worms way catalog


Active Member
There is one about an hour away from me and i was going up that way so i stoped in and bought some nutes. I payed cash no problems. It looks like it was owned by three college students and they have a commercial for there shop that i see every once in awile.


Well-Known Member
I ordered quite a bit from them. Their customer service is 5-star. My HPS burned out after 30 or so hours of use. I'm pretty sure this is due to the fact that I touched the bulb(I didn't think about it, and hadn't read about it yet..I know..). Worm's Way went ahead and had me send the bulb back - plus paid me back for the shipping - gave me my new one, and a bottle of super thrive. So I went ahead and ordered a new bulb to have a spare. They were recommended to me by a grower of 30+ years. We both love Worm's Way. I would rather pay a little extra knowing I have service to back me up, rather than posting one of those "I got a 1,000w complete setup for $200. It doesn't work, I've tried calling, emailing, everything. What do you suggest?". No way, No thanks. Worm's Way, Sow Dank.


Well-Known Member
I have never had a single problem with (online) Worm's Way. I think more information needs to be given before a company is publicly discredited. It would seem like poor business practice to inform police that people are purchasing YOUR products. I can hear the conversation now....
Cashier: "Officer, that guy in the blue car just bought fertilizer and lights.... so you might want to put him under surveillance."
Officer: "Ummm, why?"
Cashier: "Well, you know people ONLY buy this stuff to grow weed right?"
Officer: "Uhh, we do now. Can I speak to the owner so we can shut this place down, since you knowingly sell products for drug cultivation?"
Cashier: "Wait, what?"
<Owner walks in>
Owner to Cashier: "You're fucking fired you idiot! How do you think the bills get paid..... TOMATO GROWERS?

I would still order from Worm's Way......"

my store is less than 20 mins away ive been going for 3 years and 3 of the 4 guys that work there have since i started going now were such good friends we go hang out drink some beer compair grows give each other advice and not to mention the hella deals they give me on everything. you just dont mention MJ in any store like that and your good weather the peeps are cool or not. ive got to know these guys my friends that your calling cops you sissy punk are growers themselves and would never snitch maybe its just in your blood and you just cant help it




Well-Known Member
hey growdro i didnt dis the company but by your post it looks like u went drinking with the worms way guy tonight do u have some bud balls.....lol jokeing......u go boy stand up for yor worms way pals....do they have a good health and dental there i might go for a job.......
this is complete shit,and yes its not the first time ive read negative feed about worms way.a little common sence goes along way.dont go to any hydro after handling ur ''veggies'' or going in all pie eyed after a fat:joint: with a buddy or 2. i droped 1300$ first time i ever went did no research new almost nothing about growing a guy there set me compleatly up with out question.....use ur brain make a list and keep ur visits down.pricey maby qulatiy and servis priceless....