worst drug youve ever done


Well-Known Member
Datura... no make that Nutmeg, no wait.. poppy pods.
Perhaps the paste from san pedro cacti.

There have been so many... so hard to choose.


Well-Known Member
Canndo,I'm not trying to get away with anything..I'm just stating what I've done..we both know certain people react differently..I'm sure you've tripped as hard on 300ug as I have on 1500..its all relative..I bet you could make me trip on your dick if we went benzo to benzo :-)

Not saying you are rory, not in the least. and.... it depends on the benzo I suppose.


Well-Known Member
no depending...I eat benzos or opoids I'm D U N!..No more for me ever..lol..but my point is same feelings you have about a high dose of lsd..and I was referring to you statement of 'whatever were doing'..and getting away....I got away..and made many many many people happy before I did :-D


Well-Known Member
no depending...I eat benzos or opoids I'm D U N!..No more for me ever..lol..but my point is same feelings you have about a high dose of lsd..and I was referring to you statement of 'whatever were doing'..and getting away....I got away..and made many many many people happy before I did :-D
No, I meant me. .5 mg of xanax will put me down for the night but I can eat diazapam, 10 mg an hour till they are gone - each simply makes the world a bit more silent. I think clonapin is about the same.

I really didn't mean to say that you were foolish and am sorry if you took it that way. I know different folks can do different amounts of all sorts of things. I recently visited a hydro store with a friend. The store stands in the shadow of a drug manufacturing company. The three of us went out back where the proprietor produced a bowl and as I was admiring the great sign atop the building of a common maker of all sorts of delights I declined the bowl. My friend explained "well, canndo will typicaly eat three or four times as many drugs as you or I can but one toke and he becomes silent and brooding" I never thought before that I was such a fiend but as you can certainly determine from some of my posts, I do like my pharms.

We all enjoy different rides. As my acid days are long behind me I was just wondering exactly how much I really WAS taking in those days. The trip that signaled me that I was forever to stop was not really much of a dose. I ignored the warning and the next time I took perhaps twice that much - and was soundly spanked. I finally recognized what was being communicated to me. "I SAID stop but no, you wouldn't listen so HERE and there is much more if you ever stop by again".


Well-Known Member
Moldy,why was belladonna bad.? Never done it,as far as I know its a relaxant..did it retard you?
It was like over 48 years ago. I don't remember much except that it would take you on little trips and you'd wake up staring at the ceiling. Large areas in the room would turn colors that would actually make you want to puke then back into the "daze" and starting all over again. Also carrying on conversations with nobody there. Yuck! I was only 15-16 but remember it just being a sickening feeling. Older friends of my sister visited once and begged for some, I gave it to them, they were fucking miserable for a couple a days. They didn't fuck with me after that haha. I wouldn't have given them anything good (had some good speed stashed) since they were jerks anyway. They never came back.


Well-Known Member
Did pretty much everything under the sun years ago. Have to say the worst ended up being shrooms. I did acid and shrooms a bunch but at the end the shrooms made me a little more nauseous every time I did them, like I had a reverse tolerance. Last time I did them I was seriously puking and decided it was not that much fun. I remember my buddy said eat some chedder cheese popcorn and drink a strawberry soda. Won't make you feel any less sick but really looks cool coming up.


Well-Known Member
Canndo,again not implying,just talking..typing can come at different angles,and I meant no disrespect or misjudgement..just clarification...what did the scoplamine do?..heard of it but never did it....moldy,thannks for the input but seems a few too less narratives to grasp an effect..I guess I could look it up,but I'm stoned :-)


Well-Known Member
Canndo,again not implying,just talking..typing can come at different angles,and I meant no disrespect or misjudgement..just clarification...what did the scoplamine do?..heard of it but never did it....moldy,thannks for the input but seems a few too less narratives to grasp an effect..I guess I could look it up,but I'm stoned :-)

I guess it is akin to the belladona? I saw people looking at me out of the corners of my eyes and when I looked dead on they retracted behind buildings. This got worse to where I was in a very uncomfortable waking dream state where my imagination became semi-real and I had trouble differentiating what I was seeing with what was "real" now that would ordinarily be lots of fun but there was an "evil" tinge to it, a forboding and I was certain that the people that were watching me meant me harm. This lasted for hours and hours and I awoke with a massive headache and sore muscles. I recall reclining in my car and seeing dozens of people looking into the windows, only to be gone the moment I attempted to look at one (or all) of them.

Spooky, frightening, persistant, where the waves of confusion were almost welcome.


