Worst Colorado dispensary


Well-Known Member
A pain wellness center on Sheridan. Me and my kid walked in this place and you could tell right off the dude that was running it was a dick. I questioned his black hash , asked him if he'd had it tested, he said no but it was 100 percent :/ haha,he says "if you know how to do it its 100 percent" , of course by that time I was unimpressed, by the looks of it it was some below average bubble made with a mix of trim, not even strain specific, 40 bux a g, highway robber. And on top of that after I turned my nose up at every-fucking-thing he had(was bad) he says you guys are a couple of assholes! man we hadn't done a thing but declined his trash, home of the $24 dollar 1/8th that probably weighs 2.5 g and is shit in the first place. So I'm a little hard of hearing and didn't hear this little prick call us assholes, my kid (he's carded and of age) says "he called us assholes.....twice" I said "wait here". I went back in and waited for the red headed little prick to come to the window, I looked him in the eye and told him straight up not to call me names, I was extremely pissed and happy the glass was there or I wouldn't be here now, so I point at the little prick and tell him "you little fucking dick" and walked. So I dunno, I thought I'd like to share this just in case you wanna go to this dive.


Well-Known Member
We feel your pain
wasn't much pain, one less asshole I buy from, on the other hand about 3 door down to the north I bought some really nice denver diesel wax, that place has good friendly people , a quality product and fair prices.We shopped there before the other one. I was just interested in the black hash that turned out brown bubble, probably below average even though dude said its 100 percent, but only if you know how to do it.


Well-Known Member
i like those kind of guys, drives themselves out of business and drives away thier patient base to self sufficiency or to more legit dispensaries. the biggest issue i've seen with the '$25 an 1/8th' bargain basement meds (have they moved down to $20 yet?), is that you get what you pay for - usually in the form of inferior quality product that was grown shity. molds/mildews I've seen a couple times. last week a friend was telling me about a sack that smelled like straight up neem oil. while we all put up with shit like that on the black market for years, this is a new world and businesses need to be held to standards, medical/ethical/lawful.

seriously, as a patient do you want to be further complicating your health because some dumb ass can't apply a pesticide at the right stage (there is a reason for Material Safety Data Sheets and instructions .... too bad some of these jokers can't seem to read, or just don't care .... $$$$), or they just go ahead and sell that moldy bud because they had to pay the rent (or some crap excuse) ......

be prepared, prices are going back up a little in a short bit. grows are getting shut down. crappy disp's are closing doors. patients are getting a little wiser. like any new business model, things are sorting themselves out (even with the f'ed up ups/downs of the rules/regs).


Well-Known Member
small edition: there are a lot of good legit dispensaries out there. and there are some crappy douches. the same as in real life and any other business world, it's a % and will never fully go away. but WE have a choice, and like you did, browse .... observe .... smell and look through a magnifier (that they should have) with proper lighting (seen a couple of those shady lighting places .... meds were BAD seen outside in). then let others know of your experiences, good and bad. the bad ones really need to be spoken about (bud reviews .... google maps has a review function as well that needs to be used more for example .... ).


Well-Known Member
Kudos to you for goin back in there. I would've done the same thing. I'm always the one wantin the last laugh, no second place for me. Nobody needs to fight to make a point tho. :)


Well-Known Member
Kudos to you for goin back in there. I would've done the same thing. I'm always the one wantin the last laugh, no second place for me. Nobody needs to fight to make a point tho. :)
Thanks man , a herd of wild elephants couldn't have stopped me from telling that little dick what I really thought.


Well-Known Member
I've only been to one of the denver despenseries. It was the one next to the guitar center store, and they were super cool. I bought 3 doobies before seeing STYX and Yes at redrocks. The band and the doobies were awesome


Well-Known Member
I've only been to one of the denver despenseries. It was the one next to the guitar center store, and they were super cool. I bought 3 doobies before seeing STYX and Yes at redrocks. The band and the doobies were awesome
Anything at redrocks is cool, I saw Rush there just over a year ago and it was the best concert I've been too, row 22 smelled like my white widow!