728784 About another week down the road. She was about half the size of the White Widow before flipping. She passed her very quickly size wise.

View attachment 2728785 A top view of the Toxic Blue 33 and the Blue Cheese. Their light cycles were changed at the same time, but the hempy bucket totally blew away the soil. She is the most beautiful plant i have grown by a long shot. Sexy as hell.
Photo Update: All plants are doing well, even the blue cheese in soil.

Toxic Blue 33: IMG_20130721_232050_112.jpgIMG_20130721_231814_325.jpgIMG_20130721_231743_912.jpg

Blue OG: IMG_20130719_211732_911.jpgIMG_20130719_211750_127.jpg

Pineapple Express: IMG_20130719_211739_518.jpgIMG_20130719_211802_462.jpg

Blue Cheese / soil: IMG_20130721_225533_908.jpgIMG_20130720_240758_055.jpg


Side by side of the Toxic Blue and Blue Cheese. As you can see the blue cheese is getting blown away.


Well-Known Member
Ok I lied, I just started tucking growth tips over to the next 4" square to get my tops spread out..I don't even know what I'm doing either but it's only day 7 of flower and I've got some stretching girls ..must be a disease that Stone passed on to us.
View attachment 2745278
You should definitely give it a go if you have girls with multiple tops, you wont be disappointed and it will be awesome for us to watch...


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't hurt. You can also use simple liquid pH test kits like this:

Make sure your pH is right around 6 (5.6 - 5.8 is ideal). Tap water is fine as long as it doesn't contain chlorine (city water does, but if you need to use it leave it standing overnight before you do). No matter what you use for water make sure you get that Ph in the range you need.

EDIT: Also, make sure you soak your medium (perlite, coco, etc.) in the pH'd water before you use it. This is after you rinse it out, of course.
Thanks for the quality answer... As a cheap-skate I bought some litmus paper and tested both the rain water and tap water..
By the looks of the colour im floating around..6.5 to almost 7...
Im currently doing a hempy in a milk carton and seems to be doing fine but before i make the full transition over to hempy for my 2 plants scrog i think ill get the 2 pens.. to be sure, to be sure..

Thanks again for your reply... great thread btw..!


Well-Known Member
Nice looking girls Bama!

Jela i like your pvc set up. Does that have pvc legs making it somewhat like a table? I like that idea a really wanting to do a scrog like Stones...If he can pull ridiculously huge heavy buds with 250 like to cover 32-48 sq feet of ground with nugs like that under 1600-1800 watts!...if im able at least..he is an artist.

Now that its time to plan my next one im going to do 10 scrogged or at least heavily lst girls under 1200 watts. Thinking im going to get some sterile pallets to put buckets on so that i can have srip pans to catch runoff...even though i rarely water to the point of runoff. Im going to reveg about 10 of the girls im harvesting in a seperate tent under 400 mh and if timed right about 1 month into my next flowering ill be able to have a good 50-100 cuttings...which i think i may toss in solo cups and toss em all in the flowering tent (ideas on containers for cuttings going directly into flower appreciated. That way ill have my big girl harvest and then a month or so later 50-100 5-10 gram single cola plants....which will then give me tge time to veg/train about 20 blue dream girls which will fill my 8x8 tentand run under 2400 watts for a fantastic winter grow.

Took 2 more girls down today (except bottoms) as the Skunk is quite ripe. I did however leave 1 skunk to go the 10 weeks with my 4 BD girls just to see what it does. I will be taking my biggest BD week 10 and possibly leaving one BD to go 11 weeks as an expirement.

Im sort of worried leaving my biggest BD girl as all 18 of her colas are laying horizontally on tye trellis in a big cirle pattern....I have a fan blowing from below directly onto under the canopy...just noided about mold forming with so much budmass...and also prob gonna have funny shaped colas as the foxtailing is growing upwards while the colas are laying know...fuck it im retying them up.
