Heres a couple of snipits from the sunpulse website:
A. Sun Pulse makes an HPS lamp, but it can never be used in high frequency electronic ballasts. Millions of dollars were spent by Sun Pulse Labs, and research clearly proves the HPS lamp cannot be used for electronic HID ballasts, ever. Like the typewriter, HPS lamps are a thing of the past.
In addition, an HPS lamp is approx. 2.2K,( or 22% of the Sun) and has a narrow band of light. Red light also has the least amount of energy of all the colors of the spectrum; you couldn't light a solar panel with HPS light. Why pay money to make light that has the least amount of energy?
A. We don't post lumen numbers on our website because lumens are a measurement for the human eye and have nothing at all to do with plants. With plants, its about incident energy and the light that can reach the leaf that the plant can actually use for photosynthesis. That can be measured in watts per meter squared, or in foot-candles of incident energy.