Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS

I like this site, I get a lot out of it and put back in my 2 cents.
Thats what im here for too. Its helped me through tough times and saved my ass countless more. Oh and theres the fact that i figure the more we help the less they can do to stop us so one day we can over growem. I just want to grow pot plants up the sides of my driveway one day. Is that too much to ask before i leave this world?
I will admit that half my posting done while pregnant was forgotten.

I was sleep deprived. Which has the same effect as being drunk for me.

So I forgot most of the people I picked on/poked fun at or chatted with. Unless they had a really memorable avatar.

But then everybody started switching their avatars around. That thread was pretty good.

I don't think people should switch their avatars once they get a good one. It's flipping confusing!
I have a real hard time believing that over 5 G's of people have looked at this thread. But that's what it says.

Too bad you're not allowed to keep changing the title. The title is what draws the Silents in...

"Look at me deep throat"

May have been the next one.

Although I think trying to "call out" the Mods raised the count up. People be likin' Drama.

All lies and misdirection, but funny just the same.
I will admit that half my posting done while pregnant was forgotten.

I was sleep deprived. Which has the same effect as being drunk for me.

So I forgot most of the people I picked on/poked fun at or chatted with. Unless they had a really memorable avatar.

But then everybody started switching their avatars around. That thread was pretty good.

I don't think people should switch their avatars once they get a good one. It's flipping confusing!
Serial question: Is your name in reference to being a 'fire crotch'? And/or possibly possessing gingervaginitas ?

I'm gonna picture u this way in my head
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