Worried about my videos / Being caught by my school :( help?


New Member
Hey guys, what's up.

Basically, today my principle gave a speech about 'How drugs will not be tolerated' and shit like that... I smoke a LOT of weed (Every day), and ALL of the teachers in the school know, because of rumors, etc... and they are basically trying to do everything they can to catch me, but i usually play it pretty smart.

My biggest concern is my youtube videos.

If my principle finds this, what do i do? :/

I never show my face in any of the videos (So i am un-identifiable), and i have a small disclaimer at the bottom of every video, you think this would be enough to keep me in school if the teachers found it?

What other things would you recommend i do?

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Don't go to school ripped, don't have anything on you, or in your car. Get good grades. you'll be fine


Well-Known Member
Its your fault for showing off!

Depends how hard they wanna hit this. They could sure link the videos to your computer (will they go that far?) but you could deny that anything in the video was illegal.

P.s if those videos are your main concern then remove them. Did that not occur to you dude? :)


Well-Known Member
If you are still in HS, my advice is to stop smoking weed, focus on school, college, career, and when you are set, grow and smoke until your heart's content. I can say from experience that smoking weed so young can hold you back in life. It's not for anyone under 21, really. If you were my son I would tell him the same thing. If you are still trying to accomplish anything in life, at least in my opinion, weed should be set aside until it's accomplished.
If ur not identifiable, i wouldnt worry about it much. Even if they do trace it back to ur computer, there is no proof that u uploaded it. Could have been one of ur friends or some one came over and used it.

Play it smart. Dont go to school blazed or with anything on u. Dont be that kid that thinks they can try and beat the system. Their rules suck, but ull be graduated soon enough.

How did the rumors start anyway? Not fun being the cool guy in school when u are drawing the wrong attention, is it? This should be a lesson to u to either stop teling people about ur business, or stop hanging with people that do it for u. Either way, the rumors got started some how, and thats y ur where ur at now. Live and learn my friend.


Well-Known Member
I really wouldn't worry about it. Smoking that is. You growing is an entirely different matter, though I'm not sure the school can call the cops on you or something. Just don't smoke in school and they won't have grounds or expulsion, what you do at home is your business and keep it to yourself. All my teachers/employers knew/know I smoke 24/7, but the reason they're fine with it is they know I still come out with top grades and show dedication/pay attention in all classes. Set your YouTube to private. Is the channel for educational purpose or jar showing off?

Eh... That's just my opinion. I don't know how good a student you are but you didn't mention good grades as justification. Work hard and it'll help your case.

Everyone is going to tell me I'm nuts or saying all that but that's just how it is for me. I know laws on cannabis are stricter here, it being class B and completely illegal in every part of the country for any reason and any amount.


Well-Known Member
I just noticed in one of the videos he mentions that he lives in Greece where pot is decriminalized and therefore legal to grow. Just don't bring dope to school, duh. Also you still have plausable deniability if they find the videos, just say "thats not me" they can't prove shit since you don't show your face.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with Kuroi. I am now a senior in college going to graduate this May and I still smoke weed on a very regular basis. I smoked a ton when I was in high school and everyone knew about it. They didn't bitch at me because I had straight A's and took dual credit college courses when I was a junior and senior. As long as you show people that you smoking marijuana isn't going to affect your ability to do well in your academics then I see no reason why they would try to get you in trouble.


Well-Known Member
I really wouldn't worry about it. Smoking that is. You growing is an entirely different matter, though I'm not sure the school can call the cops on you or something. Just don't smoke in school and they won't have grounds or expulsion, what you do at home is your business and keep it to yourself. All my teachers/employers knew/know I smoke 24/7, but the reason they're fine with it is they know I still come out with top grades and show dedication/pay attention in all classes. Set your YouTube to private. Is the channel for educational purpose or jar showing off?

Eh... That's just my opinion. I don't know how good a student you are but you didn't mention good grades as justification. Work hard and it'll help your case.

Everyone is going to tell me I'm nuts or saying all that but that's just how it is for me. I know laws on cannabis are stricter here, it being class B and completely illegal in every part of the country for any reason and any amount.
Well done for you! Theres also something fucking cool about being a 24/7 stoner and walking off with an A :D

But I`m not sure if the weed laws in the UK are actually that strict (they may sound strict). I think its a pretty laid back scene about everything from class A to class C here lol

Specially when all the UK judges were actually told to not issue jail sentences to people caught with under a kilo of weed assuming their record is clean.


Pickle Queen
I happen to like Brits!

Cutest accent on those girls from southern UK!

Damn i agree accents are hot, i watch law and order UK just to hear them talk lol
I would love to hear kuroi's voice.
I feel left out i'm a french canuck but i have no accent, well my family claims i talk like a yankee (no offence anyone) but i explain that i don't need to use my big words or pronouce every G!!!! to many "ing" words in the english vocabulary.