Would all Irish growers please stand up!!


Well-Known Member
yea cool man what you runnin hps r cfls? i just harvest my first plant ever a few days ago got bout and ounce all together cuz i took a few bits off early!
got them beauties under a 400w hps.the cost of running the light aint cheap but cheaper than buying crap smoke.


Well-Known Member
whats going on guys...im not living in Ireland but rather the USA.. ive thought about going over there and seeing some of my distant relatives on a vacation... maybe smoke some irish bud.. i bet your guys bud is the bomb


Well-Known Member
whats going on guys...im not living in Ireland but rather the USA.. ive thought about going over there and seeing some of my distant relatives on a vacation... maybe smoke some irish bud.. i bet your guys bud is the bomb
you would be more than welcome and if i get my way the bud is gonna get better buts its our wild shrooms that you really gotta try


Well-Known Member
yea man its rare you get good bud in ireland unless you grow or kno someone who does!! but the shrooms are complete and outher maddness! hey fr3d12 is 5 plants the most you could get under the 400 watt?


Well-Known Member
Part of my family has been traced back to the mayflower :D... yah the original mayflower that came to america back in the 1600's. Maybe our family knew each other back in the day.

I'm Irish, 15 times removed... :mrgreen: My relatives have been here a really long time. At least 300 years.

I'll be an Irish grower with you. :hug:


Well-Known Member
yea man its rare you get good bud in ireland unless you grow or kno someone who does!! but the shrooms are complete and outher maddness! hey fr3d12 is 5 plants the most you could get under the 400 watt?
i was hasty in my set up,got em in a closet,the light hanging on a rail but if i hung it from the joists in the ceiling you would get a ton more under it.hey greenearth we could be cousins!


Well-Known Member
dude ive never done shrums but i would totally be stoked if i could get some organic shrums right from the nature... even if its under cow shit like over in USA

you would be more than welcome and if i get my way the bud is gonna get better buts its our wild shrooms that you really gotta try


Well-Known Member
dude ive never done shrums but i would totally be stoked if i could get some organic shrums right from the nature... even if its under cow shit like over in USA
they wont grow here til september,i know its a while away but i would post you some if there was some stealthy way of doing so


Active Member
yeh im from ireland and a recent starter and its a bollocks tryin to find ppl to talk to and meet up wit and have competions and stuff..ha..not from ur neck of the woods tho, im more south..haha..wat u growin nyway?


Active Member
Hello all....American with Irish heritage here. Both my mother & father's parents came to the states from Co. Galway back in the mid 1930's. I was fortunate enough to visit family in Ireland in 1992 & simply fell in love with the place. My wife is 2nd generation too & has never been, so next Spring we're planning on spending 3 weeks, we can't wait!!

Oh I almost forgot, I've got 2 Supergirl Fems From Nirvana 15 days into veg right now (from breaking soil). I cant believe how healthy & lush they look, 3" high & about 4" wide, LOTS OF GROWTH. Psyched for harvest !!

Good Grows For ALL!!


Well-Known Member
hey that some good irish blood the rebels of cork to the kingdom of kerry iv some relatives in kerry!lovely place only been down that part of the country once wouldnt mind going again at some stage!

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
rebels cool. i have been to ireland many years ago but i was to young to really appreciate it i would love to go now. i do remember it being very green and people were friendly.