Worried about Stealth??? Check this out!


Well-Known Member
Found this in my many searches

seems to me that every RIU member will want it :bigjoint:

Hides your IP address gives out a bogus fake one that can't be traced, allows you to surf anywhere (no more ISP blocked sites)

Protect your Privacy




Active Member
I'm not too worried about that. Let's look at it this way. Most of the growers on here (I actually don't grow, I just smoke weed occasionally), are small time growers. Some of them are even legally allowed to grow marijuana. I think the DEA has bigger fish to fry than someone growing a few plants in their closet.

Also, we are protected by the 4th Amendment. The DEA would need a warrant to search your home for marijuana plants. The odds of them getting a warrant with just some suspicious posts on a forum are very slim. The odds of them even wasting their time with it are even slimmer.

My suggestion: Learn about your rights when dealing with police. If you've got weed in your pocket, you'll feel much more comfortable knowing that a police officer cannot randomly search you, your house or your car. Go to Youtube, and search 'flex your rights'. It's a video about surviving police encounters.

Now, about the link. I'm pretty paranoid when it comes to viruses on my computer, so I'm not going to download it.