Worm Castings?

Getting ready to Top will it help any to put Worm Castings around the plants.
It is high in N and not much else it's more for the beneficials with ewc so yes it definitely can't hurt to topdress with some after you top and it's always good to have some in your soil mix but the best thing you can do with it though in my opinion is make aerated worm tea brew it for 24 hours and no more and feed it that it's great stuff all plants love it.
Ewc is better applied directly into the soil and watered on.
Mixing it with water beforehand just dilutes it.
Usually when growing with ewc your main factor is pot size, you wanna mix 10-15% ewc in your soil mix and topdress or fertigate with nutes along the way.
If the pot selected is big enough, you won't have to worry about anything but watering it.
If you flower too late and roots established too much, meaning absence of nutrients,
You will run into trouble, even with topdress.
Reason being is organic matter takes time, ewc are readily available for the roots but people forget not all of it is available all the time, it's a slow release approach.
When your growing under lights in a "turbo environment" as i like to call it, better prepare beforehand for these scenarios.
I use a soil mix of my own as a base in all my pots and then I topdress with Dr Earth dry amendments. EWCs are mixed in with that mix as well. To topdress, I mix the EWCs in a larger Tupperware with lid, shake it up. I mix EWCs and compost with the dry amendments, apply and spread out evenly. I then water it in and I cover the top of my pots. I have a lid I cut in half, drilled a hole in the center and have a screw on one side. So like a pair of scissors it opens and closes. It helps hold moisture, keeps the top from drying out and exposed to the light.
EWCs are great in your grow. @conor c wrote about another great use for them too. I use that on grows that are not coming along so well to change their course!
Was thinking this morning if I have Worm Castings 1 part is a Bucket full on my mix so I figure I'll mix in quarter Bucket if I have them.

Right now mixing 2 parts Compost in.

Right now I'm mixing Rainbow Pro Mix Grow in, Lime and Wood Ash. Then at flip Rainbow Pro Mix Bloom and Epson Salt.