Worst Packaging


New Member
FL girl, too funny............you should send that one in to one of the late night talk shows !!!

Some of these others, styrofoam cup, that's a good one.


Well-Known Member
ive gotten it in a napkin, tinfoil, old candy wrappers. when i dont have baggies i just the cellophane of a ciggy pack cuz all my friends smoke.


Well-Known Member
Got a quarter of DIRT in a McDonalds Double Cheeseburger bag once. I almost killed that guy.


Active Member
I have been getting mine in these little condiment cup and the plastic lids. This pasking is actually pretty good though. I think I am gonna keep them to later.


New Member
dealers sell herb not baggies.

Yes but they should still have the insite to provide proper packaging. Dealers make enough profit to afford to skip on down to the dollar store and spend a buck on a box of 100 baggies. That makes the baggies 1 fucking cent apiece. :bigjoint:

McDonalds sells food, but they still managae to put it in a bag. :roll: