
Active Member
This is by far the worst day last night i was rushing home from break on my way leaving my house i backed my car out of the driveway hitting the electric meter on the way out...OOPS powers out to the house...so not only is my new sports car FUCKED up in the rear quarter panel..which i found out is a major structural part that cant simply be removed and replaced but the power is now out..its december...burrr in northern US lol...ohh wait no power=no furnace OOPS again no heat...plants light and water system is now SHUTOFF yay this day is going good so far...electricians here now...oh wait electric meter has to now be moved since the house was built 50 years ago and is not "up to code" ...yes u guessed it the electric meter was not suposed to be in the fucking driveway to begin with...they now have to move it and drill thru mybrick front home to place the ugly thing infront of the house...ohh wait all the wires thru need to be replaced going from the telephone pole going all the way into the breaker boxes...=)

ohh u thought maybe i was done...nahh just gettin started...the girlfriend got this really nice guy at my job fired because he said he liked her braclet that was for breast cancer ...she wasnt offended at all but some ppl cant keep there fucking mouths shut...i think hes gonna come in with a gun and kill everyone...quiet type... Haha jk he probly wont =)...cops pulled me over...sir weres ur front licence plate..wtf idk in my trunk because the body shop that i just paid 10k dollars replacing my front end about 6 months ago didnt put it on...not that i felt ballzy enough to go out drilling holes in my new sports cars fucking bumper...but excuse me for being so ignorant ...fuck that licence plate im not puttin it on because it looks like shit!!!... Calld to see if i could refinance my auto loan hmm maybe thatll get me a little money before xmas considering i caused about 1500 damage to my car and 600 or so to the house..that may be a huge underestimate..electircians r still here doing the work..aka no bill yet FML seriously...ill keep ya postd =)


Active Member
Well power is up...700$$ later. After 26 hours of dark the plants finally have some sun...can this fuck up their light cycle?


Well-Known Member
your alot LESS likely due to darkness then if the lights got left ON, so consider that a bit lucky?


Well-Known Member
That sucks about your car and the loss of money, that sucks bad.. Depends on when you did the dark period to them, where they full on in flower mode? Probably will be fine, I have done some hokie shit to mine and they were fine.