would the white terrorist in austin have killed more people with an AR-15?

People were aware. People that were aware were even there.

Seems a problem with people.

Guns are not going anywhere so find a solution that can be implemented soon instead.

What are you an extremist billboard?

other countries have people too, but no gun massacres. so it's the guns.

banning guns works where ever it's been tried and is not extremist. watching children get slaughtered in schools and doing nothing is extremist.
other countries have people too, but no gun massacres. so it's the guns.

banning guns works where ever it's been tried and is not extremist. watching children get slaughtered in schools and doing nothing is extremist.

But here what you are proposing won’t happen. Go to another country and tell them all how you would change America.
banning guns is unamerican but watching kindergarteners get slaughtered by AR-15s is so american
I'm saddened by how true this statement is.

So many Americans say things like 'thoughts and prayers' but vote for politicians who would keep things as they are.

That, for better or worse, sounds pretty American.
History repeats itself. Imagine for a moment an actual forced confiscation.

How many people do you think will die before they decide to stop?
History repeats itself. Imagine for a moment an actual forced confiscation.

How many people do you think will die before they decide to stop?
When ak-15's are banned those in possession will either voluntarily turn them over or become criminals in possession of illegal firearms that will be subject to seizure and prosecution upon discovery. There will be no round up. Paranoid much?
When ak-15's are banned those in possession will either voluntarily turn them over or become criminals in possession of illegal firearms that will be subject to seizure and prosecution upon discovery. There will be no round up. Paranoid much?

Never said a word of a round up.

Upon discovery, how many end in a shoot out?

What do you think will happen when we start branding law abiding citizens as a criminals? Do you think groups will let their possession of illegal firearms be known to force someone to come get them?

Those who believe in the 2nd do so not just for the fun or personal protection firearms provide. The do so because they believe it protects society from our own government.

Knowing millions of heavily armed citizens who believe this are out there, passing a law saying turn those firearms in and then using government officials to enforce the new laws is insane unless you want many people to die.
Never said a word of a round up.

Upon discovery, how many end in a shoot out?

What do you think will happen when we start branding law abiding citizens as a criminals? Do you think groups will let their possession of illegal firearms be known to force someone to come get them?

Those who believe in the 2nd do so not just for the fun or personal protection firearms provide. The do so because they believe it protects society from our own government.

Knowing millions of heavily armed citizens who believe this are out there, passing a law saying turn those firearms in and then using government officials to enforce the new laws is insane unless you want many people to die.
Its already happening. Law enforcement confiscates thousands of firearms every year. If you possess an illegal firearm you're not exactly law a law abiding citizen are you?
When ak-15's are banned those in possession will either voluntarily turn them over or become criminals in possession of illegal firearms that will be subject to seizure and prosecution upon discovery. There will be no round up. Paranoid much?

I grew up in a country where guns are openly carried, even the women has them, gun violence is unheard of aside those of personal nature, but random violence, no. It was peaceful then.

Then Martial Law was declared and we end up with a dictator. All guns were confiscated or the penalty is jail time or even death. The dictator promised protection and peace thus mountains (literally) of guns were surrendered.

Guess what? Gun violence sky rocketed against unarmed populations. From corrupt authorities to criminal elements. Home invasion becomes pretty common. Crimes with deadly weapon increases from extortion to armed robbery.

Nice place to live huh?

Oh yeah, from time to time massacre happens too. Not with guns, but crazies armed with machete that's why our schools have armed securities.

My point is, you cannot stop people who have criminal intent or those with mental problem to commit violent act.

Okey, let' ban ar15 until some kids walk in with a backpack of several handguns and clips. Should we wait for that to happen before banning handguns? Hmmm....you think that would solve the problem then?

I think not until we accept the fact that people who have intent to commit harm will do so regardless of weapon.
Its already happening. Law enforcement confiscates thousands of firearms every year. If you possess an illegal firearm you're not exactly law a law abiding citizen are you?

But what you are talking about is adding tens of millions of firearms to that list and creating millions of armed criminals instantly by doing so.

So think real hard and imagine how quickly things would escalate if millions of criminals just showed up over night and they all had them some guns.