would my grow box set up be any good?

:leaf:hi every one, i am new at growing marijuana, i am hoping to get red dwarf or short rider or mabey even white dwarf witch would be the best, i have got hold of a box that is 18" tall 6" wide and 6" depth, i have lined it with tinfoil and i have 9 clf 12watt 600-700 lumens bulbs,i also have 3 intake pc fans and 2 out take pc fans and it is a stedy temp of 78-80f, i am just wondering if i do start to grow my plant in this will it be ok for it?:leaf:


That should be alright, you won't yield much but for a small grow it should be alright.


Well-Known Member
Ya, i agree, with a 6"x6" box the light will not penetrate deep at all causing the lower part of the plant to become light deprived. Expect a lush canopy but not much below that, I would say.
I'd like to see this box you built, though! I love seeing the mini stealth grows!