Hey everybody, first post and first grow here. So my plants are about 4 weeks old, but got a slow and stretchy start so I decided to try fimming them the other day. After watching every video available and looking at every diagram I decided to just pinch off the very top growth of each plant with my fingers. Of course I thought I knew what I was doing until I actually tried it and now I can’t stop thinking I messed it up. I don’t see 2 new growth tips growing from under where I pinched, so just wondering if I did it too early or in the wrong place? First picture is the “fimmed” one, second picture is “topped” one. The 2nd pic looks like I should have cut down to the node below where the nice growth tips are? It has 2 very tiny little tufts at the top but not sure if those are going to do anything. Everything I’ve read said it will probably be fine, but wondering if there’s anything I should do, thanks!