Would overfertilizing cause drooping?


Active Member
Plants 1 week old in veg.
Flood table
Changed solution - PPM 1000 / PH6 (is 1000ppm too high?)
Next day I noticed severe drooping also some brown tips on some roots
The other thing I added was 35% peroxide - 128ml - 80 litre res

Any insight as to what caused the wilting would be great.


Well-Known Member
Jahman, welcome to the forum. There has to be more to this story, like are they clones or seeds, what medium are they in, etc. Why can you see the roots? Are you trying to kill them, or did you just lift them up for inspection. Both overwatering and underwater can cause dropping, so can algae on the roots. One week old and already on a flood and drain table at 1/2 strength nutes? Wow, tell me more, including pictures would be nice, you got any pictures. We like pictures, a picture is a like a thousand words.
Not sure about you ratio with the 35% H2O2. Maybe potroast will drop by, I relie on him to correct me and I use Tablespoons and gallons. VV


Active Member
Thanks. I believe it is because the rockwool was pushed too far into the basket causing overwatering.