Worst grow room security ever.......

The whole robbery thing. Talked to the guys mom who is in custody now, and she says he didn't kno that they were gonna try to rob the guy. Now he's looking at 25-life
You have to choose your friends more wisely - i am 100% sure that not one person i hang out with would shoot a fucking guy in the belly and stab him a few times over some buds. You lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.
You have to choose your friends more wisely - i am 100% sure that not one person i hang out with would shoot a fucking guy in the belly and stab him a few times over some buds. You lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.

Couldnt agree more..
The whole robbery thing. Talked to the guys mom who is in custody now, and she says he didn't kno that they were gonna try to rob the guy. Now he's looking at 25-life
i dont think there has been a defendant that did not say that exact thing. because if he did, then that is first degree murder game fucking over. If he went in there just to get some weed then why didnt he try and stop his friend when his buddy pulled out a weapon. if someone i was with did that shit i would freak the fuck out at them not join in.
Whole situation is weird. I know 100% sure that the guy they arrested shot no one, also didn't join in on anything, but he WAS there, which stil screws him. Either way stupid for him to be there, and dumber to run. Hes def a goner now. Sad how peoples lives can go downhill so fast. This time last year he had a collective of patients, now he's looking at life in prison.
Fucking dude shanked the perp.. Dude took out a gun slinger with a knife.
Lol I have been to martin for meds. Not sure why anyone was stupid enough to try and rob him. I was unsurprised to hear he killed that fuckin fool. Shoulda killed the others too (if he could have). Also his house is totally rigged to high hell with cams.
Lol I have been to martin for meds. Not sure why anyone was stupid enough to try and rob him. I was unsurprised to hear he killed that fuckin fool. Shoulda killed the others too (if he could have). Also his house is totally rigged to high hell with cams.
Yeah he really had a great system and security lol. Definitely kept him in business.
The guy was a caregiver and advertised it on his back window on his car. Then he parked the car right outside his grow house every night.
exactly the type of shit that leads to these conclusions.

lol @ the term caregiver for this guy, btw. i believe (unfortunately) this is the only industry in which a caregiver has shanked someone