Worst thing you have accidently smoked in your pipe?


Active Member
adderall....my buddy insisted it would get us "fucked up", so i hesistantly took a puff the the burning bowl of plastic chemical pellets. no lie. needless to say, it tasted like shit and didnt get us buzzed at all.

have any of you ever ran out of your favorite herb adn began looking throughout your car? I have...in fact it happens alot. Anyway, the other day i found myself going through my car, collecting tiny bits of dank i had dropped over the past couple of mouths. After i collected it all, i had a fat multicolored/multitextured bowl with bits of carpet, hair, chips, fries, tobacco, and various other nasty stoner munchies. I loaded that mother fucker up and chiefed the shit outta it till my eyes stung.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, have done the car cleaning spliff before... tastes like cats' ass, but it shuts down the optical system down pleasurably.

Worst thing I acidentally smoked was a stinkbug... OMG... I'd rather smoke tampons.


Active Member
i cant say ive ever actually accidently smoked something other than weed outta my pipe. lets see
when i was in highschool, i took a homemade bong rip. tube made out of liek 3 gatoraid bottles and a plastic marker slide. I smoked a couple bowls, then packed a third, and i gues over this smoking period the plastic got really hot and vaporized. Then i hit the bowl and the hit felt like poison, it burned the crap out of my lungs, and left black residue in my mouth. The slide had ended up melting and i hadnt actually burned the weed, just loaded myself 3feet of pure plastic smoke. Im surprised i didnt die.

my buddies roomate was being a pest and screwing with shit in teh house, including scraping my grinder, smoking bits of my left out nug, etc. Anyway i pissed on a gorgeous nugget, put in the microwave to dry it out, then place it on the window sill. Needless to say the fucker smoked it. we never talked about it either.


Well-Known Member
that herbal smoke crap, a friend put some in when we cached the bowl and I didn't know.. good thing we wasn't going bowl for bowl or I'd have been mad.

Yeah I know that "Hawaiian Gold Bud" and "Dutch Haze" legal bud shit.

I've bought some of the Hawaiian Gold before. Shit is what it was I will never waist my money like that again.

The only way I got high with that shit was to match one with someone who did have weed.

It did smell straight it just had no effect.