would be thank full


New Member
You probably need to transplant it to good soil at this point, one that s high in N (as in NPK, let me know if you need help on this). What kind of soil do you have it in again?


New Member
2 look real happy, the other 2 look sad. Can you give us some up close and personal pics of all 4? I would name them too, easier to keep track of which plant is doing what. And do those containers have drainage holes in the bottom? Also, what type of soil did you use?

At worst, it looks like you will be able to get 2 plants outdoors to try your hand at this game we call cannabis growing. The 2 that are not coming along as nicely will still probably bounce back, cannabis is a very hardy and resilient plant
it is a scotts mix i couldnt find the fox farm i went to homeD and it wasnt there and a few other stores around my area..the guys kept asking me what i wast trying to grow...no they dont have oles should i add some???
and i will post the pics up right now


New Member
Hmmm, not quite sure. Give them time and love, hope they bounce back, and keep posting pics. They will take a couple days to bounce back from the shock of transplanting, hopefully they should take off right after that. I would definitely make some drainage holes though.


hey guys havent posted in a week or 2...
heres a pic to keep u guys updated
shoot me some advice thanx guys

i think maybe its stunted if its been a few weeks i noticed it was 4 weeks since the last post it should b a lot bigger. i had some like that they were shoked by cold wether i started more off and they sooon took over them i think theyll grow really slow. try new ones wots u temps?..
yeah its been a while but i put 2 in the grownd when i started this thread and 2 weeks later i put 2 more down they all died except this one with is out of the second 2 i put down... i wanna say around 75F