dimension 2350
New Member
In personal opinion not by study. I think it's heroin. What do you think it is?
It won't let me do a pollill second heroin
EDIT - u should do a poll
Anything that's not herbal is the worst.
True also RC's aren't and there pretty good toShrooms arnt herbal, AND THIER AMAZING =p
No no dude, what the hell are u talking about!!??crystal meth for sure
heroins ok if you can enjoy it once and a while without developing an addiction
crystal meth fucks peoples lives in the ass, making them scheme steal and lie to the people they love just to get high off the worst drug possible. it rots you life more than your body.
ive also heared of people who go into jail and smoke a whole moutain of meth. all of the drug tries to leave your body so you develop these scabs. in jail these meth scabs are like gold"yo man, you wanna buy this methscab for$20 or a pack of butts?"
i disagree, i have done the dope like 3 times, i know what it is and how strong it is(not to mention expensive) and i have little desire to do it again. i have friends who are junkies and friends who are recovering junkies. and i only know one other person who has tried it without turning it into an addiction.No no dude, what the hell are u talking about!!??
Those both are same worse..Heroin fucks you life up in the same way, that you start to steal and robb to get your dosage...Heroin is not meant for , "oh il do some, and then id do none"..I doesent work like that...
Your a dumbassnicotine has my vote.
crystal meth, heroin, crack....
all of these are bad, but at least get the user high.
nicotine doesn't get you high and it's just as addictive, and equally deadly. it's also legal, easy to get, and kills the user slowly and painfully...
i've tried to quit twice this year with no success... fuuuck
no i'm not....Your a dumbass
So heroin,meth,coke, & speed are less dangerous and better?no i'm not....
nicotine, the worst drug. PERIOD.