worried, my main stem split at the y were it was topped while LST

grow tiger

OK so my sour diesel has been in flower for two weeks now , early in veg I topped her at the fourth node. Its grown into a real bushy plant n has very strong thick main stems, so where I topped it , the two main stems were growing higher then the rest of the plant, so today I was simply doing some LST n tieing the two main stems down to let the other tops grow even and I almost cried when the stem split like a wishbone, right at the "y" ....... Right now I'm just like sick to my stomack, it didn't like split all the way off cuz the stems are decently thick but it split a good half of inch down the "y" . I put them tight back together n tied it as tight as I could back with tape. Please help, am I screwed or will my plant heal back up. I'm worried that because its two weeks into flower that this will stress it out like crazy , and the fact that it just started showing me a couple pistls n now I'm also worked it will turn male or Hermie, please any advise would be appreciated,


Well-Known Member
Next time around just go slow with the bending in larger, established, hardened branches. Take it halfway where you want it. Give it a day or 2. Then either take it the rest of the way or give it another 1/4 bend and repeat.


Well-Known Member
was it dry? don't fuck with it if its dry. it'll break. also watch the plant as it heals for hermi. should be fine if you don't mess with it for a while.

grow tiger

I taped it tight n am just leaving it on... And yea I know ,I never split or broke a branch ever , I realize now what I did wrong. I tied one side down ,n then while I was going around the plant just looking at it cuz its just showing pistles, I went to go tie down a branch that I thought was a node down , but it was my other main stem from the top. so soon as I put even the slightest tention on the other main stem it just split down at the "y" like maybe a little less then a 1/2inch ...... So It basically just split like a wishbone.... Stupid stupid stupid mistake.... I guess I learned a lesson that even when the main stem and the two that it split into from the top stems are real thick, it actually becomes easier to damage when doing something as simple as LST


Well-Known Member
Not as bad as me pretty much breaking the top of my plant last night, Just hanging by the outer stem wall, :/ Ended up just cutting it off. Maybe I should've tried to tape it but it seemed beyond repair. Hopefully the new "tops" grow nice heh.

grow tiger

Thanx Fease , that's y I tried to get in there n get picks of the way I tapped it just to see if I did it OK, I know I kinda used a lot of tape but I just wanna make sure it heals and it don't get anything around it, like a bandaid .... Thanx for the input man

grow tiger

How long should I keep it tapped before untapping it just to see how its healing? Anyone that has ever done this,please any advice... My stalk is still green n looks healthy n the top has its feet up to the light but I'm so anxious to see how its doing


Well-Known Member
I just leave them taped for the duration. No big deal. Upon harvest take a look and you'll be amazed at how it's healed.

grow tiger

OK, yea I figured just leave it, I just didn't know if the way I tapped it would stop or mess up any strech or growth


Well-Known Member
If you've taped it it'll be fine. I've used twist ties and during growth they've cut into the branches. Even then they've adapted.


Active Member
no worries. I break these all the time because of high stress i do. I have one right now i almost cut all the way through. i mean just the outer bark holding it there. I bent it over. Completely exposing the open area and put tape around it (it was getting to high anyways lol) and it is a perfect L shape and growing the fattest bud :) :) Since my girls are very healthy the top NEVER wilted or missed a beat.
NEVER cut it off unless something else can use the energy instead. You only make a better highway for nutrients to travel.

So like everyone else said :) NO Worries.

Peace out

grow tiger

Wow, I was just curious n wanted to change the tape cuz I was worried the tape was gonna become loose over time , so I tied a lil piece higher up just so when I took the tape off , there wouldn't be any added pressure and I was amazed!!!! It was completely healed, all there was ,was a little yellowish brownish line were the split was, other then that everything was completely green and healthy. N my whole stalk and top never wilted or anything , . so I just put a small piece of tape tight around my "Y" for added support.. Thanx everyone for all the advise.... N grasscropper u were right, I was and am absolutely amazed on how it healed itself so well


Well-Known Member
Wow, I was just curious n wanted to change the tape cuz I was worried the tape was gonna become loose over time , so I tied a lil piece higher up just so when I took the tape off , there wouldn't be any added pressure and I was amazed!!!! It was completely healed, all there was ,was a little yellowish brownish line were the split was, other then that everything was completely green and healthy. N my whole stalk and top never wilted or anything , . so I just put a small piece of tape tight around my "Y" for added support.. Thanx everyone for all the advise.... N grasscropper u were right, I was and am absolutely amazed on how it healed itself so well
Yup they do knit back together like a broken bone. They heal the way they are set. Now that's called high stress training!