Would like some outdoor advice


Hello growers of RIU . First time outdoor grower and I am in need of a little knowledge . Ive been lurking these and other boards for awhile and know im in the right place :wink: I have a little chunk of land in my backyard that is begging for some lovely ladies ! and now where to start .... I guess i will begin with a list of seeds I have .

5 Dutch Passion Frisian Dew - looked like a beautiful plant couldn't resist
5 Barneys Farm Liberty Haze
and here is a list o freebies
1 Dinafem Blue Widow
1 Dinafem White Widow
1 CH9 Cluster
1 CH9 Jack
1 Eva TNT Kush
1 Eva Jamaican Deam
1 Eva Monster
I also have a crop of automatics going outdoors in a separate area
5 Auto Seeds Berry Ryder
3 Barneys Farm Sweet Tooth Automatic
And 1 Critical + thats already 17 days in under cfls

Now for the questions , I am limited on space and will include a quick sketch of what my dimensions are . I am concerned with overcrowding and would like to make the most with what I have . With the research I have done it seems like 3-5 feet is space needed between plants , is this right? also I will be digging a hole 2x2x2 or and will be using ffof soil , and possibly mix with some native . We do have good soil here in Central Ca. Is this deep enough of a hole? I would like to plant as many as possible , now with these strains how many should I plant , and which would you choose to grow ? For nutrients I suppose if im going fox farms on soil , I should go with the same for nutes . If I plant mid may will i still be looking at giants ? I would like to keep them reasonable and not some giant sequoias . Id be happy with whatever yield but I am aiming for the 4-5 elbow mark . Any tips , suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated ! Keep it cloudy :weed:

Oh and here is a few pics of that critical + she was at 2 weeks in the picsbackyard.jpgCrit top.jpgSide.jpgCrit.jpg


Well-Known Member
I would say 5 foot spacing. How close are the nabbers? And you do know that all out doors here need covered or you can be busted.


I have no neighbors on back of house , and the side where grow will be closest to is for sale . So im hoping it stays that way til next year haha ;) . As far as covering it , I was probably going to do like a knit lock shade panels or some time of greenhouse material . Any suggestions on that would be nice 2 !


Well-Known Member
Depends on where your at. If you up by Fresno I would say 30-40% brown shade cloth. If you more to the valley area Coalinga/ king city area would go with 50% and a drip rail on the south side so when the wind hits it it acts like a swamp cooler. It get hot and dry there. If your closer to the coast like Paso Robles/Monteray I would say wrap the whole thing withclear plastic then wrap with 40-50% cloth. Then go inside and have it so you can open a area of plastic on the south side and north side. It gets foggy and humid there. The plastic will help keep it dry and help with mold. All cloth should be brown helps stop smaller critters from thinking there is green food in there.


Right on , yeah im more towards Fresno , but still in the legal area . As far as the shade cloth I havent seen a brown shade cloth in the 30-40s. And im sure not a lawyer or anything but with the present law of having 4 walls and a roof you think 30% cloth is legal lol ?


Well-Known Member
They should have different shades at your larger hydro stores. They will know if it's transparent or not. As for the roof I'm not sure the rules on that. Just know that it can't be seen by passing by.


Good deal Ill check out the hydro shop I need to pick up a few things anyways . You sound like your familiar with the area tho .


Well-Known Member
I lived up there for 10 years. Also scouted out the whole cen cal for my gorilla grow. But with my work there isn't a town in Cali I haven't worked in. But for the last 4 years I'm back living down in so cal.


Well-Known Member
Just to let you know buddy.....It's not legal. It must be in an enclosed building that you are able to lock. So pretty much any outdoor growing in Fresno and Kings County is illegal. If you have flyovers and not much other foliage around to disguise I would think about going guerilla. And if you are out on farmland they are really cracking down on that......snitchin ass farm neighbors.......bastards. shade cloth wont block the heat radiating off all of those plants. not tryna put you down just tryna help you out. Sucks out here in cen*cal with these fucking commy bastards. peace

P.s. might wanna spread the plants out and not plant in rows....kinda plant in random spots. less likely to be noticed that way. hope this helps


Active Member
Just to let you know buddy.....It's not legal. It must be in an enclosed building that you are able to lock. So pretty much any outdoor growing in Fresno and Kings County is illegal. If you have flyovers and not much other foliage around to disguise I would think about going guerilla. And if you are out on farmland they are really cracking down on that......snitchin ass farm neighbors.......bastards. shade cloth wont block the heat radiating off all of those plants. not tryna put you down just tryna help you out. Sucks out here in cen*cal with these fucking commy bastards. peace

P.s. might wanna spread the plants out and not plant in rows....kinda plant in random spots. less likely to be noticed that way. hope this helps
Here in michigan the supreme court just ruled that a chain link building is legal as long as it is locked and secured. I am pretty sure our law is based on yours. Might be an option to consider.


Well-Known Member
you put up something see-through like that to grow weed in out here and I reckon the pigs gonna blow the links of your building haha.....to be quite real....they dont give a shit.......it has to be all enclosed.....and non-visible in my county. must be nice to be able to do it tho man. I was gonna have a chain link set-up this year but then when I got outta jail in February I found out about the ordinance and was pissed. I'll be alright though. I already have my 10x10 greenhouse setup. Where can I find this chain link building information you speak of?? thanks for the help also.


Well-Known Member
It has to be a greenhouse out here. Your plants cannot be visible. And your garden is subject to inspection also out here if I'm not mistaken.