worst 2 days ever


Active Member
Have been having a real hard time getting everything started for my first time. Now I need to vent for a sec.
I've got about 50 seedlings planted all over my area, I've been planting about 5-10 a day and watering the rest everyday because of the bad weather.
So to start on my worst 2 days I was walking down the train tracks with a backpack full of seedlings and got stopped by a cop for being on the tracks. I talked my way out of it and walked 2 miles out of my way, planted the seedlings, then went to another site to find almost all of the ones I planted the day before dead. water the living ones and continue walking, railroad workers working by one site so I skip it and go to the next, land owner showing property to developer. I just said screw it and went home. Next day I go to the spot I'd planted the day before to find that someone had dug up almost all of my plants. Went to another plot and found that some hippies had set a tent up about 100 yards away and that there was no way to tend to my plants without alerting them. All other plots made that day with no attention.
Thanks for listening


Well-Known Member
u need to find a spot that is much less traveled. If people are finding your plots then go where the people dont go. good luck. Think like a samaria grasshopper


Active Member
thx all, had some rain the past week and didn't have to make my rounds and am feeling alot better about all of this stuff


Active Member
from the sounds of it, you need to spend more time picking your spots, they are shitty.

how do you think a spot that already has gotten this much traffic at the beginning of the season isn't gonna get spotted when you have big budding stinky plants?

Blue Box

This is why I'd rather risk rattlesnakes for guerrilla ops.

I'd spend more time profiling your location before willy nilly dropping seedlings and your prints all over town, make a list of pros and cons for every site. Visit them DAILY during observation to get a good idea of of what to expect from each site especially if your in city limits.


Active Member
I'm in the straight suburbs. I can't find a spot that is more than 1/2 mile from a building, I plan on losing most, next year I'll do mostly swamp grows, and maybe take a trip to the U.P.


Active Member
Just got caught by cops walking down the street with my gardening setup, no seeds. Talked to one that's been dealing with me for years, told her that I didn't have anything illegal on me. They searched me, had me on the side of the road for about half an hour and let me go. I give up on outdoor gardening.

Goodnight and goodluck.


Well-Known Member
Dude, Worst day f u....You should be happy. What if you had planted and tended to plants right up to harvest and they were taken etc...Feel luck you found out the traffic issues up front....

Worst day ever threads I would think would be for busted by cops or death..Come on poor baby...suck it up and find a better spot or better grow indoors. This outdoor stuff is for the birds unless your living at the parents and this is the only option. Why you guys go to all this trouble and over and over at some point plants are taken for many reasons....


Well-Known Member
dont fuck around when you are looking for a spot you need to put time and thought into it. if its easy to find and it doesnt take you time to find it, then others will do the same. so sit down and put some thought into it


Active Member
Man just dont give up....shit happens chill....find a better place and start all over no big deal....you aint the only one havin this problem something similar happend to me also at the railroad :D


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yeah your done growing all together. You got stoped twice by cops in the same area. Once they find grow stuff on you and now they know your in the area and may even watch your hjouse especialy if you have a past which you stated you did... why would you plant in such high traffic areas and along a railroad track where travel and people are heavy..jsuyt didnt think this out well; and thats how people get in trouble