worried about my first grow

So iv germinated and planted, my setup is ok I believe, 70w hps lined with mylar and 4x 120mm fans, temp is around 24deg celcius and 50% humidity, I have bio bizz soil and my pots atm are 8.4 cm diameter, I'm worried they are going to grow too big for my grow space, I'm using bio diesel mass, they are said to range in height between 50cm to 100cm, is there anyway I can keep em small? They are autoflowering too, I only have 50cm in height to play with from the top of my 8.4cm pots to the lamp, aaany help?


Well-Known Member
You have options, I think I'd do a scrog if I was you. The more I see of scrog the more I like it and I am planning on doing this myself perhaps on my next winter grow.


Well-Known Member
There are plenty on here, check out the Journals section. You can google it too.


Well-Known Member
Scog - screen of green. Your not gonna do that with a auto flower. Your using a 75 watt HPS how many Lumens is your light? 2500 lumens per square foot is the least recommended. You could root prune to controll height or buy some bush master or lay your plant down or you could train it.
looked at scrog and it seems a good idea, why cant i scrog an auto? the tie back method looks like it may work any advice on my best course of action? my plants are only a week old so i want to be prepared really, thanks for any help, i hate sounding like a idiot newbie but i am trying to learn lol


Well-Known Member
pic of the space i have to work with
Bonsia your plant. Google the strain to find out the height she comes in at and go from there.
screen of green is something you'd do to a short day plant in veg. It's not gonna help your height issue. You be further off tying the branches down as they grow (training your plant) a Bonsia technique. IMO your best bet is bush master it will stop elongation. The reason I say this is because your new, and the other techniques (Bonsia) might be to much for your level. With the bush master you just water your plant with it. Problem solved, easy.