Would like an opinion...

Hi there,

I'm a first time grower, and i have been using rollitup for the whole time. But the search thingy is not as good as i'd hoped it would be, so i would really appreciate your opinion....

Here is a short spec list of what i have and know about my beauties;

I use a 150w CFL bulb, it's dirt grown and the Ph levels of all of my plants (2 plants and 3 seedlings that have roots and started to flower) are between 6.4 and 6.9, and have been pretty stable for the whole time.

These are my questions;

I really don't know the strain i'm growing because these are not store bought seeds, but some i got from a friend... could you tell me what you think this is.

I have a vague idea of how long they have been in the 12/12 period, could you tell me what you think they have a long time to go until harvest.

Is there anything about these plants/buds that you think is odd or if there is something wrong (or something i could do better)

Thanks for your time, hope you have a good harvest....


Herbal Healing 420

Active Member
Looks like a sativa dominant, which usually take longer than indicas, some ppl say 10-12 weeks, some say 12-14 weeks. looks like there stretching really bad and maybe overwatered(lookin kinda scraggly) but im not a pro
Looks like a sativa dominant, which usually take longer than indicas, some ppl say 10-12 weeks, some say 12-14 weeks. looks like there stretching really bad and maybe overwatered(lookin kinda scraggly) but im not a pro

Okay, thanks..

They are a little, off i think, but that maybe just me being over-eager .. It is my first, and maybe as most might know, im really excited that my plants are blooming.

And i am aware of the fact that overwatering is a really general first growers mistake :)


Well-Known Member
you do have some significant problem(s) going on, seeing a lot of discolored curling leaves?
what your dirt and nutes(if any)? you may have some nute burn going on


Well-Known Member
? 1....No. ? 2....No. and ? 3...your plants are sad because u lack the proper equiptment. you have deficencies going on and ur plants are going to be stressed the ef out because of it. but it does look like a sativa dominant strain.
Definitely looks like over watering, and nutrient burn. Dont water until the soil is bone dry, and try diluting your nutrient solution. Really looks like mostly sativa, so Herbal Healing 420 is right, it will take loner in flowering.
looks like 100% sativa
Okay, thanks for that.

I'll spread my watering periods more out, wait longer..

I am using a very general type of nutrient, something like AllGrow (not that, but a similar name). Im mixing one cap of that (probably about 5 ml) into 2 liters of tap water (the tap water here is the best).

So i should dilute my water/nutrient solution more and water it after longer periods of time (what i take out of your comments)

Thanks for all the help, and i hope my (judging by your comments) sativa will be in top shape when its time to harvest...