Worth destroying shade ? Pics/diy/idea


Well-Known Member
Had an idea of how to put my LED's in with my CFL .. thinking is I'll be able to keep CFL close and LED's with bit distance and move all at once maintaining same distance.

To do this I'm pretty much going to have to cut both sides of my shade off ..
So maybe up to the first slight fold in shade would be cut off entirely ..

I'd then plan on fixing this (not finished, will be strengthened at joints with duct tape lol)
So basically the wooden block would be super stuck , with the strongest shit I can find to the centre of the white bit IMG_0891.JPG
Allowing me to move all 3 at once :)


Did originally buy for side lights but there fucking Mega and need a good bit distance so need to go overhead but not scrapping my 300w CFL for them so it's come to something like this lol