Would all Irish growers please stand up!!


Active Member
Hand goes up...

Yep. Me. Here in the Pale on my second greenhouse grow with Voodoo and Lowryder

The latter, after three weeks, is proving a bitch to sex.


Well-Known Member
I'm from Ireland.
I'm growing for the first time. Almost done. Another 2 or 3 weeks to go.

Check out my journal link in my sig. If anyones interested.


Well-Known Member
do the names sean kelly or stephen roche ring a bell just wondering.
Thats a bit like saying to a fella from china do you know a fella by the name of Chan or Chun, etc.

If you could narrow it down to Cork, Dublin, Galway, Limerick etc then we might have a chance. My misses knows everyone. lol

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
oh there famous irish cyclists from a few years back great riders. stephen roche won the tour de france the giro de italia and world championships in the same year thats only been done twice in history.


Well-Known Member
oh there famous irish cyclists from a few years back great riders. stephen roche won the tour de france the giro de italia and world championships in the same year thats only been done twice in history.
Oh right. I've heard of them alright. But not personally.


Active Member

Before my connection went tits up there was only me and Miss on the thread and I thought it was gona die on its arse but what do ya know, theres people hangin out of it now:hug:

Just do me a favour please boys and girls and leave the politics and republicanism out of the thread. I happen to be an Irish Protestant but I aint a bigot. Im a peace loving grower and I was hoping to find some like minded chaps from all sides of the divide.

Just dont want people who may of been thinking of saying bout yee to be put off by the time they hit page 3 ya no:neutral:



Active Member
lo spliff chum.

Got some T44 thats got about 20 days left to go. Just got the timber and stuff today too, so im going to be knocking up a nice custom cab ready for the 2nd gen.

What about you bud?


Well-Known Member
Awright boys and girls.. I honestly thought i was like the only irish grower on here haha! Anyone live near roscommon in ireland?


Well-Known Member
IRELAND IRELAND forever standing tall shoulder to shoulder we'll answer irelands call.

Lol proud to be irish


Well-Known Member
lo spliff chum.

Got some T44 thats got about 20 days left to go. Just got the timber and stuff today too, so im going to be knocking up a nice custom cab ready for the 2nd gen.

What about you bud?
Hey man, sorry to change the subject. I just had to say sweet avatar and quotation. Gotta love Hunter! I've got this tattoo on my calf.