Active Member
Have had bad experiences due to excess on every drug i have ever taken. Have overdosed on heroin 8 times, Done things on benzoes av regretted but not remembered. Had numerous bad trips on lsd tabs and mushrooms. Have loved the high of crack, been a speed freak & done some insane things while pissed up . Have had lots of friends die due to drug and alcohol abuse including my best mate . Even had some bad times on weed. Can't condone any type of drug use . Certain people cant take drugs without taking it to the limit. Dont want my kids taking any drugs , think they ruin lives and if i had my time again i wouldn't smoke a cigarette . Have had some really good times on ecstacy in the eighties , crack in the nineties and wouldn't change my life but at 41 with fuck all and still taking methadone, its no life to lead and if 1 person takes notice thats fantastic . Conclusion : All drugs are bad especially if you have mental health issues. Weed is especially bad for mental health issues. Dont do drugs, love life without if you can


Well-Known Member
Have had bad experiences due to excess on every drug i have ever taken. Have overdosed on heroin 8 times, Done things on benzoes av regretted but not remembered. Had numerous bad trips on lsd tabs and mushrooms. Have loved the high of crack, been a speed freak & done some insane things while pissed up . Have had lots of friends die due to drug and alcohol abuse including my best mate . Even had some bad times on weed. Can't condone any type of drug use . Certain people cant take drugs without taking it to the limit. Dont want my kids taking any drugs , think they ruin lives and if i had my time again i wouldn't smoke a cigarette . Have had some really good times on ecstacy in the eighties , crack in the nineties and wouldn't change my life but at 41 with fuck all and still taking methadone, its no life to lead and if 1 person takes notice thats fantastic . Conclusion : All drugs are bad especially if you have mental health issues. Weed is especially bad for mental health issues. Dont do drugs, love life without if you can
What a horrible conclusion. I can't imagine taking 41 years to come up with that bullshit. I've also been addicted to cigs and opiates, along with several other substances. Every time you smoke one, that's your choice. Every time you pop a done, that's your choice. Live with it. Honestly I don't think you belong on these forums if youre vomiting that garbage. AA, or perhaps NA would be much more appropriate.


Well-Known Member
I am a modern or abstract art guy, I got nice pictures of, well, stuff, all over my house. They all stay right where they are for maybe a year and then I get tired of looking at them and I either move them around or put up new stuff.

My furniture gets changed up every few years as well.

Kinda like sobriety, it's nice but sooner or later you get a craving to change your inner arrangements. some people do that by traveling (pretty expensive), some get rushes from snow boarding or boating, some like to drive fast or mountain climb, some read novels, some do fine dining. Movies, amusement parks.

Now why are all THESE ways to adjust your internal arrangement ok and taking a chemical that in many cases does about the same thing not?

People die all the time in all sorts of activities but no one gets out of sorts about it.

Sobriety is your base state, the one you live in every day and it is usually a pretty nice place, but why do so many evangelize for it?


Ursus marijanus
I don't think I weighed in, scopolomine I think was my worst drug experience.
I found out from someone else that when I smoked diphenhydramine 100mg plus alprazolam 2-3 mg, the combo would make me genuinely delirious. i had absolutely no memory of sending those completely incoherent emails. cn


Staff member
meth...was not fun,,, not at all 3 days i spent awake, i fainted twice, and it was during thanksgiving and i could even get any food down my system, i had to act not high infront of my entire family.


Well-Known Member
The worst drug Ive ever done im not proud of saying this,, death cap mushrooms. I was headed to a party and came across a patch of what appeared to be amanitas when i got their i drank the juice and got suuper sick projectile vomiting..safe to say i never did wild shrooms that i found again lol.


Well-Known Member
Have had bad experiences due to excess on every drug i have ever taken. Have overdosed on heroin 8 times, Done things on benzoes av regretted but not remembered. Had numerous bad trips on lsd tabs and mushrooms. Have loved the high of crack, been a speed freak & done some insane things while pissed up . Have had lots of friends die due to drug and alcohol abuse including my best mate . Even had some bad times on weed. Can't condone any type of drug use . Certain people cant take drugs without taking it to the limit. Dont want my kids taking any drugs , think they ruin lives and if i had my time again i wouldn't smoke a cigarette . Have had some really good times on ecstacy in the eighties , crack in the nineties and wouldn't change my life but at 41 with fuck all and still taking methadone, its no life to lead and if 1 person takes notice thats fantastic . Conclusion : All drugs are bad especially if you have mental health issues. Weed is especially bad for mental health issues. Dont do drugs, love life without if you can
Dude the drugs weren't the problem, you were. There isn't a substance on the planet that wont kill you in excess. 8 overdoses? One or two times, sure, it happens, but 8? Cmon man get real. Conclusion: Mental health issues are bad.


Well-Known Member
I found out from someone else that when I smoked diphenhydramine 100mg plus alprazolam 2-3 mg, the combo would make me genuinely delirious. i had absolutely no memory of sending those completely incoherent emails. cn
You smoked benedryl? Why?