Worm Castings Extract Liquid Concentrate or Recharge which is best?

No I’m super lazy; bought a worm factory 360 and then added 2 more trays for a full 5 tray stack. The worm factory’s tray system makes it very easy to harvest the castings. I don’t even try to separate the worms anymore they go directly into recycled soil. There are several thousand in the bin that keep on making babies.
I did try to build a diy worm bin out of two nested totes long ago but it must’ve gotten too hot in there for them. Kept escaping to their deaths on the dry basement concrete. Wubba got the right idea there with the venting; take note....
Suppose it is possible to make an outdoor worm bin but it must be kept out of the elements and in fairly stable temperature. They don’t like to be too hot or too cold. They like to “feel the breeze” through the bin. Worms like to hang out near the top edges of the lid where lots of air gets in; especially if the compost is very wet. They seem to want to just lay out and dry sometimes. Try to balance their food by adding both “green“ veggie/fruit scraps along with “brown“ leaves, shredded paper, and egg cartons. They hate light so a dingy basement or garage might be best place to keep them.
How much do you produce with your setup and how often are you harvesting castings?
I'm kinda interested in the mushroom
Loving it! I just got two pallets of the raw logs right out of the prop room. The owner of the shroom farm likes me and cuts me a deal.
Breaking it up by hand kinda sucks but the stuff is quite amazing!
No just across that dick shaped lake to the west. . .
I live in the "water park capitol of the world" or at least that's what they used to say . . .
I'm not too far from you.... just to the south.
Is it all you use, or do you switch it up?
I'll use it to build soil. If i didnt have a worm bin that I get my casting from then I would buy this local and proly order some worm castings, then mix them Id do a 1 gallon of EWC, 3 gallon of Mushroom compost, and 2 cups of craft blend. top dress with that and cover the top dress with mulch.
Loving it! I just got two pallets of the raw logs right out of the prop room. The owner of the shroom farm likes me and cuts me a deal.
Breaking it up by hand kinda sucks but the stuff is quite amazing!
Yeah Ive used if ro a few years.
I'll use it to build soil. If i didnt have a worm bin that I get my casting from then I would buy this local and proly order some worm castings, then mix them Id do a 1 gallon of EWC, 3 gallon of Mushroom compost, and 2 cups of craft blend. top dress with that and cover the top dress with mulch.

Yeah Ive used if ro a few years.
Do you have a source of probiotics or is that in the mushroom compost. Sorry about all the questions, I'm really trying to learn from experienced growers, not Google. Lol
Here’s one I made for my mother earlier this year.

can be as easy as two Rubbermaid bins and a brick in the bottom one to allow airflow underneath and allow juice to flow out if you freed too much.
View attachment 4889054
had broken humidity domes so I added the top vents
View attachment 4889055
lots of air holes at the top for air exchangeView attachment 4889056
Bottom holes, airflow is important
View attachment 4889058View attachment 4889059
I just did something like this for rove beetles to breed. Literally are you need to start is a shoebox, soil, oatmeal, & of course dove rove beetles

I just did something like this for rove beetles to breed. Literally are you need to start is a shoebox, soil, oatmeal, & of course dove rove beetles

View attachment 4889528View attachment 4889529View attachment 4889530View attachment 4889531
Do they stay in the bowl or do they make a run for it?